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Dan suddenly woke up. He looked around fiercely, and saw he was still surrounded. He saw Cassandra looking at him. "Klotho! Where are my clothes?!"

"Soaking wet still. They're in the wash."

​"…Okay, I'm just going to walk away now and let you… three do your thing…" *mildly jealous and doesn't want to admit it*

Silvia grinned back before reaching up one last time and wrapping her arms around Kat's hips, pulling her down softly onto the bed with her and snuggling against her. "I do now~"

"D'aw… you're adorable." *hugs her* "Feeling all right?"

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"Soaking wet still. They're in the wash."

​"…Okay, I'm just going to walk away now and let you… three do your thing…" *mildly jealous and doesn't want to admit it*

"D'aw… you're adorable." *hugs her* "Feeling all right?"

Dan covered himself with his hands. Oh god, how much did Cassandra see? He began blushing again. "U-uh....h-hi..."

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Blissfully ignorant of all of the drama and snuggling going on the rest of the ship, Yuffie was ensuring that all glassware and potions were wrapped up and secured, so nothing shattered. Satisfied, he went in search of Kat. The storm must be playing havoc with her already battered stomach.

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Dan covered himself with his hands. Oh god, how much did Cassandra see? He began blushing again. "U-uh....h-hi..."

"Hi." *very dry* "Welp, I'll be going no-"

​"…Wait, you're shirtless."


​"You… are…" *flushing bright red* "Oh."

Blissfully ignorant of all of the drama and snuggling going on the rest of the ship, Yuffie was ensuring that all glassware and potions were wrapped up and secured, so nothing shattered. Satisfied, he went in search of Kat. The storm must be playing havoc with her already battered stomach.

(Yuffie about to walk in on stuff. Should he be invited?)

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"Soaking wet still. They're in the wash."

​"…Okay, I'm just going to walk away now and let you… three do your thing…" *mildly jealous and doesn't want to admit it*

"D'aw… you're adorable." *hugs her* "Feeling all right?"

"Fine..." she said with a giggle. "And I suppose... so, it's just... odd. I don't think he remembers... why he's so scared of them... then again... I'm scared of a lot of things... and I don't remember either..."

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"Alison? You want in the bed too? It's big and warm and comfy."

"A...Are you sure? Sorin said I should be taking care of you though..." Alison asked nervously. "I'm...I'm fine, really." She then realized what she said sounded somewhat offensive. "Gah, that's not what I meant! I-I know you're a strong person, I didn't want to imply you were weak and dependent! I-I'm sorry..."

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"Fine..." she said with a giggle. "And I suppose... so, it's just... odd. I don't think he remembers... why he's so scared of them... then again... I'm scared of a lot of things... and I don't remember either..."

"That's okay, you know. I have a fear of spiders and I don't know where THAT came from."


Yuffie arrived at Kat's cabin. Hearing giggling inside, he knocked on the door. "Kat, is it okay if I come in, or are you busy at the moment?"

"Come on in~"

"A...Are you sure? Sorin said I should be taking care of you though..." Alison asked nervously. "I'm...I'm fine, really." She then realized what she said sounded somewhat offensive. "Gah, that's not what I meant! I-I know you're a strong person, I didn't want to imply you were weak and dependent! I-I'm sorry..."

"Just make sure I don't go walking around and the like, Alison. Which you can do while cuddled up in the mountain of blankets Dusk forced on me before he headed out to help Samson steer."

Edited by Kat
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Cassandra wasn't sure what to make of the whole matter of Dan being naked, Klotho being part-naked, and this other man having walked in half-naked and apparently proud of it. Then she did what any normal person would: blushed furiously, stomped on the floor, and pointed at the door. "EVERYONE OUT, NOW!" She bellowed.

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Cassandra wasn't sure what to make of the whole matter of Dan being naked, Klotho being part-naked, and this other man having walked in half-naked and apparently proud of it. Then she did what any normal person would: blushed furiously, stomped on the floor, and pointed at the door. "EVERYONE OUT, NOW!" She bellowed.

And then Dan ran out of the room.

Edited by Dandragon
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Cassandra wasn't sure what to make of the whole matter of Dan being naked, Klotho being part-naked, and this other man having walked in half-naked and apparently proud of it. Then she did what any normal person would: blushed furiously, stomped on the floor, and pointed at the door. "EVERYONE OUT, NOW!" She bellowed.

"I don't even know where I am, dear."

"H-her room." *flushing bright red*

​"Right. I'll leave you three… two… to your… whatever."

"What are you talking about?"

*annoyed* "Your sex."

"Huh? But we're not doing that."

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Gaius:*low voice* "Huh, guess your sister feels safer snugging against her husband."

Ace:*low voice* "Whatever makes her feel better."

Gaius:*low voice* "You okay, Fury?"

Ace:*low voice* "Aside from this storm and being tossed around...yeah."

Gaius:*low voice* "You miss Blue, don't you Fury?"

Ace:*low voice* "...yeah. A lot. I...wish he was here..."

Gaius:*low voice* "You'll see Blue again soon, Fury. Just stay strong, and before you know it we'll both be home again."

Ace:*low voice* "Thanks Gaius."

Gaius:*low voice* "Hey, you got anymore sweets, Fury?"

Ace: *low voice*".....no."

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"God dammit, where's my room?!" He was running through below deck, trying to find his room. "This must be it!" He said as he slammed the door open. "...This is not the right room..." He said as he quickly covered himself with the nearest thing he could find.

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"That's okay, you know. I have a fear of spiders and I don't know where THAT came from."

"Come on in~"

"Just make sure I don't go walking around and the like, Alison. Which you can do while cuddled up in the mountain of blankets Dusk forced on me before he headed out to help Samson steer."

"Spiders are weird..." Silvia mumbled, trying to stay awake and continue the conversation. "So I have something to say... apparently... I act a lot like you. Or... well... kind of."

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"Are you talking to me? Wait... where are you taking him?"

*weakly* "Talking...to me Duck..."

And yes. Everyone does

Edited by Sorin
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