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"Hey. Green haired man. Who the hell are you."

"Me? I am the king of Thracia. Travant. Who are you."

"Just a wyvern flying mercenary. Why have you come here."

"I've come to rid your army. There is a higher force wanting you dead. Of course then is the money as well..."

"Your nothing but a mercenary. Attacking us just for money?"

"When we destroy you, we will rule. I will use the money to bring the people I rule over happiness."

"Who is "We"?"

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Ace:"Alicia! What is the meaning of this?! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK POLYDEUCES HEART IF YOU DIE HERE!"

Alicia:*crying* "MY HEART IS TEARING ITSELF TO SHREDS! Ace...I'm hurting inside...I feel so cold...Tell Poly...I'm sorry..."


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Ace:"Alicia! What is the meaning of this?! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK POLYDEUCES HEART IF YOU DIE HERE!"

Alicia:*crying* "MY HEART IS TEARING ITSELF TO SHREDS! Ace...I'm hurting inside...I feel so cold...Tell Poly...I'm sorry..."


​"…Oh, really? I guess all the drama made the empath snap." *sighs* "Do I need to cripple her for you, Chaos?"

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*In Sorin's Head*

"Sorin, count every Wyvern you defeat."


"Let's just say. experience has taught me Travant is a sneaky one."

"Got it."

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​"…Oh, really? I guess all the drama made the empath snap." *sighs* "Do I need to cripple her for you, Chaos?"

Ace: "No, just help me protect her until I can talk to her. Please. If I can get her to talk to me, we can sort this out. I think I know why she's crying... I've been there myself."

*to Poly* "Walking over there, towards that pack of wyverns. Unarmed."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Duck watches the conversation between Trabant and Gulasca (I think). Thought: That man... he seems like someone I've heard of...


"Heh. So high and mighty to be a king. Fought worse, beaten worse.*Smiles* Why don't we play a game?"

"What kind of game?"

"I don't care for my comrades. Never have. But what pleasures me the most, is fighting. You and me. Holy spear Gungnir vs My lance. What do you say?"

"I don't have time for such things."

"Heheh... Fighting IS a game. chosen by our leaders and kings. We are nothing but pawns in war. Who lasts the longest? Who has their head longer? THAT is what I desire, Now fight me."

"I hate stubborn ones. Fine. Morphs! Kill the rest. I will show this one how one of major Dain blood is not to be mocked at!"

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Ace: "No, just help me protect her until I can talk to her. Please. If I can get her to talk to me, we can sort this out. I think I know why she's crying... I've been there myself."

*to Poly* "Walking over there, towards that pack of wyverns. Unarmed."

​"Uh… oh boy. Time to do a lot of protecting?" *aims an arrow and sends it straight through a wyvern's wing to send it down* "…Wow, fliers are REALLY weak to arrows, huh?"

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*Staying still and shooting down wyverns* "Don't think you're safe. My range is greater than you think. So just try. I'll prove it, here and now, that I've gotten strong enough to support them!"

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​"Uh… oh boy. Time to do a lot of protecting?" *aims an arrow and sends it straight through a wyvern's wing to send it down* "…Wow, fliers are REALLY weak to arrows, huh?"

"... What. Just... what?" *starts running as fast as he can* "SHITFUCKSHITFUCKSHITFUCKSHITFUCK-"

Ace runs up besides Poly, and kills a wyvern with Valflame. "I see her right there....freaking---" *Valflames another wyvern* "Oh crap, it didn't die!"

Alicia *calmly walking into the heat of battle, the wounded wyvern morph falling down towards her*

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*throws his Tomahawk at the wyvern morph and pushes Alicia out of the way, as the wyvern morph lands right on top of him*

(I will not tolerate my waifu dying nopenopenope)

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Ace runs up besides Poly, and kills a wyvern with Valflame. "I see her right there....freaking---" *Valflames another wyvern* "Oh crap, it didn't die!"

Alicia *calmly walking into the heat of battle, the wounded wyvern morph falling down towards her*

*shoots a wyvern coming for Alicia and Poly*

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*throws his Tomahawk at the wyvern morph and pushes Alicia out of the way, as the wyvern morph lands right on top of him*

(I will not tolerate my waifu dying nopenopenope)

Alicia: *eyes red from crying* "Why? It...should have been...me... I feel...so cold..."

Ace: *angrily kicks the morph off* "Now tell me WHAT THE HELL YOU WERE THINKING...ALICIA!"

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Finally having moved the crate to cover, Yuffie turns back to the battle. His eyes scan over the field, and he fails to notice a morph crashing into Poly. "How's everyone doing? Does anyone need any help?"


An arrow soars near Duck. "Uh, Klotho, Dusk, whoever that was, please remember that I am trying to help here!"

"Then move faster. I'm trying to prevent someone from dying."

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"Manners Klotho. Ace, get those two out of here!" Sorin ordered as he jumped over a rider's lance landing on the back of the Wyvern. He then decapitated the rider and Wyvern in one move. 'One' He counted.

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