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Yuffie saw what Poly was wearing, and his eyes burned that image into his brain. Pretending to not cry internally, Yuffie resumed knocking on Dan's door.

"Dan, let me in please. We need to talk."

"What is there to fucking talk about?! I've made a fool of myself to everyone who even had at least of trust in me!"

"And by 'talk', we mean you're getting a Tomahawk to the skull."

"Fuck off!"

Edited by Dandragon
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(Yeah. That's why he doesn't trust him)

"Why there? And what caused this? Was it him?

"....I'm going to have you looked at first. Then there."

*cough* "...You're...slow..."

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"Somedays are crazier than others."

"Please and thank you."

"Go away. Girls and healers only."

Yuffie headed out of Kat's room. "Oh hi Poly! No boys who aren't healers allowed, apparently. Access prohibited."

Yuffie turned on his heel, and walked over to Dan's room, and knocked on the door. "Dan? Dan, it's Yuffie. May I come in?"

Alison sighed. "I hope I never experience something like that again..." She then heard another knock on the door, and proceeded to wonder if something embarrassing would happen again. Alison then realized it was Poly, but she wasn't in the mood for anyone else to come in...After what happened with Dan, at least.

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Alison sighed. "I hope I never experience something like that again..." She then heard another knock on the door, and proceeded to wonder if something embarrassing would happen again. Alison then realized it was Poly, but she wasn't in the mood for anyone else to come in...After what happened with Dan, at least.

"Just snuggle with Silvia and me. We're warm."

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Alison sighed. "I hope I never experience something like that again..." She then heard another knock on the door, and proceeded to wonder if something embarrassing would happen again. Alison then realized it was Poly, but she wasn't in the mood for anyone else to come in...After what happened with Dan, at least.

Not even Sorin? Betrayal...

"I'm not the one having a heart attack. I'll take you to Angie and if she thinks you ready, then you can go."

"Angie...smells nice..."

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"Dan, we've all made fools of ourselves before. The gods know that I have. But you can't let a bad day ruin your life. I made that mistake myself, and it took lectures from two very strong women to start to shake me out of it. You can't make the same mistakes that I've made, especially not when you've got a network of friends like us to help you out. Poly, please stop threatening to maim Dan, or I'll tell everyone what you wear to bed."

Yuffie sighed. "Dan, please let me in We can talk about this. Shutting yourself away won't help anyone. Not in the short run, and not in the long run. I'm here to help. We all are." Yuffie elbowed Poly to get him to say as much, hoping he got the hint.

"And I'm not hitting him with my stick unless he attacks me."

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"Just snuggle with Silvia and me. We're warm."

"A...Alright," Alison agreed, dwelving deeper in the covers and snuggling with the two females. Although she felt uncomfortable about how close they were, she began to feel more warm and more content.

Not even Sorin? Betrayal...

"Angie...smells nice..."

W-...What? o.o

"... Okay. You're crazy. Yuffie, tell him he's crazy. Then beat him with your healing stick."

I CAN'T HELP MYSELF BUT YUFFIE x HEALING STICK. The stick is defending his lover by beating Dan. /Shot so many times

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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*shrugs and walks off* "I'm done trying to reason with him."

As Poly walked off, Cassandra was running down the hall with her left arm covering her chest when she saw Yuffie standing at someone's door. "U-Um... excuse me... I need to check that room to see if my top is in there." She asked, frantically hoping that she wouldn't run into someone she didn't want to run into when she went into that room.

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"Sorin, why do you want to go to Kat's room? That's the heart of the problems with the rest of the Dreamers."


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I CAN'T HELP MYSELF BUT YUFFIE x HEALING STICK. The stick is defending his lover by beating Dan. /Shot so many times


"Now Dan, talk to me. Tell me what's been going on, and I'll do what I can to help out. If it;s okay with you, we can talk to the others, and see if we can work things out. If I'm right, this is just a series of events that added up to a horrible, horrible day, no?"

EDIT: "Please ignore the half naked woman in the room."

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"Sorin, why do you want to go to Kat's room? That's the heart of the problems with the rest of the Dreamers."

(Not my fault!)

"A...Alright," Alison agreed, dwelving deeper in the covers and snuggling with the two females. Although she felt uncomfortable about how close they were, she began to feel more warm and more content.

W-...What? o.o

I CAN'T HELP MYSELF BUT YUFFIE x HEALING STICK. The stick is defending his lover by beating Dan. /Shot so many times

"there we go~"

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I CAN'T HELP MYSELF BUT YUFFIE x HEALING STICK. The stick is defending his lover by beating Dan. /Shot so many times


"Now Dan, talk to me. Tell me what's been going on, and I'll do what I can to help out. If it;s okay with you, we can talk to the others, and see if we can work things out. If I'm right, this is just a series of events that added up to a horrible, horrible day, no?"

EDIT: "Please ignore the half naked woman in the room."

I sort of regret saying that, but then again, I don't. /Brick'd

Poly should be happy.

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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"Sorin, I can't understand you."

*delusional* "Merp..."

"Your an idiot. Sometimes I wonder why your my leader...Angie. You in here?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmph. I am. Why."

"My bastard of a leader. Look at him."

"Alright....Come in."

"You're... an asshole... but good...Angie....smell nice..."

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