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"I agree, Klotho. Should we fight back to back? If a wyvern gets too close to you, it might prove problematic"

"I'm okay for now. Chaos is off on her own, though, and she's drawing most of the attention."

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Alicia: *Pulls him in to kiss him fiercely*

*pulls out of the kiss briefly* "You know something... you're amazing. Compared to you, I'm worth even less than the dirt under your boot. So... why me, exactly? What gave me the chance to steal your love?"

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"Yeah, because you're doing such a bang-up job now."

"No. We are all chess pieces. All to live and die like chess pieces. Controlled by people known as "leaders" and "Kings". Then to be defeated or die. This is a giant game."

"Time to end this!*Stabs Gungnir through the shoulder*

"AGGGGH!" It can't end like this dammit...I'm...a failure....

Please don't interrupt. Thankies.

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Duck looks up to see a red haired boy of about the same age as himself. "General Roy? Is that you? Are you real? Gahhh... my head... it hurts..."

"Hello, Duck. It's good to see you again."

"General, why are you... how are you...? General, am I dead? I fell from very, very high up."

"Come on. You used to always have such a positive attitude when you fought with me."

"Well, when fighting with you there really wasn't too much risk of falling from a couple thousand feet in the air, but... Wait, did you say I'm alive?"

"Get up, Duck. *Pulls Duck to his feet.* You need to fight. Your friends of this world need you to fight with them."

"Of this world? So you know that I fell through the gate in Ilia?"

*Begins to fade away* Good bye, my friend. I hope to see you again."

"Wait... General Roy! Ahhhhhhhhh"

*Duck sits up*

"General... What was that?"

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*pulls out of the kiss briefly* "You know something... you're amazing. Compared to you, I'm worth even less than the dirt under your boot. So... why me, exactly? What gave me the chance to steal your love?"

Alicia: "Please don't look down on yourself like that. To me, you're worth more that than. I'd go to hell and back just to stay with you. As I once read somewhere, "No one can tell you who to fall in love with." I was scared to show my emotions for fear of my gift being discovered and abused. You helped me to get past that fear, so I can be myself again. And not the cold, emotionless person I used to be. No one is truly perfect, everyone has their own little quirks. That's what makes each person unique, one of a kind. You are rather silly sometimes, but that's what I like the most. When I'm around you, I don't feel scared to be myself. This is where I wish to be forever, by your side. Here is my home now, here is where I can be truly happy."

Meanwhile, elsewhere:

Ace: "Hi Dusk." *crits a wyvern with Valflame Ignis*

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace: "Hi Dusk." *crits a wyvern with Valflame Ignis*

"Hey-" Being cut off by yet another wyvern rider, he shot it town, watching the wyvern spiriling and crash into a nearby tree. "Damn idiots are everywhere... I'm staying here, if you don't mind"

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Alicia: "Please don't look down on yourself like that. To me, you're worth more that than. I'd go to hell and back just to stay with you. As I once read somewhere, "No one can tell you who to fall in love with." I was scared to show my emotions for fear of my gift being discovered and abused. You helped me to get past that fear, so I can be myself again. And not the cold, emotionless person I used to be. No one is truly perfect, everyone has their own little quirks. That's what makes each person unique, one of a kind. You are rather silly sometimes, but that's what I like the most. When I'm around you, I don't feel scared to be myself. This is where I wish to be forever, by your side. Here is my home now, here is where I can be truly happy."

"Heh... well, how can I dispute that? Thanks... for giving me the chance to earn your love."

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"Hey-" Being cut off by yet another wyvern rider, he shot it town, watching the wyvern spiriling and crash into a nearby tree. "Damn idiots are everywhere... I'm staying here, if you don't mind"

Ace: "Sure, I don't mind." *uses Valflame Ignis on another morph*

"Heh... well, how can I dispute that? Thanks... for giving me the chance to earn your love."

Alicia: "You're welcome, love. Like I said, this is my home now, this is where I can be truly happy, by your side..." *Pulls him in for another kiss*

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"Well, this seems like an enlightening discussion. I'll just go back to killing things." *Draws Durandal* "Hey, Klotho or Dusk, need some help?"

