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I almost paled right there, that black lightning could not be good. I held Valflame at the ready, should the need to fight arise.

"Okay. Crizix, I need you to use your Rescue staff on Silva so she can make it across this floor."

"Wait a minute!" Silvia shouted, an idea forming in her head about something he taught her, a long time ago. "Use it on Breezy! ... I've got this one."

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Truly just as amazing as the stories my mother used to tell. Thank you.

Actually that's why we're her-5767_72_md.jpg Anna appears!!! But...she looks harmless. Wait, black lightning?....

I'm flattered that my name has carried on through the millenia I've been go-. Anna? What are you doing here?

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"Wait a minute!" Silvia shouted, an idea forming in her head about something he taught her, a long time ago. "Use it on Breezy! ... I've got this one."

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

*still dont like the look of that lightning*

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I'm flattered that my name has carried on through the millenia I've been go-. Anna? What are you doing here?

No wait, that isn't the one you know. in fact there is no way to know which one is the one you know... But they're armed and dangerous so be careful. Wait is this lightning here fo- Argh!!!...Spikes...?! Hp:1/80

And yes you can have Exalted Falchion simply because it's iconic.

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"Wait a minute!" Silvia shouted, an idea forming in her head about something he taught her, a long time ago. "Use it on Breezy! ... I've got this one."

I wasn't sure what Silvia had in mind, but I decided to go with it. "Okay then but, I will not let you die here! I already lost someone dear to me, I refuse to let it happen again!" I was not about to let that painful day repeat itself, not here, not ever. I didn't want another reason to turn into an insomniac.

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"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

*still dont like the look of that lightning*

Her smirk became almost deranged at that, the idea taking over her mind and her sense. It was perfect, a strategy she used all the time during their battles together but never actually put to use on the field. It was risky. But HERE, her life meant a little less, just in case it wasn't AS perfect as she had originally thought. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine," she said.

Just before she took her weapons, and as nonchalantly as she could, began walking across the spike-ridden floor.

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Her smirk became almost deranged at that, the idea taking over her mind and her sense. It was perfect, a strategy she used all the time during their battles together but never actually put to use on the field. It was risky. But HERE, her life meant a little less, just in case it wasn't AS perfect as she had originally thought. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine," she said.

Just before she took her weapons, and as nonchalantly as she could, began walking across the spike-ridden floor.

"Whatever you say then. We're gonna come out of this hell alive, trust me!"

*something is going on and neither me or Zephyr like it*

**Breezy's Note: Zephyr is my horse**

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(Okay, so this portion of the roleplay is functioning differently than the previous, so how long should the Rally I cried a few posts back last?)

(Note - My Rally is, apparently, Goddess Rally, which is all of them, btw, Vash and Ace)

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No wait, that isn't the one you know. in fact there is no way to know which one is the one you know... But they're armed and dangerous so be careful. Wait is this lightning here fo- Argh!!!...Spikes...?! Hp:25/80

And yes you can have Exalted Falchion simply because it's iconic.

"We need a staff over here! Sorin is injured!"


This new world is so very different from my time. Everything is so.... strange. But wait, if this is the future, then what happened to my kingdom? My people? My friends? Jagen? My sister? Sheeda.... No, this isn't the time for such thoughts. Right now, the Azure Dreamers need me. But why is Anna here? And if that Anna is not the Anna I know, who is she? And why am I sided against her?

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I watched with bated breath as Silvia began walking across the floor. I had risked my life to escape and come back, so why not tempt fate again? "I can't stand still and do nothing, I'll help you"

"Y-You can't!" Silvia faltered in her once-confident steps. "Listen..." she began, holding out her hands to try and stop Ace from approaching any closer. "I don't mind being bait, okay? Whatever gets you all out. They'll see I'm weakened and attempt to attack me... but I've trained for this kind of situation. I know how to attack before they do." She paused again, thinking over her words before adding, "And I don't want to see you hurt."

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"Hey guys, if you can hear me tell me which direction it's from!

I'll try and make my way closer to you!"

"Hey Zeph, you ready for this?"

"Providing it's still in effect, you should have an easier, and faster, time moving. Do I need to shout louder?"

(Also, totally shipping Ace and Silvia here)

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Crizix heard Silvia's order right after Ace Tactician's and got a little confused, but Ace Tactician wordlessly told her to listen to Silvia, so she channeled her magic into her Rescue Staff and teleported Breezy to the appropriate location.

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"Well, this has gotten into a mess. Why isn't Sorin organizing anyone? ...Sorin?" *Sees Sorin on the ground* "...I think I'd better get him back before something not-fun happens to him. Recover isn't going to fix this easily."

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"Y-You can't!" Silvia faltered in her once-confident steps. "Listen..." she began, holding out her hands to try and stop Ace from approaching any closer. "I don't mind being bait, okay? Whatever gets you all out. They'll see I'm weakened and attempt to attack me... but I've trained for this kind of situation. I know how to attack before they do." She paused again, thinking over her words before adding, "And I don't want to see you hurt."

Those last words...that's what he told me before he died. I really didn't want a repeat of that day, but... I had to have faith that Silvia knew how to handle this kind of situation. "You remind me of him. He said that same thing before his death. It's because of that... I really don't want to lose you here. Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve to have this strange gift of mine, but I vowed to see everyone here out. So, at least let me use my power here. Please, I feel it can help here."

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"We need a staff over here! Sorin is injured!"


This new world is so very different from my time. Everything is so.... strange. But wait, if this is the future, then what happened to my kingdom? My people? My friends? Jagen? My sister? Sheeda.... No, this isn't the time for such thoughts. Right now, the Azure Dreamers need me. But why is Anna here? And if that Anna is not the Anna I know, who is she? And why am I sided against her?

.....No...Give my regards to everyone for me Marth...please? Ask the resistance leader...to lead in my stead....*Coma*

Err do to a combination of things I must forcibly remove myself from this game temporarily(Hence the Coma). I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will try to update the first page as often as possible. Otherwise continue without me for awhile :sob: ....

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"Now that I dont have to yell here..

Mind explaining to me what the hell is going on?"

"The short version is that there's an invasion and we're here to help. I'd give the long version, but..." *hefts Sorin on her shoulders* "There isn't time."

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"Guess I didnt need to move closer for it to work.


*Silvia better be okay there. Even Zeph has a bas feeling here..*

"No problem," she replied. "I have much experience with Staffs."

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