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Ace: "Sis...did you find Anon?"

Alicia: "I have. *motions to where Anon is on the floor*"

Ace: "Looks like he passed out...like I wanted to after seeing what was behind the door Poly kicked down..."

Alicia: "Poly......"

Ace: "Sis, I'd leave him be for now. Trust me on this."

Alicia: "Alright..."

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Well guys, it's been fun and all, but this is pretty time consuming and, well, not exactly PG rated. I've been considering this for a while, and, well, let's just put it like this. I have a life with a look of looking out for and a lot of looking up to. I really think I can do something great, that I can be the example people want to follow. And here is good for you guys, but I simply don't have the time to this and that. I have my own stars to climb, and my own blessed future to reach. There's better things to put my life towards, like my family or learning or my God. So, I say adieu. Enjoy your little game, because I'm on my way to the top of the world! Good luck!

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Poly turned towards Alicia & Ace. After a brief moment of silence, he hugged Alicia and then walked off to his room without a word.


Cassandra's face burned hotly. "B-Because w-we don't want the others to see us like this!" She cried out, frantically tossing Klotho's clothes over to her as she searched for her own top.

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Well guys, it's been fun and all, but this is pretty time consuming and, well, not exactly PG rated. I've been considering this for a while, and, well, let's just put it like this. I have a life with a look of looking out for and a lot of looking up to. I really think I can do something great, that I can be the example people want to follow. And here is good for you guys, but I simply don't have the time to this and that. I have my own stars to climb, and my own blessed future to reach. There's better things to put my life towards, like my family or learning or my God. So, I say adieu. Enjoy your little game, because I'm on my way to the top of the world! Good luck!

Waht. What about Shadowed War?

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Cassandra's face burned hotly. "B-Because w-we don't want the others to see us like this!" She cried out, frantically tossing Klotho's clothes over to her as she searched for her own top.

"Okay, but why?"

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"Okay, but why?"

"B-Because... I don't like having people see me like this." Cassandra said while blushing, though it was more out of a negative sense of embarrassment than what Klotho gave her before.

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"B-Because... I don't like having people see me like this." Cassandra said while blushing, though it was more out of a negative sense of embarrassment than what Klotho gave her before.

"Oh, okay. So why do I have to get dressed? I don't care."

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"Oh, okay. So why do I have to get dressed? I don't care."

"I don't think Kat would allow you to run around like that. Especially if her brother was around." Cassandra replied, slipping her top back on and breathing a sigh of relief.

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"I don't think Kat would allow you to run around like that. Especially if her brother was around." Cassandra replied, slipping her top back on and breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh, okay." *starts getting dressed*

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Her feet crunched down on the snow with every step she took, the bitterly cold wind tousling her hair into twin crimson spirals as she stared down at the book of instructions in her hand, written by a girl who apparently thought her life was ending. The madness of it all, really, and to make it worse...

No one had actually seen Anna Antigone in days. Ever since Michel had asked her for a favor, she'd gone and never returned.

And she wanted answers... and to get as far away from Valm as possible.

She thought about all the others still there: Serena and Reine and poor sweet Aimee, but she couldn't stay. It was cowardly, but she couldn't stay there. Not anymore. Not after... what she's seen. What she's had to DO.

Anna Vivienne snapped the book shut and took off into the cobblestone streets.

Skirmish incoming!

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"Mmm... thank you, my little flower." Cassandra said with a sigh of relief, kissing Klotho on the forehead. "Now... I need to speak to Dan. I have a bad feeling I've hurt him somehow..."

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Her feet crunched down on the snow with every step she took, the bitterly cold wind tousling her hair into twin crimson spirals as she stared down at the book of instructions in her hand, written by a girl who apparently thought her life was ending. The madness of it all, really, and to make it worse...

No one had actually seen Anna Antigone in days. Ever since Michel had asked her for a favor, she'd gone and never returned.

And she wanted answers... and to get as far away from Valm as possible.

She thought about all the others still there: Serena and Reine and poor sweet Aimee, but she couldn't stay. It was cowardly, but she couldn't stay there. Not anymore. Not after... what she's seen. What she's had to DO.

Anna Vivienne snapped the book shut and took off into the cobblestone streets.

Skirmish incoming!


"Mmm... thank you, my little flower." Cassandra said with a sigh of relief, kissing Klotho on the forehead. "Now... I need to speak to Dan. I have a bad feeling I've hurt him somehow..."

"Oh, that reminds me." *digs through pockets to produce a necklace* "Dan dropped this. I'm guessing it should go to you."

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"Oh, that reminds me." *digs through pockets to produce a necklace* "Dan dropped this. I'm guessing it should go to you."

"Huh? Oh, um... thank you." Cassandra said meekly, as she took the necklace out of Klotho's hand. "It really is pretty... I'll have to thank him for it." She gave Klotho a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

Her feet crunched down on the snow with every step she took, the bitterly cold wind tousling her hair into twin crimson spirals as she stared down at the book of instructions in her hand, written by a girl who apparently thought her life was ending. The madness of it all, really, and to make it worse...

No one had actually seen Anna Antigone in days. Ever since Michel had asked her for a favor, she'd gone and never returned.

And she wanted answers... and to get as far away from Valm as possible.

She thought about all the others still there: Serena and Reine and poor sweet Aimee, but she couldn't stay. It was cowardly, but she couldn't stay there. Not anymore. Not after... what she's seen. What she's had to DO.

Anna Vivienne snapped the book shut and took off into the cobblestone streets.

Skirmish incoming!

(Time for Poly to AXE a motherfucker.)

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Before Cassandra could do anything towards talking to Dan, she heard the call that an Anna was outside. ... Except she had no weapons. "Dammit!" She cursed out, before trying to run outside anyway.

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Poly turned towards Alicia & Ace. After a brief moment of silence, he hugged Alicia and then walked off to his room without a word.

Cassandra's face burned hotly. "B-Because w-we don't want the others to see us like this!" She cried out, frantically tossing Klotho's clothes over to her as she searched for her own top.

Alicia stood there, Poly's emotions during that moment ringing in her mind. Then word of an Anna came and Ace and Alicia bolted outside, weapons drawn out.
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Silvia gasped at Kat's words and immediately turned into her room to grab her Micaiah's Pyre and her short spear, before racing outside again, only pausing to watch Poly skip along, completely bemused by what she was seeing. "Okay...?" she muttered before she took off again, almost skidding due to the slippery ground.

Voices? Vivienne froze, the book clutched in her chest as she reached down and fumbled for her bow, notching an arrow only to drop it again. "W-Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!" she screeched, shoving the bow into her other hand and reaching for the wooden box chained to her belt, trying to unclasp it with her shaking fingers.

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