"I'm okay!"

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The wings were her cover.

Black as night, smooth as water, she crouched underneath them and watched, watched the morphs form, watched the attack.

Wyverns were weak to magic, that was known, and the piercing abilities of a bow - or even a lancer - did unbelievable harm to their wings.

With any luck she could... combine them.

Silvia smirked, carefully removing a page of her tome and wrapping it around the tip of her short spear, already feeling it heat up under her fingers. With a grunt, she hoisted herself onto Aurum and took off into the air, holding the lance as far away from her as she could, just in case the page tore or broke in some way. It didn't, fortunately, and with a quick incantation, she flung it forward, yanking back at Aurumn's reigns to keep her out of the blast.

The fire exploded into a torrent, a spiral of flame that roasted the wyvern alive as the lance pierced the heart of its rider. It was brutal, it was vicious.

... It was kind of fucking awesome.

"Things are about to get a little... heated, here."

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Ace: "Sure, I don't mind." *uses Valflame Ignis on another morph*

"Sweet" Staying close to Ace, he proceeded to slay a couple of morphs and riders every now and then. When they got too close for comfort, he would switch to his axe and slaughter them. Soon, his face was covered with blood... And he enjoyed every moment of it

AKA, goodnight!

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The wings were her cover.

Black as night, smooth as water, she crouched underneath them and watched, watched the morphs form, watched the attack.

Wyverns were weak to magic, that was known, and the piercing abilities of a bow - or even a lancer - did unbelievable harm to their wings.

With any luck she could... combine them.

Silvia smirked, carefully removing a page of her tome and wrapping it around the tip of her short spear, already feeling it heat up under her fingers. With a grunt, she hoisted herself onto Aurum and took off into the air, holding the lance as far away from her as she could, just in case the page tore or broke in some way. It didn't, fortunately, and with a quick incantation, she flung it forward, yanking back at Aurumn's reigns to keep her out of the blast.

The fire exploded into a torrent, a spiral of flame that roasted the wyvern alive as the lance pierced the heart of its rider. It was brutal, it was vicious.

... It was kind of fucking awesome.

"Things are about to get a little... heated, here."

​"…I wanna learn how to do that!"

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"Sweet" Staying close to Ace, he proceeded to slay a couple of morphs and riders every now and then. When they got too close for comfort, he would switch to his axe and slaughter them. Soon, his face was covered with blood... And he enjoyed every moment of it

AKA, goodnight!

Ace: "I got your back, just stay by me." *Valflames another morph into ashes*

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Landing on the ground Sorin then stabbed a Wyvern creeping up behind Klotho. "Are you really? ...Dammit, I should have grabbed a Rexcaliber... Oh well." Sorin pulled out Purge and activated Ignis using Storm as a channel for Purge. The resulting attack added 3 to Sorin's count. "11, 12, 13..."

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*Suddenly, a bright light appears from the sky*

Landing on the ground Sorin then stabbed a Wyvern creeping up behind Klotho. "Are you really? ...Dammit, I should have grabbed a Rexcaliber... Oh well." Sorin pulled out Purge and activated Ignis using Storm as a channel for Purge. The resulting attack added 3 to Sorin's count. "11, 12, 13..."

"I'm just fine. What's that light?"

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*Suddenly, a bright light appears from the sky*

Silvia glanced up at the light, casually tearing out another page and making another Arcfire Lance, casually tossing it at the wyvern approaching her as she stared at it. "What the hell is this?"

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And this is the end I guess. Heh. Don't have any regrets...

Get up.

What? Who are you?

I'm you. Well no. Not you. I'm quite dead. Get up already....

"Hehehehe....I'm alive. Foolish but alive. *Takes out Gungnir from shoulder* Now. *Roundhouse kicks Travant off his Wyvern*"

"How...are you alive from that? I thought you perished..."

"Can't kill a god of war. Fear me. OBEY ME. *Stabs P.Corona through the chest*"

"Impossible...How am I, wielder of the Gungnir defeated? For...Thracia....For Glory!"

*Bends down on knees*"This is true power. I am a mortal god. A god who fears nothing. War God Gulasca...."

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