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Waking up with a start, Alison realized she slept in late. She had a lot on her mind lately, and even though she was part of the dreamers, her anxieties still plagued her. 'I remember now...we're sailing to Valm,' she thought to herself. 'I better head up to the deck and see how far we are in our journey..." And with that, Alison ran towards the deck, and soon arrived. She noticed everyone was already awake, most of them probably hours before her.

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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"Right, shouldn't have asked. Well in the mean time, listen to this song I learned back home. It is called, The Song of Storms." He began to play.

*singing a song. She vaguely remembers the name. Song of Storms*

"...Silvia...I have a bad feeling...I think we need to land." Dan then looked out. His gifted eyesight allowed him to see far away. He saw something he didn't like. "Silvia, get back on the boat. Now."

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Alicia: "The Song of Storms... It's a lovely song."

Ace: "Yeah, it's really good to listen to."

Gaius: "Hey, Fury. Those clouds look bad."

Ace: "...Just looking at those clouds makes me tremble. I have a bad feeling about them..."

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Waking up with a start, Alison realized she slept in late. She had a lot on her mind lately, and even though she was part of the dreamers, her anxieties still plagued her. 'I remember now...we're sailing to Valm,' she thought to herself. 'I better head up to the deck and see how far we are in our journey..." And with that, Alison ran towards the deck, and soon arrived. She noticed everyone was already awake, most of them probably hours before her.

"Take cover. There's a storm ahead."

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"Right, shouldn't have asked. Well in the mean time, listen to this song I learned back home. It is called, The Song of Storms." He began to play.

​"Uh… Sorin… I'm not sure that's a good idea. That's actually a…" *hears Klotho singing* "Oh, hell… Everyone get under the docks, NOW!" *sighs* "And someone is going to have to help me. Mila, help me, that song is a SPELL."

Edited by Kat
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"...It's not in here." Nathaniel sighed. "So, I won't even be able to finish the song 'til we get back, huh?"

"Oh...That's a pity... I would have loved to have heard it all... Yeah! You'll just have to play it to me some other time!"

Waking up with a start, Alison realized she slept in late. She had a lot on her mind lately, and even though she was part of the dreamers, her anxieties still plagued her. 'I remember now...we're sailing to Valm,' she thought to herself. 'I better head up to the deck and see how far we are in our journey..." And with that, Alison ran towards the deck, and soon arrived. She noticed everyone was already awake, most of them probably hours before her.

"H-hi Alison! How are you doing? Not sure you picked the best of times to wake up, it's looking pretty stormy out there!"

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"...Well...Cassandra did slap me back there...I honestly was hoping...that...well...that flirting might of made her jealous for me. But that seems to have fucked up entirely." He sighed. "My last conversation with her, she said that she didn't know what to do with me anymore. And before, when I proclaimed that I loved her...well, she ran off. Does she just want me for sex?!" Dan had a look of confusion upon his face.

Silvia sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear and sighed, glancing over at Dan. "It doesn't always work like that, no... and, Dan you have to sit her down and talk to HER about that. Nothing works itself out without some kind of communication. Absolutely nothing."

She glanced back up towards the sky, seeing the dark clouds roll in and she instantly shoved her tome back into her bag, putting the implications together.

A storm meant she would have to land.

And by land, that meant on the boat.

Meaning she was stuck on the boat until it passed.


"I fucking hate you, weather," she snarled, going completely white due to her thought process and reluctantly guiding Aurum to the deck. She slid off the saddle, and the moment her feet hit the deck she dropped to the floor and curled up in as tight of a ball as she could.

Storm defensive maneuvers, activate.

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Silvia sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear and sighed, glancing over at Dan. "It doesn't always work like that, no... and, Dan you have to sit her down and talk to HER about that. Nothing works itself out without some kind of communication. Absolutely nothing."

She glanced back up towards the sky, seeing the dark clouds roll in and she instantly shoved her tome back into her bag, putting the implications together.

A storm meant she would have to land.

And by land, that meant on the boat.

Meaning she was stuck on the boat until it passed.


"I fucking hate you, weather," she snarled, going completely white due to her thought process and reluctantly guiding Aurum to the deck. She slid off the saddle, and the moment her feet hit the deck she dropped to the floor and curled up in as tight of a ball as she could.

Storm defensive maneuvers, activate.

"Silvia, that's not a good place to rest! Here, you can rest in my room. I've a bunch of sea sickness draughts and sleeping potions there."

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Silvia sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear and sighed, glancing over at Dan. "It doesn't always work like that, no... and, Dan you have to sit her down and talk to HER about that. Nothing works itself out without some kind of communication. Absolutely nothing."

She glanced back up towards the sky, seeing the dark clouds roll in and she instantly shoved her tome back into her bag, putting the implications together.

A storm meant she would have to land.

And by land, that meant on the boat.

Meaning she was stuck on the boat until it passed.


"I fucking hate you, weather," she snarled, going completely white due to her thought process and reluctantly guiding Aurum to the deck. She slid off the saddle, and the moment her feet hit the deck she dropped to the floor and curled up in as tight of a ball as she could.

Storm defensive maneuvers, activate.

"I guess you're right." Dan waited for Silvia to land and hopped off. "I just hope she can even stand to be around me..." Dan looked at his right hand, the barrier ring still on it. "...No...I can't take off this ring...Ishtar gave it to me, and I must honor her."

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"Take cover. There's a storm ahead."

​"Uh… Sorin… I'm not sure that's a good idea. That's actually a…" *hears Klotho singing* "Oh, hell… Everyone get under the docks, NOW!" *sighs* "And someone is going to have to help me. Mila, help me, that song is a SPELL."

"Oh...That's a pity... I would have loved to have heard it all... Yeah! You'll just have to play it to me some other time!"

"H-hi Alison! How are you doing? Not sure you picked the best of times to wake up, it's looking pretty stormy out there!"

Alison smiled to Glaedyr, then it immediately turned into a frightened frown when the storm started to get worse. When she heard the others say to take cover, she did so as quick as she could. Alison hoped the others would be alright...

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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​"Uh… Sorin… I'm not sure that's a good idea. That's actually a…" *hears Klotho singing* "Oh, hell… Everyone get under the docks, NOW!" *sighs* "And someone is going to have to help me. Mila, help me, that song is a SPELL."

"...That's why they taught me it for free... Take my hand, and forgive me for this." Sorin said picking her up bridal style.

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"Uh… is the boat going to survive a storm that bad?"

"I'm going to ban all music at this point." *grumbling* "Thank you, Sorin."

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"Silvia, that's not a good place to rest! Here, you can rest in my room. I've a bunch of sea sickness draughts and sleeping potions there."

"Y-You need the rest... that's... your room..." she managed to mumble, wincing as she heard the thunder rumble ahead.

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"Y-You need the rest... that's... your room..." she managed to mumble, wincing as she heard the thunder rumble ahead.

"And what of it? Not the first time I've shared a room. Dusk is going to be running about all over the place too, so I'll welcome the company. Even if she is sleeping."

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"What happened?! Why can't you just play happy music?! This is why we can't have nice things!"


Alison soon started to hear loud rumbling of thunder, so she cowered down anxiously. 'That...That song did all this?!" she asked herself with surprise.

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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