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"Good morning, everyboooooody~!" Nathaniel sang cheerfully, playing a violin as he did so. "I found a violin~!"

"Hey, Natty boy. Where did you find that violin? Didn't rob it from Sorin, did you?"

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"Actually, I found it in my room in pieces. I used a bit of magic to put it together."

"... I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and keep thinking you stole it. Makes a better story~"

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"I don't believe so, sir." Nathaniel bowed slightly. "I don't like ships. I was once put on one in the middle of this massive lake by Elise's brother, when I couldn't swim... I don't get sea-sick, though..." He trailed off. "Plus, I promised myself to come clean to Glaedyr in Valm."

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Hi everyone! Finally on after being busy for the last 2 days

lol coming up with a reason for my character's disapperance xD

Glaedyr had been attempting to distance herself from the others for the past couple of days. She had been hiding in her room all day long, only emerging when it was absolutely necessary. It was nothing personal. She had just been trying to get rid of her illness, and she had decided the best way to do that was stay away from everyone. During her time hidden in her room, she had come to the conclusion that she had definitely lost her illness and it was finally safe for her to come out and speak to everyone again. She wandered out onto the deck of the boat, to see some of the others gathered round, and Nathaniel was there too. She felt her face go slightly red. [Darn. After all THAT it’s not gone yet?! Whyyyyy…] She quickly turned around and attempted to make a getaway before anybody noticed her there.

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Hi everyone! Finally on after being busy for the last 2 days

lol coming up with a reason for my character's disapperance xD

Glaedyr had been attempting to distance herself from the others for the past couple of days. She had been hiding in her room all day long, only emerging when it was absolutely necessary. It was nothing personal. She had just been trying to get rid of her illness, and she had decided the best way to do that was stay away from everyone. During her time hidden in her room, she had come to the conclusion that she had definitely lost her illness and it was finally safe for her to come out and speak to everyone again. She wandered out onto the deck of the boat, to see some of the others gathered round, and Nathaniel was there too. She felt her face go slightly red. [Darn. After all THAT it’s not gone yet?! Whyyyyy…] She quickly turned around and attempted to make a getaway before anybody noticed her there.

"Hiya, snow blade!"

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"Huh?" Nathaniel played a chord on his violin and turned. "Oh, hi Ms.Glaedyr. I haven't seen you for a few days."

She jumped at hearing her name, and span back round. [Darn! I've been spotted!] "O-oh h-hi Nathaniel!" [Calm yourself, it's just an illness!] "Oh... I've just been a bit ill, I didn't want to pass it on to anyone... And is that a violin you have there? What songs can you play?"

"Hiya, snow blade!"

"Hey Klotho! How've you been?"

Alicia: "Hello Glaedyr. It's been a few days since I've seen you last."

"Hi Alicia! Yeah, I thought I was coming down with some sort of bug, so I stayed in my room in case it was contagious!"

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