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*thinking a bit and decides to close the distance herself*

Cassandra saw that Klotho had decided to move in herself, so she knew that there was no going back now. She kissed Klotho for the second time, feeling the young archer's warmth rush through her whole body as they stayed locked together for what felt like an eternity - that Cassandra wasn't sure she wanted to stop.

Dan was struggling not to go crazy and break the door down. But he didn't know what to do. He already knew about these feelings, but he had never felt them before until now. What did Silvia call it...horny?


W-What is going on here?!

C-Carry on...!

(hot lesbian sex obv.)

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Dan was struggling not to go crazy and break the door down. But he didn't know what to do. He already knew about these feelings, but he had never felt them before until now. What did Silvia call it...horny?

Why am I laughing at this...?!

Cassandra saw that Klotho had decided to move in herself, so she knew that there was no going back now. She kissed Klotho for the second time, feeling the young archer's warmth rush through her whole body as they stayed locked together for what felt like an eternity - that Cassandra wasn't sure she wanted to stop.


(hot lesbian sex obv.)

Ohmy. It's like Lyn/Florina all over again.

(Hey, love! Just having fun with some UST after the drama)


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Cassandra saw that Klotho had decided to move in herself, so she knew that there was no going back now. She kissed Klotho for the second time, feeling the young archer's warmth rush through her whole body as they stayed locked together for what felt like an eternity - that Cassandra wasn't sure she wanted to stop.


(hot lesbian sex obv.)

*Dying of laughter over here!*

*breaks to breathe* "W-wouldn't the b-bed be comfier?"

(regretting nothing)

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[7:49:33 PM] Daniel S. Cooke: so...how do you like this scene you've walked into?
[7:49:46 PM] tayberries.and.cream: I ship it

*Dying of laughter over here!*

*breaks to breathe* "W-wouldn't the b-bed be comfier?"

(regretting nothing)


Were...were they doing what he thought they were doing?! Dan looked down at his pants. He felt some sort of pressure begin to build up. And...it felt good to him. But, it was also driving him crazy. It felt like he was going to explode if it wasn't released. But...how? Then he looked at his hands.

i regret nothing

Edited by Dandragon
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*breaks to breathe* "W-wouldn't the b-bed be comfier?"

(regretting nothing)

Cassandra giggled softly as she flushed even harder. "Whatever you want, love~" She replied, as she tried to keep holding Klotho and climb into the bed at the same time.

(regretting even less)

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I'm Tayberries btw~

So~ is there anyone that's NOT engaged in a steamy threesome I can talk to? XD

Meanwhile, Poly began twitching. "I sense great amounts of shipping." He said to himself as he walked off, passing by the couch that Silvia lay on along the way.

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Meanwhile, Poly began twitching. "I sense great amounts of shipping." He said to himself as he walked off, passing by the couch that Silvia lay on along the way.

Silvia immediately rolled off the couch at the mention of the word shipping, shoving herself up into a standing position the moment she hit the floor. "D-Did someone say shipping...?"

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Cassandra giggled softly as she flushed even harder. "Whatever you want, love~" She replied, as she tried to keep holding Klotho and climb into the bed at the same time.

(regretting even less)

​"Um… what… do we do now?"

I'm Tayberries btw~

So~ is there anyone that's NOT engaged in a steamy threesome I can talk to? XD

Kat? (Tayberries, huh? Interesting name. Skype?)

Edited by Kat
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​"Um… what… do we do now?"

Kat? (Tayberries, huh? Interesting name. Skype?)

Yup! It's a pun off of my actual name because apparently Tayberries are a thing and my BFFE (best friend for eternity) found it in the dictionary. It stuck.

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Yup! It's a pun off of my actual name because apparently Tayberries are a thing and my BFFE (best friend for eternity) found it in the dictionary. It stuck.

(Ah I see. …Now, if only I could actually REMEMBER my Skype name…)

*waiting impatiently for Cass's reply*

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Silvia immediately rolled off the couch at the mention of the word shipping, shoving herself up into a standing position the moment she hit the floor. "D-Did someone say shipping...?"

"Yep. Let's go."

​"Um… what… do we do now?"

Cassandra giggled and rolled onto her back, spreading her arms and legs out. "Whatever you want, love~" She replied, cooing and purring the whole time.

Anon: Hrk! *clutches chest* Oh God, I f-f-feel some massive disturbance...can't...*gasp* breath!


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"Yep. Let's go."

Cassandra giggled and rolled onto her back, spreading her arms and legs out. "Whatever you want, love~" She replied, cooing and purring the whole time.


"Got a strategy, Captain?" Silvia said with a smirk, yanking one of her hair ribbons off her wrist and tying her hand into a ponytail.

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so about my post on the bottom of the previous page

(The horny one? Or the Skype convo? nvm, just saw the edit. *dying of laughter*)

Cassandra giggled and rolled onto her back, spreading her arms and legs out. "Whatever you want, love~" She replied, cooing and purring the whole time.


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Dan was still standing outside of the doorway, blushing furiously, staring at his hand. But there was a single thought at the back of his mind. ...Didn't Cassandra...have feelings for him? That's what he felt from her "...Then...isn't she...cheating on me?" He said quietly.

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