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Unsure of exactly why Kat was handing her a basket of jars and bottles, Cassandra merely nodded and headed towards the infirmary, mind drifting back and forth between curiosity... and fear.

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Unsure of exactly why Kat was handing her a basket of jars and bottles, Cassandra merely nodded and headed towards the infirmary, mind drifting back and forth between curiosity... and fear.

"Thank you!"

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*absently holds out a basket filled with jars and bottles as she continues scribbling something* "These need to get to Yuffie in the infirmary, please."

"Finally, the catch I've been waiting for. Please, share your wisdom."

"Straight to the point? Right then. They're reinforcements coming to aid Raydrik."

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As Cassandra headed towards the infirmary, she noticed that there were a couple of people already headed that way - to be precise, Dan & Klotho, the two people she wasn't sure if she could see right now.

*turns to Alicia* "...Good enough, I suppose. This leg fracture sucks ass, though."

Edited by Polydeuces
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"Ace, you mind help me organize some things in here?"

​"…" *sighs and helps him up* "Okay, come on you. We're talking you to the Hysterical Sage. You might be coming down with something."

"I'm not sick...I'm just..." He was too tired to even finish his sentence. He sighed and just let things happen.

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"Straight to the point? Right then. They're reinforcements coming to aid Raydrik."

"How many waves and who's leading? Can you reveal either?"

Ace: "Sure thing, Kat."


Alicia: "Poly? Are you feeling any better, today?"

"Thanks." *smiles at her* "Everything just gets so messy when you can't pick things up yourself. Dusk nearly fell on his face when he left this morning."

As Cassandra headed towards the infirmary, she noticed that there were a couple of people already headed that way - to be precise, Dan & Klotho, the two people she wasn't sure if she could see right now.

"Hey, Crimson!"

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Cassandra was startled. Though she knew that as soon as Dan & Klotho saw her, they would try to greet her, she still hoped it wouldn't happen... that they were still embarrassed about what happened not long ago as she was. Especially in relation to Dan... "H-hello. I'm sorry, I have things to do for Kat..." She quickly replied to Klotho as she scurried past the pair and headed into the infirmary.

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Cassandra was startled. Though she knew that as soon as Dan & Klotho saw her, they would try to greet her, she still hoped it wouldn't happen... that they were still embarrassed about what happened not long ago as she was. Especially in relation to Dan... "H-hello. I'm sorry, I have things to do for Kat..." She quickly replied to Klotho as she scurried past the pair and headed into the infirmary.

"Eh? But I'm taking him there too."

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"How many waves and who's leading? Can you reveal either?"

"Thanks." *smiles at her* "Everything just gets so messy when you can't pick things up yourself. Dusk nearly fell on his face when he left this morning."

"Hey, Crimson!"

"Alas, I can only tell one. But you'll be fighting dragons. That and you're dealing with the White Wolf again."

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"Alas, I can only tell one. But you'll be fighting dragons. That and you're dealing with the White Wolf again."

​"So… either Lloyd is coming with wyverns, which I find myself doubting due to their association with Bern's army, or we've two waves… better prepare for both. Thank you."

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Trying her best not to look at Dan & Klotho - especially Dan - Cassandra thrust the basket into Yuffie's hands and left the infirmary wordlessly, breathing heavily as she did so.

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"Good evening, everybody! How may I help you all today? Nothing serious, hopefully."

Trying her best not to look at Dan & Klotho - especially Dan - Cassandra thrust the basket into Yuffie's hands and left the infirmary wordlessly, breathing heavily as she did so.

"Aside from Crimson being weird, here." *sits Dan on one of the beds* "He says it's from sleep deprivation, or bad sleep, or something, but I wanted him checked just in case it was something else too."

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"Good morning, guys."

​"So… either Lloyd is coming with wyverns, which I find myself doubting due to their association with Bern's army, or we've two waves… better prepare for both. Thank you."

"Well, Lloyd was born in Bern. If there are two waves though, we may be up against one of Bern's Dragon Generals. They're all incredibly powerful."

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He was too brain dead to even notice Cassandra walking away or even hear her. All he could do was walk with Klotho as best he could. The bags under his eyes became more and more visible. It started to hurt more to keep his eyes open. And yet he couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard he tried.

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"Good morning, guys."

"Well, Lloyd was born in Bern. If there are two waves though, we may be up against one of Bern's Dragon Generals. They're all incredibly powerful."

"Morning, Duck. Are you certain that Lloyd of the Black Fang would pair up with a Dragon General, considering his… job among the living? I'll still make notes of it for Sorin, of course, but…"

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"Excellent! Thank you Caahhhhhh... Did she just run away from me? Regardless, Dan, would this have anything to do with what we were talking about a while ago?"

​"…I think it's more our fault, Sage. We've been getting into some odd situations lately."

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"Excellent! Thank you Caahhhhhh... Did she just run away from me? Regardless, Dan, would this have anything to do with what we were talking about a while ago?"

"I have... no idea. I've been having... nightmares, but I can ne.....never remember what they're... about."

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"Morning, Duck. Are you certain that Lloyd of the Black Fang would pair up with a Dragon General, considering his… job among the living? I'll still make notes of it for Sorin, of course, but…"

"Well, he isn't among the living anymore, so I think it is a possibility we should consider. But if we're dealing with the White Wolf, we need to be very careful. He was one of the toughest enemies my father ever fought. In fact, my father described him as only being beaten by Nergal himself and the Fire Dragon."

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"Well, he isn't among the living anymore, so I think it is a possibility we should consider. But if we're dealing with the White Wolf, we need to be very careful. He was one of the toughest enemies my father ever fought. In fact, my father described him as only being beaten by Nergal himself and the Fire Dragon."

​"He's resurrected, Duck. It is a possibility to consider, yes, but I wanted to make that clear. This isn't a ghost or Einherjar. This is him, as he was before death."

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"Well the brain tends to forget dreams after a while, so I'm going to give you a notepad and a quill, so when you have nightmares, I want you to write down anything you remember from them, okay? I'll also give you some of the herbs that I have for helping sleep."

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"How is that possible?"

"Read the tale of Magvel to learn of necromancy, combine it with your morph magic from Elibe, and then find someone with the power and gall to reach through the gates of death to pluck out souls. The answer is that it shouldn't be, but there are some capable of it and one that did so to spread chaos through the lands again."

"Well the brain tends to forget dreams after a while, so I'm going to give you a notepad and a quill, so when you have nightmares, I want you to write down anything you remember from them, okay? I'll also give you some of the herbs that I have for helping sleep."

"Sister gave him those sleeping draughts."

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