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(Well.... yes, we did say that, but to be able to use staff magic without a staff? That..... doesn't happen in FE, save for Micaiah. Sorry to say.Though, we could figure out something for you. Just.... not something like that.)

(I always thought that was stupid because people can still throw punches without weapons, so why shouldn't magic users be able to use a little bit of magic without staffs or tomes? Well, I'm going to sleep now, so maybe you could just say I shoved you out of the way of the attack instead? Edit: I've never played FE10, actually, so yeah, there's that too...)

Edited by Crizix
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Dan rushed in to find that a battle had already begun. There he saw Jack Taylor fighting someone, Crisix, who he thought was dead, and a very large beast. He wasn't able to make out what it was. He had no time, however, as a risen with a bow saw him and began firing. Dan was able to block the shots with his sword, but a second risen saw him and fired a shot. Dan was still blocking the arrows from the other Risen, he had no chance to stop the arrow from the other risen.

...The sound of the arrow piercing flesh could be heard, but Dan soon realized that it was not his own. Dan looked down to see a small animal, whose body was covered with fur...and blood. The rabbit lay there with the arrow stuck in it.

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Ace finally managed to find the rest of the Dreamers and Dan, who had just entered himself. Ace saw her uncle, Alicia and Poly fighting the cloaked figure she saw a bird. Though before she could go over there, the Draco Zombiefied Tiki began lumbering towards her. "A Draco Zombie...never thought I get to fight one of those. Wait...what's wrong with Marth? Getting over there is gonna be fun. I dunno who that guy fighting Sis and Poly is but something about him really irks me." Ace pulled out Valflame and killed a Sorcerer, then using Galeforce switched to her Forged Killing Edge to slice up another Sorcerer.

Meanwhile with the Warrior bearing Helswath out of the way, Alicia could finally bring her focus back on Wayne. Wayne notched an arrow, his single eye gleaming evilly. Lethality was activated, "Today is your last day!" Wayne shouted before aiming the arrow he loosed away from Alicia and towards Poly. Alicia paled, before switching to Tyrfing in a mad dash to try and slice it up. She would end up pushing Poly out of the arrow's path, though doing so caused the arrow to lodge itself in her left thigh, above her leg armor. Alicia collapsed onto the ground, in pain and bleeding from the almost fatal arrow. Wayne laughed, "Wahahahahahaha! Giving up your life for your loved one. How precious. Makes my job a whole lot easier. Fighting a grief ridden Khan! Sounds like such fun!"

Jack Taylor had gone after the Valkyrie, critting it with his Stiletto knife so it couldn't heal Wayne anymore. That left the Falcon Knight and a War Monk for healers. Jack paled when he saw his niece lying on the ground bleeding and seemly unmoving, "Don't tell me....Alicia....darn that annoying twit. YOU PAY FOR THIS WAYNE!"

[spoiler=enemies left]

3 Warriors, one with Helswath, 2 with Brave Bow

1 War Monk with Physic, Silver Axe, Tomahawk

3 Wyvern Lords, 2 with Brave Lance, one with Brave Axe

3 Swordmasters with Silver Sword

1 Falcon Knight with Brave Lance, Spear, Mend

3 Sorcerers with Ruin

Wayne Chambers and a Draco Zombie

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The Draco Zombie that was once the Divine Dragon, Tiki, soared around the sky, observing the battle below... it. It had no recollection of the man it once called Mar-Mar, and immediately flew down towards him, despite its wings being tattered and broken due to decomposition. Landing in front of the man that once saved its past-self all those years ago, it spewed out a bunch of foul fumes towards him, in an attempt to corrode him alive. The range of the breath was huge, so much, that it quickly surrounded the Hero-King

Meanwhile, the War Monk and Falcon Knight scurried around the battlefield, healing the injured and retaliating against the Dreamers. The two lance-wielding Wyvern Lords charged at Dan, in an attempt to skewer the man who had a weapon disadvantage

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As Glaedyr caught up to the other Dreamers, she could see there was some sort of battle going on. [Why are you always so useless at getting to places on time? You end up missing EVERYTHING.] Sensing that there was no time to waste, she didn't bother asking any questions since none of the others looked like they wanted to be disturbed as they fought, and she instead unsheathed her brave sword and ran for the closest enemy Risen she could see, which happened to be a swordmaster. She came up from behind and slashed at its back and managed to cut off one of its arms whilst it tried to turn around to face her. She smirked, "Heh, guess I just disarmed you, eh? Wait wha--" She yelped as she attempted to dodge a sudden attack from the risen, who, despite having just lost its right arm, had simply picked up the sword in its left and had managed to make a lovely cut in her shoulder. [Welp. Who knew Risen were ambidextrous?]

