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(I want to join, can someone give me a quick run through of what's happening?)

(Battle against a bunch of Risen, being led by an enemy Ace is controlling (Wayne Chambers). There is also a Draco Zombie that was once Tiki, which Marth is mostly interacting with. Second battle with feature Fomortiis)

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(Battle against a bunch of Risen, being led by an enemy Ace is controlling (Wayne Chambers). There is also a Draco Zombie that was once Tiki, which Marth is mostly interacting with. Second battle with feature Fomortiis)


Duck followed Samson as fast as he could. "Well, there seems to be a problem here. Who's leading them?"

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The zombie didn't comprehend what the man was saying and just carried on starring at him, inching closer and closer. The man was weak, but it didn't realise this. Zombies don't realise anything. They just... attack... Satisfied with the small gap between the two, it reached out and bit into Marth's leg, slowly releasing more toxic fumes around the two, segregating the two from the others in the battlefield

Meanwhile, Dusk had shot down the axe-wielding Wyvern Lord and shifted his attention to Marth, briefly catching a small glimpse of him before he was surrounded by poisonous gas. "Blast..." Annoyed that he couldn't do anything to assist the man, he continued battling the other enemies and assisting the Dreamers, until he noticed Crizix trying to speak to Marth. "Listen, Crizix..." Dusk put his hand on her shoulder and sighed. "... This is Marth's battle. As much as I want to help him... He has to do this on his own"

She turned to DodgeDusk, a little startled. "Mmm...You're right, but that won't stop me from worrying...Well, I should really get to some other part of the battle -"

Jack Taylor meanwhile spotted Crizix, "Not to interrupt or anything, but my niece has a wound that needs healing and fast! An arrow tore through a major leg artery!"

Before she could finish, an unfamiliar voice yelled at her. "W-What?" She spun around wildly until she spotted that person called Alicia with a serious leg injury. There was no way she'd get there in a timely fashion, especially without Luna, so she used her Physic Staff.

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Glaedyr smiled to herself as she saw Nathaniel attack the risen. Perhaps she hadn't been such a rubbish teacher after all! She blinked as she pulled her Amatsu out of the Risen's body, and span round and flung it at another. More of the other Dreamers seemed to be arriving to join in, and the battle definitely seemed to be in their favour. At least, for now...

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"... Fine then... For the murder of Alicia Taylor, the Khaness of Regna Ferox... I sentence you to death." *brings his axe down onto Wayne one final time, then throws his axe over his shoulder and walks back to his tent without another word*

Wayne Chambers was no more, his still frozen form slumped over very awkwardly. Jack Taylor sighed, "That annoying twit is dead, Alicia don't push yourself so hard. You're close to passing out from bloodloss. I got---oh there's a healing light from a Physic staff."

Alicia felt the healing light from the Physic staff close up the wound, "It's...it's my fault. I..."

Jack Taylor shook his head no, "Personally, I'd have done the same thing. You're not in any shape to walk, so I'll go talk to him." Jack Taylor left the battlefield, and headed to the camp.

Ace meanwhile noted the foes left, "1 Sorcerer, 2 Swordmasters, 3 Warriors and 2 Wyvern Lords. Easy."

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She turned to DodgeDusk, a little startled. "Mmm...You're right, but that won't stop me from worrying...Well, I should really get to some other part of the battle -"

Before she could finish, an unfamiliar voice yelled at her. "W-What?" She spun around wildly until she spotted that person called Alicia with a serious leg injury. There was no way she'd get there in a timely fashion, especially without Luna, so she used her Physic Staff.

"A simple physic won't cut it... But it will have to suffice for now..." He ran at a warrior, faking him out and rolling past him.
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Nathaniel felt a strange sensation rise from his stomach as he fought the risen swordsman. "True excitement, the danger of death as we battle is like such-" He suddenly felt a sharp pain around his heart. A familiar pain. "Why now?! Of all the times... Oh dear..." Nathaniel shivered violently and frantically slashed at his opponent. With his free hand, he was clutching at his heart, wincing in pain.
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"Nahaniel! Are you-" The Swordmaster cut a deep wound through Duck's stomach. "Aggggh..." The second swordmaster ran over and also began slashing at Duck. He tried to block with his sword, but with one hand on his gash, it wasn't going to last long. The sword fell from Duck's hand, and the swordmaster plunged his sword into Duck's chest.

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(*Kill Sword)

*sighs as he slumps over, twirling his Thaniblade in his hand*

Jack Taylor finally reached the camp, "Y'know...I wouldn't go calling yourself a failure. You can't really control what other people choose to do. Besides, Alicia isn't dead. Crizix managed to heal the wound up."

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Nathaniel felt a strange sensation rise from his stomach as he fought the risen swordsman. "True excitement, the danger of death as we battle is like such-" He suddenly felt a sharp pain around his heart. A familiar pain. "Why now?! Of all the times... Oh dear..." Nathaniel shivered violently and frantically slashed at his opponent. With his free hand, he was clutching at his heart, wincing in pain.

