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Dan punched Dusk hard in the face, making him fall over. "I don't appreciate someone who makes me angry on purpose. I find those types of people despicable. Now, do you want me to hit you again, or can I go back to having a nice conversation with some of the more enjoyable people in this army."

(This escalated quick.)
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Dan punched Dusk hard in the face, making him fall over. "I don't appreciate someone who makes me angry on purpose. I find those types of people despicable. Now, do you want me to hit you again, or can I go back to having a nice conversation with some of the more enjoyable people in this army."

"Hitting people's not going to help your case, I think."

"Did you just..." Rubbing his face, he grinned and nearly whacked Dan across the face when he saw Klotho. Freezing on the spot, his attention went to her. "Klotho, you're... KLOTHO! You're alright... You're... al... right..."

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"I dared him to touch me, and he did."

"Yeah, on the nose. You punched him. See the problem? Things have to have balance. If he'd punched you, then you can punch him. But he just poked you, annoyingly." *pokes Dusk on the nose* "He hates it when you do this, just like you. That's BALANCED, Dan. Do more, and you have people yelling at you."

"Did you just..." Rubbing his face, he grinned and nearly whacked Dan across the face when he saw Klotho. Freezing on the spot, his attention went to her. "Klotho, you're... KLOTHO! You're alright... You're... al... right..."

"Yeah, I'm all right now. I'm sorry for running off without saying more."

Yuffie gives Kat a once over, and then stares pointedly at her stomach. "Yes, I can see that."

​"I WAS careful. …It's not my fault it didn't work."

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"Yeah, on the nose. You punched him. See the problem? Things have to have balance. If he'd punched you, then you can punch him. But he just poked you, annoyingly." *pokes Dusk on the nose* "He hates it when you do this, just like you. That's BALANCED, Dan. Do more, and you have people yelling at you."

"Yeah, I'm all right now. I'm sorry for running off without saying more."

Wincing at her poke, he blinked a few times. "You tell 'em, Klotho... Although I must ask, just to make myself sure; the "threat"... You were talking about yourself, weren't you?"

(Is this a good time?)


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"Hello again, friends! It's been quite a while. Who is that girl?"

"Now who's that?" Turning his head to face the doorway, he saw Duck. "Hey, Duck" It's has been a while indeed" Hearing his question, he pointed at Klotho. "This is Klotho. We found her in the ruins of Ylisstol during the six months hiatus, and now she's one of us"

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Wincing at her poke, he blinked a few times. "You tell 'em, Klotho... Although I must ask, just to make myself sure; the "threat"... You were talking about yourself, weren't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Hello again, friends! It's been quite a while. Who is that girl?"

"Who are you?"

"...Fine...Dan's the one that always messes up, I see how it is...Now I'm going back, if you don't mind." Dan walked off.

"Well, yeah. That's why I told you. Not that others don't make that mistake of course. Obviously, I did too, but I'M going to try and work through it, instead of complaining like a brat."

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"Withhold sex from him. That'll get him to do just about anything, I bet." *still cross with Poly*

Ace had insisted Alicia stay with Poly in case Yuffie came in. Alicia had to flush a slight shade of red upon hearing this. "Um..."

Ace: "Just divert his attention, Sis."

Alicia: "Okay, Yuffie whenever you wish to start the healing process."

Ace: "All packed and ready to go! My stuff and Sis's."

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"Maybe, maybe not."

"Who are you?"

"Well, yeah. That's why I told you. Not that others don't make that mistake of course. Obviously, I did too, but I'M going to try and work through it, instead of complaining like a brat."

Ignore her, Dan. She's insignificant...he thought to himself.

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"Maybe, maybe not."

Sighing, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm many things, Klotho, but I'm not stupid... But I won't dwell on that right now. You're here, and I can't remember the last time we had a proper conversation! What do you say, converse over meal time?"

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Sighing, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm many things, Klotho, but I'm not stupid... But I won't dwell on that right now. You're here, and I can't remember the last time we had a proper conversation! What do you say, converse over meal time?"

"I thought we were getting on the boats?"

"I'm Duck. It's good to meet you. i've been in this from the beginning, but I had some business to attend to, and left for a couple months."

"Oh, I see." *pauses* "Duck's an odd name."

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"Dusk, you're looking buff. And Axes, too? Did our conversation so long ago really motivate you that much?"

"Ha, you're a funny one, Duck" He shook his head. "No. I'm using axes in memory of my old mentor and first friend"

"I suppose. Harem mentioned being sick a lot, though."


Edited by DodgeDusk
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Cassandra had been asleep for too long. She supposed it couldn't be helped, after all; she did lose a fair bit of blood last night from cutting herself with the Peshkatz. Still, who told Kat she was doing that in the first place? Or did she simply have a sixth sense for such matters? And... for that matter... where was Dan?

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