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Ace chased after the remaining War Monk, Forged Killing Edge in hand. She landed a cripping strike on it, Jack Taylor killed with a well thrown Peshkatz to its head. Ace glanced over to see Alicia bleeding on the ground next to Poly, "Sis is gonna be okay....right?"

Jack Taylor looked worried, "As long as a healer stops the bleeding from that thigh wound, yes. That was Wayne's Lethality shot." Jack Taylor gritted his teeth just saying it.

Ace looked over at the dark brown haired cloaked man with Yewfelle,"I saw that jerk whilw scouting. I'll remove his head from his shoulders!"

Jack Taylor had another idea, "Take out the Falcon Knight and the Draco Zombie. Wayne is my target. I have some unfinished business with him."

Ace then went after the Draco Zombie.

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*ignoring everything around him drawing Armads* "... Failure... I will not be a failure..." *slowly begins moving towards Wayne, fire in his eyes*

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Nathaniel had been standing away from the battle, waiting for his chance to get in on the fight.

Logically, it would help him if he simply waited and found an opening to attack... But then he noticed Glaedyr being attacked, and he sort of... Ran. Towards her attacker.

Nathaniel pulled out his Ruin tome and attacked the swordsmaster. "You okay there?" He said as casually as he could to Glaedyr.

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The Draco Zombie that was once the Divine Dragon, Tiki, soared around the sky, observing the battle below... it. It had no recollection of the man it once called Mar-Mar, and immediately flew down towards him, despite its wings being tattered and broken due to decomposition. Landing in front of the man that once saved its past-self all those years ago, it spewed out a bunch of foul fumes towards him, in an attempt to corrode him alive. The range of the breath was huge, so much, that it quickly surrounded the Hero-King

I stood completely still, not flinching for an instant at the foul breath of one who I took in as a little sister in a past life. It quickly surrounded me from all sides, and inched closer and closer, corroding everything that it touched. Despite the foreboding danger, I didn't move. Even if she HAD become a zombie, even if she IS dead and no longer the same dragon princess that I took in and loved, I couldn't bring myself to strike her down. All I could do was stare into the dragon's eye, grimace at the sight of her current form, and reminisce. I slowly began to walk towards the dragon zombie, while a small tear managed to escape his eyes as he spoke.

Tiki..... it is you isnt it? After two millenia of being separated by time...... finally, we reunite. You suffered many years of bereavement...... watched as the world changed around you...... and powerless to prevent all of the friends you made from departing into the afterlife. I left you in a world... all alone. And I'm.... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you...... I'm sorry for not being there whenever you felt alone...... And most of all..... I'm sorry.... for not coming back in time. Naga..... Gotoh...... Xane...... have I failed you by allowing this fate upon her?

Edited by Hero-King
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Wayne smirked, switching to his Brave Sword, "Hehehe, I've been waiting for this moment. Come at me! Nothing delights me more than watching people around me despair and buurn! I don't care who rules this pathetic world, I just live for the fights." Wayne also started slowly moving towards Poly, evilly grinning.

Alicia meanwhile tried to get up, but her wound hurt like crazy. It hurt just to stand up, it bled just to stand up. She didn't care, Wayne Chambers had to be killed. "I'm....done toying with you...I'll see you freeze." Alicia began chanting the words for the Elibean ice spell, Fimbulvtr.

Ace meanwhile had reached Marth, "You okay...?"

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Nathaniel had been standing away from the battle, waiting for his chance to get in on the fight.

Logically, it would help him if he simply waited and found an opening to attack... But then he noticed Glaedyr being attacked, and he sort of... Ran. Towards her attacker.

Nathaniel pulled out his Ruin tome and attacked the swordsmaster. "You okay there?" He said as casually as he could to Glaedyr.