" Nathaniel? You OK?" (No... When I'm finished with this one, I'll go check) Leaping backwards, he activated his bolt axe, electrifying his foe.
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Glaedyr jumped as she saw Nathaniel suddenly falter beside her. [What's up with him?!] She felt panic and concern rising inside her, and pushed in front of him to slash at the risen he had just attacked, trying to guard him from any oncoming attacks. She gave a fleeting glance over her shoulder to check on him. "Nathaniel... What's wrong?!" She said between the swipes of her sword. Glaedyr began to panic even more as she saw Duck get attacked too. [Gah! What do I do?] "Duck!" She promptly finished off the risen she had just attacked, and span round to try and help the others. Though all she had left was half a vulnerary... "Somebody help!"

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The zombie didn't comprehend what the man was saying and just carried on starring at him, inching closer and closer. The man was weak, but it didn't realise this. Zombies don't realise anything. They just... attack... Satisfied with the small gap between the two, it reached out and bit into Marth's leg, slowly releasing more toxic fumes around the two, segregating the two from the others in the battlefield

Meanwhile, Dusk had shot down the axe-wielding Wyvern Lord and shifted his attention to Marth, briefly catching a small glimpse of him before he was surrounded by poisonous gas. "Blast..." Annoyed that he couldn't do anything to assist the man, he continued battling the other enemies and assisting the Dreamers, until he noticed Crizix trying to speak to Marth. "Listen, Crizix..." Dusk put his hand on her shoulder and sighed. "... This is Marth's battle. As much as I want to help him... He has to do this on his own"

....You don't remember me...do you? The man you see standing in front you? I am an old friend that you once knew and cherished...... Mar-Mar is what you affectionately called me.

No sooner, after those words left my mout did the zombie bite into my leg. I winced a little, but still stood. Toxic clouds circumnavigated around us and made breathing slightly harder. I knew that I couldn't bear to see Tiki in her current state. But....

As expected, you're no longer the cheery and energetic little girl that I once knew. No..... you're not even yourself anymore. As much as it pains me to do this...... No, I have to... i must. You're nothing but a mindless monster now. And as your loving friend..... *picks up Falchion* I won't allow you to suffer from a mindless existence! *Breaks free from its bite and gains some distance from it*

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Glaedyr jumped as she saw Nathaniel suddenly falter beside her. [What's up with him?!] She felt panic and concern rising inside her, and pushed in front of him to slash at the risen he had just attacked, trying to guard him from any oncoming attacks. She gave a fleeting glance over her shoulder to check on him. "Nathaniel... What's wrong?!" She said between the swipes of her sword. Glaedyr began to panic even more as she saw Duck get attacked too. [Gah! What do I do?] "Duck!" She promptly finished off the risen she had just attacked, and span round to try and help the others. Though all she had left was half a vulnerary... "Somebody help!"

(This could be bad, time to help) he turned around, dropping his weapon and using catharsis, taking an axe to the back as he did so.
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The sole Sorcerer continued sending Mire blasts at the Dreamers, desperately trying to eliminate the threat before they got to it. The numbers the Risen had were overwhelming, yet even with Wayne leading them, they were losing. A Warrior wielded its brave bow and continued to relentlessly shoot out arrows at the Dreamers

....You don't remember me...do you? The man you see standing in front you? I am an old friend that you once knew and cherished...... Mar-Mar is what you affectionately called me.

No sooner, after those words left my mout did the zombie bite into my leg. I winced a little, but still stood. Toxic clouds circumnavigated around us and made breathing slightly harder. I knew that I couldn't bear to see Tiki in her current state. But....

As expected, you're no longer the cheery and energetic little girl that I once knew. No..... you're not even yourself anymore. As much as it pains me to do this...... No, I have to... i must. You're nothing but a mindless monster now. And as your loving friend..... *picks up Falchion* I won't allow you to suffer from a mindless existence! *Breaks free from its bite and gains some distance from it*

The Dragon eyed up Marth and began to ascend, spewing out a humongous amount of toxic fumes across the tree. It planned on the Dreamers inhaling the fumes and slowly corrode from the inside out. Staring down at Marth like a hawk, it circled him and waited for the devastation to arise

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Ace felt kinda relived Duck was still alive, "The Mila Tree."

Alicia knew in her state she shouldn't be fighting, but against her better judgment she killed both of the remaining Wyvern Lords with forged Celica's Gale before falling down again on her side.

Ace suddenly felt her eyes water, "Flumes, oh crap... Oh man Sis doesn't look good. Alicia! Don't inhale the flumes! ...wait...I have a bad feeling." Ace rushed over to aid her sister, trying not to inhale too many of the flumes.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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(This could be bad, time to help) he turned around, dropping his weapon and using catharsis, taking an axe to the back as he did so.

She turned to see Samson rush over to help. "Samson, thank Naga! Do you think Duck will be ok...?" She moved to help defend Samson as he worked on healing Duck, seeing as Nathaniel still seemed capable of fighting.

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"Damn... what now?" He tried to get up but fell back down. "Where... am I, again?" He coughed up blood, and fell over face first.

Samson, deciding to finish his fight, grabbed his axe, jumped, and turned around, sinking his axe into his foes skull.sheathing his weapons, he walked over to Duck.
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