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"Narshen?! He was one of my enemies back in Elibe! Did you kill him?"

"No, he left before we did. ... Ace tried, but she passed out from Chaos overload before then."

At this point Ace happened to speak up, "Narcian...was he that guy on the wyvern the night you found all that Feroxi ale? I vaguely recall that guy."

"Yeah. I did a bit of reading, and he was the only Wyvern Lord in Elibean lore who wielded a sword like he did. And, if he's back, then it's likely that his master, Zephiel, is as well."

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"No, he left before we did. ... Ace tried, but she passed out from Chaos overload before then."

"Yeah. I did a bit of reading, and he was the only Wyvern Lord in Elibean lore who wielded a sword like he did. And, if he's back, then it's likely that his master, Zephiel, is as well."

"From Sources I can confirm that."
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"...he got away? Then I'm going after him."

"Hold off on that, Duck. We'll run into him while we're in Valm, I'm sure of it. Then we can take them out together... as a team of Dreamers."

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"No, he left before we did. ... Ace tried, but she passed out from Chaos overload before then."

"Yeah. I did a bit of reading, and he was the only Wyvern Lord in Elibean lore who wielded a sword like he did. And, if he's back, then it's likely that his master, Zephiel, is as well."

Ace: "Yeah I still remember that, and all that ale didn't help either."

Alicia: "You got drunk Ace?!"

Ace: "...Yeah, I did. I didn't tell you because that along with passing out from a Chaos overload was kinda embarrassing."

Alicia: "...How strong is Feroxi ale then?"

Ace: "Really strong, trust me. Just ask Poly." *to Duck* "What Poly said, we'll take him on together as Dreamers. Sis and I got your back."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Both Zephiel and Narshen were tough opponents when I fought them. Narshen's sword was... scary. He's the only Wyvern Lord before me to ever be skilled with a sword. Do you know about the other two, Murdock and Brenya?"

"Both are alive."
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"Drunk Ace was awesome. Drunk Kat was even funnier."

Alicia: "Really? Ace drunk was awesome? Why was Kat being drunk funny?"

Ace: "...I didn't really think of that moment as being awesome... As for Kat, she had a WHOLE different personality."

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"You're all talking loudly."

"Really loudly." *pause* "What's ale?"

Ace: "Sorry Kat. *to Klotho* It's a Feroxi spirit, and quite strong stuff. There's other less powerful versions out there too."

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*smirks* "Well, if Sorin hadn't dumped it all, I could just show you..."


Ace: "Sorry Kat. *to Klotho* It's a Feroxi spirit, and quite strong stuff. There's other less powerful versions out there too."

"So, it's a ghost?"

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"Not exactly. It's more along the lines of a drink... alcohol, to be exact. Though, I'm not sure if I'd call ale a spirit, either..."

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"So, it's a ghost?"

Ace: *laughs softly* "Nah, that term means it's an alcoholic beverage, like Poly said. Drink too much of it and you may do something you'll regret later...because your mind is dulled from the alcohol to consider the consequences of your actions."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Not exactly. It's more along the lines of a drink... alcohol, to be exact. Though, I'm not sure if I'd call ale a spirit, either..."

​"Alco… hol?" *thinking* "Oh, you mean like that… rum? I still have that."

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