Glaedyr suddenly saw the swordmaster be attacked by some sort of magic. [Who?...Nathaniel!] "I'm...just peachy!" She smirked as she tried to stop herself from grimacing in pain. "Th-thanks..." She quickly searched her pockets for a vulnerary to apply to her wound, but found she had none left. [Gah! I'll just have to keep fighting like this then]

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"You need something for that cut?" Nathaniel patted his pockets and found a single vulnerary. "...My last one. You can have it." Nathaniel took the bottle from his pocket and reached his hand towards her, holding the bottle. "Keep the bottle, though. I made this specific vulnerary myself."
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*ignoring Wayne's words, slowly lifting up his axe* "..." *begins swinging it wildly at him, caring not for who or what gets in his way*

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"You need something for that cut?" Nathaniel patted his pockets and found a single vulnerary. "...My last one. You can have it." Nathaniel took the bottle from his pocket and reached his hand towards her, holding the bottle. "Keep the bottle, though. I made this specific vulnerary myself."

"Y-you sure?..." She smiled awkwardly as she hesitantly accepted the vulnerary. "Thanks..." Her shoulder instantly felt somewhat better as she applied the vulnerary to it. Once she was done, she sheathed her brave sword and took out her Amatsu instead. [better keep my distance from the enemies, so I don't make the same mistake twice...] She then hurled it at another one of the swordmaster risen who had started to approach them.

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*ignoring Wayne's words, slowly lifting up his axe* "..." *begins swinging it wildly at him, caring not for who or what gets in his way*

Wayne found himself having some difficultly blocking all of Poly's strikes. Some hit him, some missed, some he blocked. "Whelp, I can see why now they call the Emperor of North Ferox. So wild, so furious, I FREAKING LOVE IT!" Wayne ducked a swing from Poly and landed a strike on one his knees.

Alicia as she still chanted the words, held her hand outwards, though shaking from the blood loss. It could wait, "Sleep in a icy slumber for eternity! Fimbulvtr!" Due to Wayne having to focus on fighting Poly, the spell hit him for 32 damage, freezing his legs stiff from instant frozebite.

Wayne felt himself seemly thrown forward, only to be snapped into place, "Oh, so the Judge is still alive and kicking after all. You better stop that bleeding little girl, otherwise it's lights out for you...permanently.!"

Jack Taylor meanwhile, was rooting around for some first aid supplies and ignoring the battle around him.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Throwing... swords? Is that new?" Nathaniel looked a little puzzled at Glaedyr throwing Amatsu, but he re-focused on the battle at hand. "I'll watch your back." Nathaniel put his tome away and drew his Killing Edge. "...The last time I used this sword, it was to stab myself. Better make sure I stab the enemies instead this time, right?" Nathaniel smiled a bit grimly. Edited by Wizard
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"... Tch!" *feels a sharp jolt in his knee, but ignores it and continues to swing wildly as Wayne, almost running square into the Fimbulvetr*

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"Throwing... swords? Is that new?" Nathaniel looked a little puzzled at Glaedyr throwing Amatsu, but he re-focused on the battle at hand. "I'll watch your back." Nathaniel put his tome away and drew his Killing Edge. "...The last time I used this sword, it was to stab myself. Better make sure I stab the enemies instead this time, right?" Nathaniel smiled a bit grimly.

Upon hearing Nathaniel's reaction to her throwing her Amatsu, Glaedyr couldn't help chuckling to herself. It pleased her when people were confused by her strange fighting methods, since, chances were, the opponent would not be expecting it either, and it would increase the chances of her being able to use the element of surprise to her advantage. "Of course... And it would be a good time to see whether I did a good job of teaching you or not!" Glaedyr then drew her own Killing Edge, so she could attack the Risen and retrieve the Amatsu that had lodged itself in its leg.

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I stood completely still, not flinching for an instant at the foul breath of one who I took in as a little sister in a past life. It quickly surrounded me from all sides, and inched closer and closer, corroding everything that it touched. Despite the foreboding danger, I didn't move. Even if she HAD become a zombie, even if she IS dead and no longer the same dragon princess that I took in and loved, I couldn't bring myself to strike her down. All I could do was stare into the dragon's eye, grimace at the sight of her current form, and reminisce. I slowly began to walk towards the dragon zombie, while a small tear managed to escape his eyes as he spoke.

Tiki..... it is you isnt it? After two millenia of being separated by time...... finally, we reunite. You suffered many years of bereavement...... watched as the world changed around you...... and powerless to prevent all of the friends you made from departing into the afterlife. I left you in a world... all alone. And I'm.... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you...... I'm sorry for not being there whenever you felt alone...... And most of all..... I'm sorry.... for not coming back in time. Naga..... Gotoh...... Xane...... have I failed you by allowing this fate upon her?

Crizix watched silently as King Marth...talked to the Dracozombie. She was curious as to how he knew the Voice of Naga, but...wasn't this dangerous? This was very concerning... "Uhh, sire? Maybe you shouldn't walk towards the Dracozombie...like that..."

