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Back on the deck the winds has picked up and ice cold rain was pelting the ship. "S-Silvia?!?" Sorin shivered out. .........No answer. Looking around once more he saw Aurum."H-hey there, can you help me find Silvia?" The pegasus moved to the side revealing Silvia. Slinging her over his shoulder with the utmost care, he grabbed Aurum's reigns and lead him below deck. He dropped him off near Zephyr and proceeded to slide Silvia down bridal style in his arms similar to how he carried Kat before taking her to Kat's room and sitting her in a chair off to the side. He put a blanket over her and started back to the deck without so much as a word.

Edited by Sorin
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Back on the deck the winds has picked up and ice cold rain was pelting the ship. "S-Silvia?!?" Sorin shivered out. .........No answer. Looking around once more he saw Aurum."H-hey there, can you help me find Silvia?"

"She would be inside."

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"You're turning red. Did you get sick or something? Idiot." *leans down and rests her forehead on his* "Yeah, you're a little warm."

Oh dear god. She was right there. And her chest was pressing up against him. "I-I-I-" He could still only stutter.

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Oh dear god. She was right there. And her chest was pressing up against him. "I-I-I-" He could still only stutter.

"And you just got redder. Crimson, we should get him into bed. …And out of these soaked clothes." *starts tugging off Dan's shirt*

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"And you just got redder. Crimson, we should get him into bed. …And out of these soaked clothes." *starts tugging off Dan's shirt*

Why is she taking of my clothes? Why is she taking off my clothes?! WHY IS SHE TAKING OFF MY CLOTHES?!?!?!

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Back on the deck the winds has picked up and ice cold rain was pelting the ship. "S-Silvia?!?" Sorin shivered out. .........No answer. Looking around once more he saw Aurum."H-hey there, can you help me find Silvia?" The pegasus moved to the side revealing Silvia. Slinging her over his shoulder with the utmost care, he grabbed Aurum's reigns and lead him below deck. He dropped him off near Zephyr and proceeded to slide Silvia down bridal style in his arms similar to how he carried Kat before taking her to Kat's room and sitting her in a chair off to the side. He put a blanket over her and started back to the deck without so much as a word.

​"Silvia, you conscious?"

Why is she taking of my clothes? Why is she taking off my clothes?! WHY IS SHE TAKING OFF MY CLOTHES?!?!?!

"Would you stop squirming? You're already sick, and these clothes are just going to make you sicker."

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Oh dear god. She was right there. And her chest was pressing up against him. "I-I-I-" He could still only stutter.

"And you just got redder. Crimson, we should get him into bed. …And out of these soaked clothes." *starts tugging off Dan's shirt*

(Well this is awkward...)

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​"Silvia, you conscious?"

"Would you stop squirming? You're already sick, and these clothes are just going to make you sicker."

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Dan just let it happen. At this point he was paralyzed with embarrassment...or was it something else?

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Cassandra was just so unsure of what was going on at this point that she simply sat there and did nothing. All sorts of thoughts were swirling through her head, as she moved away from Dan & Klotho and crossed into the bathroom, shutting the door.

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(Well this is awkward...)

(It won't get more, I promise.)

"Alison? You okay?"

Cassandra was just so unsure of what was going on at this point that she simply sat there and did nothing. All sorts of thoughts were swirling through her head, as she moved away from Dan & Klotho and crossed into the bathroom, shutting the door.

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Dan just let it happen. At this point he was paralyzed with embarrassment...or was it something else?

"Huh? Crimson, I was going to dump him in there to take a warm bath and get the chill out!"

Edited by Kat
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(It won't get more, I promise.)

"Alison? You okay?"

"Huh? Crimson, I was going to dump him in there to take a warm bath and get the chill out!"

(Oh okay, I'm glad it won't go behind that. It just was awkward, it didn't offend me or anything. xD)

"Wha? Oh, I'm...I'm fine..." Alison replied, her thoughts slightly somewhere else.

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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(Oh okay, I'm glad it won't go behind that. It just was awkward, it didn't offend me or anything. xD)

"Wha? Oh, I'm...I'm fine..." Alison replied. You could easily tell her cheeks was slightly crimson, as she saw that whole display involving Dan, Cassandra and Klotho.

(Whoa, love. They're in a TOTALLY different room)

"Storm bothering you?"

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(Whoa, love. They're in a TOTALLY different room)

"Storm bothering you?"

(Shoot, I'll go edit my post. Now I just made it more awkward... >.<)

"Yes, a little...It's only been going on for a little bit and it feels like as it's been dragging out for days," Alison replied. "I still find it amazing that the magic of the song actually caused a storm. That's probably why it's called the Song of Storms...." She laughed nervously, and knew it was a very corny joke.

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(Shoot, I'll go edit my post. Now I just made it more awkward... >.<)

"Yes, a little...It's only been going on for a little bit and it feels like as it's been dragging out for days," Alison replied. "I still find it amazing that the magic of the song actually caused a storm. That's probably why it's called the Song of Storms...." She laughed nervously, and knew it was a very corny joke.

"There are other songs. I think I might just hurt someone if they try this again."

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​"Silvia, you conscious?"

"Would you stop squirming? You're already sick, and these clothes are just going to make you sicker."

Silvia fluttered her eyes open, blinking blearily at Kat before her eyes truly focused on her. "Kind... of... I guess...?"

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"There are other songs. I think I might just hurt someone if they try this again."

"I...I assumed that, since there are different types of magic in the world," Alison responded quietly. "Why did Klotho start to sing this song, then?"

(Lots of people are online at the same time, I'm so happy right now.)

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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Silvia fluttered her eyes open, blinking blearily at Kat before her eyes truly focused on her. "Kind... of... I guess...?"

"Need anything?"

"I...I assumed that, since there are different types of magic in the world," Alison responded quietly. "Why did Klotho start to sing this song, then?"

"Who knows?"

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