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"I've been fine. tired, but not dead, which is definitely something."

She chuckles slightly. "Yes, definitely better than that! I think we're all pretty tired, seeing how much of a toll this war has on us all..."

Nathaniel carried on playing, and became increasing aware of beads of sweat on his forehead.

She kept humming the tune, enjoying his playing, and began to sway in time.

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Nathaniel froze. "Crap... I forgot the next part..." He sighed and put the violin down.

"Oh...That's a shame... It's one of my favourite songs! But what you did play was really good!" She smiles.

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"Please and thank you. Maybe I could help."

"Take a look at the letter I wrote. I believe you have seen this strategy before." *Hand her the letter*

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"Take a look at the letter I wrote. I believe you have seen this strategy before." *Hand her the letter*

​*reads it over* "Now, this is pretending to surrender in hopes of catching them off their guard? Or did I misread something?"

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​*reads it over* "Now, this is pretending to surrender in hopes of catching them off their guard? Or did I misread something?"

"More along the lines of asking for their surrender. The former is too simplistic for my tastes."

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"More along the lines of asking for their surrender. The former is too simplistic for my tastes."

"Sometimes it's the simple stuff you need to look out for. Everyone plans for complex things."

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"Sometimes it's the simple stuff you need to look out for. Everyone plans for complex things."

"True. But do you think they will take it? Truthfully."

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"Please and thank you. Maybe I could help."

"Who's the Candy Man?"

Ace: "This is my best friend, Gaius. He's from my outrealm, and how I got here in the first place."

Gaius: "This is one sweet pie, why did you have to ruin it, Fury?"

Ace: "All in the name of mischief, and wrecking my boredom. Oh, and Gaius this is Klotho."

Gaius: "Sweet, nice to meet you, Klorho."

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"True. But do you think they will take it? Truthfully."

"They definitely won't take a demand to surrender. They'd only take a surrender from us as a means of trying to get us killed." *gives him a look* "Though, that's not the only way to get someone to drop their guard. The Jugdrali tales… have a very effective one. A shame we can't pull it off ourselves." *shrugs* "The first is an insult to their pride. The second is appealing to that pride. Personally, I favor the latter. Provoking them… might cause more problems than you're thinking. Anger is good in an enemy, but a berserking foe cares not for what they kill, or what they run over. That'll break OUR morale." *shrugs again* "Ultimately, the answer is that they will NOT surrender to us. …They're more in the 'right' than you think they are, Sorin. They aren't backing down."

Ace: "This is my best friend, Gaius. He's from my outrealm, and how I got here in the first place."

Gaius: "This is one sweet pie, why did you have to ruin it, Fury?"

Ace: "All in the name of mischief, and wrecking my boredom. Oh, and Gaius this is Klotho."

Gaius: "Sweet, nice to meet you, Klorho."

​"…Klotho. Not Klorho. Do you have pie in your mouth, Candy Man?"

Edited by Kat
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[spoiler=A Weird Dream]He sat there alone, in a dimly lit area. He was curled up, his knees against his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs. All the light in the room seemed to be focused on him. And he just sat there. Suddenly, the light seemed to vanish. Like something was blocking the source. He turned his head around to look behind him. He saw a beast, covered in purple fur all around him. His ears were pointed, sticking out diagonally on each side of its head. It's head was small in comparison to it's large torso. It held a long pole in its hand, with a rope attached to the end of it. It seemed to be a weapon of some sort. It looked down at him. It's eyes were small and bright yellow. It stared at him, and he started back. This lasted for what felt like hours. Finally, after such a prolonged period of silence, it spoke.
"Have you seen Froggy?"

"AH!" Dan awoke with a start, still on the back of the Pegasus, and still flying with Silvia. He looked around with wide eyes, but saw only the sky, the sea, and the boat in his surroundings.

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"Gah... Hello again." Nathaniel returned, holding a book of music. "I better start learning again, huh?"

"Hi again Nathaniel! Though you really didn't need to bother going to all the trouble of finding the music..."

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"I do need to, though... I want to learn about everything I can. After all, I've got to make my best friend happy, right?"

"Oh, uh, sure I-I guess... Though I didn't expect you to go running away to find it!" She laughs lightly.

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[spoiler=A Weird Dream]He sat there alone, in a dimly lit area. He was curled up, his knees against his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs. All the light in the room seemed to be focused on him. And he just sat there. Suddenly, the light seemed to vanish. Like something was blocking the source. He turned his head around to look behind him. He saw a beast, covered in purple fur all around him. His ears were pointed, sticking out diagonally on each side of its head. It's head was small in comparison to it's large torso. It held a long pole in its hand, with a rope attached to the end of it. It seemed to be a weapon of some sort. It looked down at him. It's eyes were small and bright yellow. It stared at him, and he started back. This lasted for what felt like hours. Finally, after such a prolonged period of silence, it spoke.

"Have you seen Froggy?"

"AH!" Dan awoke with a start, still on the back of the Pegasus, and still flying with Silvia. He looked around with wide eyes, but saw only the sky, the sea, and the boat in his surroundings.

Silvia hadn't minded flying up there in the sky, Dan sleeping against her shoulder while she read (she had stowed the Fenrir tome for Carreau, hoping THAT wouldn't cause any sort of diseases if she got it wrong), and was currently tracing the runes with a finger, over and over and in an attempt to memorize it.

And she had been completely in her zone.

And then Dan screamed.

She immediately clutched the book to her chest and screamed herself, before reaching out with an arm to steady Dan so he didn't fall off. "N-Naga... you alright?"

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Silvia hadn't minded flying up there in the sky, Dan sleeping against her shoulder while she read (she had stowed the Fenrir tome for Carreau, hoping THAT wouldn't cause any sort of diseases if she got it wrong), and was currently tracing the runes with a finger, over and over and in an attempt to memorize it.

And she had been completely in her zone.

And then Dan screamed.

She immediately clutched the book to her chest and screamed herself, before reaching out with an arm to steady Dan so he didn't fall off. "N-Naga... you alright?"

"Everything okay up there?"

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