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I stood completely still, not flinching for an instant at the foul breath of one who I took in as a little sister in a past life. It quickly surrounded me from all sides, and inched closer and closer, corroding everything that it touched. Despite the foreboding danger, I didn't move. Even if she HAD become a zombie, even if she IS dead and no longer the same dragon princess that I took in and loved, I couldn't bring myself to strike her down. All I could do was stare into the dragon's eye, grimace at the sight of her current form, and reminisce. I slowly began to walk towards the dragon zombie, while a small tear managed to escape his eyes as he spoke.

Tiki..... it is you isnt it? After two millenia of being separated by time...... finally, we reunite. You suffered many years of bereavement...... watched as the world changed around you...... and powerless to prevent all of the friends you made from departing into the afterlife. I left you in a world... all alone. And I'm.... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you...... I'm sorry for not being there whenever you felt alone...... And most of all..... I'm sorry.... for not coming back in time. Naga..... Gotoh...... Xane...... have I failed you by allowing this fate upon her?

Crizix watched silently as King Marth...talked to the Dracozombie. She was curious as to how he knew the Voice of Naga, but...wasn't this dangerous? This was very concerning... "Uhh, sire? Maybe you shouldn't walk towards the Dracozombie...like that..."

The zombie didn't comprehend what the man was saying and just carried on starring at him, inching closer and closer. The man was weak, but it didn't realise this. Zombies don't realise anything. They just... attack... Satisfied with the small gap between the two, it reached out and bit into Marth's leg, slowly releasing more toxic fumes around the two, segregating the two from the others in the battlefield

Meanwhile, Dusk had shot down the axe-wielding Wyvern Lord and shifted his attention to Marth, briefly catching a small glimpse of him before he was surrounded by poisonous gas. "Blast..." Annoyed that he couldn't do anything to assist the man, he continued battling the other enemies and assisting the Dreamers, until he noticed Crizix trying to speak to Marth. "Listen, Crizix..." Dusk put his hand on her shoulder and sighed. "... This is Marth's battle. As much as I want to help him... He has to do this on his own"

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"... Tch!" *feels a sharp jolt in his knee, but ignores it and continues to swing wildly as Wayne, almost running square into the Fimbulvetr*

Wayne Chambers couldn't move, he was frozen in place with Poly wildly swinging his axe at him. "Not even having a brush with a ice spell can phase you? You and that King Slacker Jack must have lots in common. Over my life, I grew to hate humanity. Always ignored, left behind, hardly acknowledged by anyone. I have no one left to live for, fights are the only thing I look forward to. So if you're going to end me, then be quick about it! I can't slaughter anybody frozen in place like this." Acknowledging the next blow would be his last, Wayne dropped his sword and held his arms out. Bracing for death, for Mira to slap him and throw him back into Hell.

Alicia meanwhile tried to reach Poly, to say she still lived. Despite the pain running brought, "I'm not dead, I'M NOT DEAD! This is nothing! Don't go acting rash! POLYDEUCES!"

Jack Taylor meanwhile spotted Crizix, "Not to interrupt or anything, but my niece has a wound that needs healing and fast! An arrow tore through a major leg artery!"

Ace meanwhile had killed the Falcon Knight and decided to help out Nathaniel and Glaedyr.

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"... Fine then... For the murder of Alicia Taylor, the Khaness of Regna Ferox... I sentence you to death." *brings his axe down onto Wayne one final time, then throws his axe over his shoulder and walks back to his tent without another word*

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Upon hearing Nathaniel's reaction to her throwing her Amatsu, Glaedyr couldn't help chuckling to herself. It pleased her when people were confused by her strange fighting methods, since, chances were, the opponent would not be expecting it either, and it would increase the chances of her being able to use the element of surprise to her advantage. "Of course... And it would be a good time to see whether I did a good job of teaching you or not!" Glaedyr then drew her own Killing Edge, so she could attack the Risen and retrieve the Amatsu that had lodged itself in its leg.

"I've been kind of neglecting any training since I-" One of the risen swordsmasters charged towards him, sword in hand. "W-w-woah!" Nathaniel met his opponent's sword with his own, then drew back, grinning. "Ah! The thrill of a heated battle between two wielders of the blade... Such elegance!" Nathaniel scanned his eyes over his opponent, and found an opening. He aimed for it and slashed violently.

Edited by Wizard
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