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And the storm passed. Despite the attempt to keep the boat on course, our heros find themselves at the Sea King's Throne. How will they handle this major detour?

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"We are REALLY far south of where we started." *looking at a map, aggravated* "And nowhere near WEST. Oh, freaking hell, I hate storms."

"I knew it."

"Klotho, I don't need to hear that."


Edited by Kat
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And the storm passed. Despite the attempt to keep the boat on course, our heros find themselves at the Sea King's Throne. How will they handle this major detour?

With magic of course.

"...Hm. We're here?"

"Oi! What's was all the ruckus?"

"Storm. Didn't you know?"

"I thought we hit an iceberg."

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​"…What are you doing?"

"Um... Nothing..."

"Heh. Right where Light predicted. They have no idea where I am. Wyverns! Take to the sky! FOR THRACIA!" *45 Wyvern lords appear*

"...What? I hear Wyverns..."

"...What is that noise? The wind... Its different. Everyone, something is coming!"

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"OH SHIT!!!" Duck flies back in. "Guys, there are wyverns everywhere. They aren't incredibly big or spiky, so they aren't from Bern, but they're still dragons, and are still dangerous."

"No shit. I'm going to find whoever leads them."

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"Have I mentioned that I hate sand? Because I don't really like it. It takes forever to get out of clothes, and hair."

Yuffie slowly makes his way towards grass, dragging a crate of medical supplies behind him.

"Need help?"

"Wait, wyverns?"

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"Gods FREAKIN' damnit!"

Yuffie cursed. This equipment was too valuable to lose.

"Klotho, please try to keep them away from this box! I'll help you out with Celica's Gale! I'll try dragging it to cover!"

​"Okay. …We need to keep them away from the boats, too."

Ace:"Wyverns, here? Finally some action!"

Alicia:"Finally...an end to this pain..."



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