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"It's weird walking on a ship. I keep feeling like I'm going to fall over."

Alicia: "It is a new experience for me as well. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose my balance or take a step wrong. Walking on a ship feels very different."

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Alicia: "It is a new experience for me as well. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose my balance or take a step wrong. Walking on a ship feels very different."

"How far is it to Valm?"

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Alicia: "I imagine the trip will take us a couple of days to reach Valm. Given the distance from Ferox to Valm and the sea conditions."

"…So, more like a week knowing us."

Alicia: "You don't like boats, Poly?"

"I bet he gets seasick!"

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Alicia: "Perhaps it'll take us a week to reach Valm, perhaps we'll get there sooner or later than that. I suppose I'll find out tonight if boats make Poly seasick."

"Just watch. We're going to get off-course, get into a skirmish, barely come out alive, and then arrive to another ambush. That'll be our luck, at least."

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"Our army isn't the best of luck bringers but then again what army is?"

"I sometimes think there's some invisible forces laughing at our suffering."

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'Oh gods... I need a distraction. I can't see the port anymore and Silvia took off with out me. I can't train on the boat without risking it's structure and I can't train in Storm without the risk of a headache.... What to d- Hmm...' *Sorin picks up Storm in one hand and Waste in the other. After a few moments, Storm gave off a purplish glow reminiscent of the Waste spell in action. "Heheh, I knew it. Now that my mind is clearer, I can channel my dark and light magic through Storm. It still hurts, but this pain is bearable.... Mwahaha! I will show them all why I was given the title of Grandmaster."

Edited by Sorin
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'Oh gods... I need a distraction. I can't see the port anymore and Silvia took off with out me. I can't train on the boat without risking it's structure and I can't train in Storm without the risk of a headache.... What to d- Hmm...' *Sorin picks up Storm in one hand and Waste in the other. After a few moments, Storm gave off a purplish glow reminiscent of the Waste spell in action. "Heheh, I knew it. Now that my mind is clearer, I can channel my dark and light magic through Storm. It still hurts, but this pain is bearable.... Mwahaha! I will show them all why I was given the title of Grandmaster."

​"That… last part was aloud. Was it supposed to be?"

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'Oh gods... I need a distraction. I can't see the port anymore and Silvia took off with out me. I can't train on the boat without risking it's structure and I can't train in Storm without the risk of a headache.... What to d- Hmm...' *Sorin picks up Storm in one hand and Waste in the other. After a few moments, Storm gave off a purplish glow reminiscent of the Waste spell in action. "Heheh, I knew it. Now that my mind is clearer, I can channel my dark and light magic through Storm. It still hurts, but this pain is bearable.... Mwahaha! I will show them all why I was given the title of Grandmaster."

"Play your games elsewhere."
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"Just watch. We're going to get off-course, get into a skirmish, barely come out alive, and then arrive to another ambush. That'll be our luck, at least."

Alicia had something to sleep on, though she did wonder if that would be the case. Alicia lingered in her room for a little while before heading out to see if Ace was up.

Ace: "Morning Sis."

Alicia: "Morning Ace. Do you think we'll have bad luck on this trip?"

Ace: "What makes you say that?"

Alicia: "Something Klotho said yesterday about we'll go off course, get into a fight and barely come out alive before going into another one."

Ace shrugged, "Who can tell? Klotho may be right, or maybe not. And besides, if there was any danger coming towards us I probably would have dreamed about it."

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​"That… last part was aloud. Was it supposed to be?"

Shoot..."I err uh..."

"Play your games elsewhere."

"Games? *sigh* Right, I almost forgot who I was talking to."

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"Good morning. Where do we keep our mounts? I can scout ahead, if it isn't too risky."

"How do you scout ahead on a ship? …Are you the owner of the crazy wyvern?"

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