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Whatever, y'know what? Fuck it.

You guys do whatever with this. Apparently I've pissed people off here right now.

(Poly, I'm not sure it's just that. And, anyway, you obviously didn't piss me off. I'm playing along, remember?)

... W-What just... happened...?

Let's get back to the RP. Pms are godsend for this sort of thing.

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Whatever. I'm just pissed off in general because life in general sucks dog dicks for me right now.

Don't feel like RPing something right this second, though.

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Whatever. I'm just pissed off in general because life in general sucks dog dicks for me right now.

Don't feel like RPing something right this second, though.

Understandable. Just explaining that things aren't as bad here as you might've been thinking.

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Like, I'm in a fucking rut right now. Legit the only good thing about my life right now is that I have holiday plans already.

Cassandra shrieked at Poly's sudden bursting into the room. She threw herself against Klotho to cover up, as she watched Poly slowly back out of the room.

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Sorry if my comments made your day worse than it should have been.

I don't recall you getting pissy.

ugh, and now I'm pretty sure my dad & step-mom are about to get into a drunken debate. fuck.

Edited by Polydeuces
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Like, I'm in a fucking rut right now. Legit the only good thing about my life right now is that I have holiday plans already.

Cassandra shrieked at Poly's sudden bursting into the room. She threw herself against Klotho to cover up, as she watched Poly slowly back out of the room.

"Something wrong?"

(If you need to rant, feel free to PM me.)

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"Something wrong?"

"Th-th-there w-was s-s-somebody in here!" Cassandra cried out, clutching Klotho tightly. "We need to put our clothes on, quickly..."

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