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Not really.

Lol, okay. I'll start brainstorming, then...It's like thinking up a prompt, hehe!

...How about your character catches mine reading something and gets curious? I can't really see her initiating a conversation with a famed legend unless she absolutely had to.

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The only people I can support at this time are... Kat and Polydeuces?

If either are you are ready tomorrow?

If you don't mind some delays do to classes/studying, I can do supports tomorrow.

I can't do any saturday, due to going to AWA. But I'd be back sunday.

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Lol, okay. I'll start brainstorming, then...It's like thinking up a prompt, hehe!

...How about your character catches mine reading something and gets curious? I can't really see her initiating a conversation with a famed legend unless she absolutely had to.

(wow, I seem to double-post a lot...)

Try to keep brainstorming posts in the PMs? There are a lot of pages already. ^^

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And, according to the list, you haven't 'unlocked' the supports yet.

Supports are unlocked just as they are in game. By participating alongside each other in battle.

Alright, well, I better be really social next battle!

Also, may I request a support with Hero King? Maybe?

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Alright, well, I better be really social next battle!

Also, may I request a support with Hero King? Maybe?

Haha! It's not necessarily social. You came in late during the last battle, and didn't have previous 'support points' with another person. Next battle, you'll likely unlock something.

If Hero-King doesn't mind, and neither of you have reached your maximum?

Oh...Sorry... ^^;

No worries! Just trying to give people less extraneous things to read through. :)

Shit, I gotta think up six supports?


You have to brainstorm six with six other people. XD

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Alright, well, I better be really social next battle!

Also, may I request a support with Hero King? Maybe?

If Hero-King doesn't mind, and neither of you have reached your maximum?

I'm cool with Anon fora support, but what is the limit?

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I'm cool with Anon fora support, but what is the limit?

I believe it's 6, but double check with Carter.

I'm uncertain if that number includes the supports with me (because I can apparently support with everyone).

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Okay, so (making sure I've interpreting correctly), you will be playing someone who was 'recruited' during the time there was the large group in Death's Embrace Ferox?

You go it.

From this point on anybody can be in any group.

I can be in the Ylissian group.

[spoiler=Sorin]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Dodgedusk, Carter, Kat, Duck, Vashiane

N/A: Dandragon, Z the M

[spoiler=Carter]A Supports: Alvitazi

B Supports:

C Supports: Sorin, Dodgedusk, Kat, Tomichael, Duck


[spoiler=Dodgedusk]A Supports:

B Supports: Kat

C Supports: Sorin, Carter, Tomichael, Polydeuces, Shadowfrost, Glaedyr


[spoiler=Kat]A Supports:

B Supports: Dodgedusk

C Supports: Carter, Sorin, Tomichael, Alvitazi, Shadowfrost, Vashiane, Ace Tactician, Hero-King

N/A: YayForYuffie, Glaedyr, Z the M, Shelie, Crizix, Anon

[spoiler=Duck]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Shadowfrost, Carter, Dodgedusk, Alvitazi, Tomichael, Vashiane

N/A: Z the M

[spoiler=Ace Tactician]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Vashiane, Kat, Hero-King

N/A: Glaedyr, YayForYuffie, Dandragon, Shadowfrost, Crizix, Anon

[spoiler=Polydeuces]A Supports:

B Supports: Duck

C Supports: Dodgedusk, Alvitazi, Shadowfrost, Vashiane

N/A: Dandragon

[spoiler=Alvitazi]A Supports: Carter

B Supports:

C Supports: Tomichael, Polydeuces, Kat, Shadowfrost

N/A: YayForYuffie

[spoiler=Vashiane]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Duck, Kat, Ace Tactician, Hero-King

N/A: ZM, Sorin, Shelie, Crizix

[spoiler=ZM]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports:

N/A: Hero-King, Vashiane, Sorin, Kat, Duck

[spoiler=Dandragon]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports:

N/A: Brokuni, Sorin, Shelie, Polydeuces, Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Hero-King]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Vashiane, Ace Tactician, Kat

N/A: ZM, Shelie, Crizix

[spoiler=Dark Huntress]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports:

N/A: Kat, Vashiane, Brokuni, Shelie, Crizix

[spoiler=AnonymousSpeed]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports:

N/A: Kat, Brokuni, Crizix, Ace Tactician

I think I added the missing people.

If I'm missing anyone, could someone tell me?


I can start with C support with Crizix in our next chapter, as well as slowly doing the other 3 overtime.

Depends on how skilled of a writer you are.

Basically, you write out your character's thoughts and actions from your character's viewpoint. I'm admittedly not that experienced with roleplaying, so ask others for tips. ^^;

So...Do you have any ideas?

I'm somewhat an intermediate. But, I'm sure that anyone is welcome regardless of the experience here. And that is basically all that it takes to RP.

Guys, when you're done (if you are supporting), please PM me, because new pages will always come, and I don't really want to go through EVERY single page just to check for a finished support.

Be sure to say who you talked / supported with.

It gets too active here sometimes.

And, according to the list, you haven't 'unlocked' the supports yet.

Supports are unlocked just as they are in game. By participating alongside each other in battle.

Got it.

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I gladly present the first support conversation of this thread, starring Kat and Dusk!

[spoiler=Kat and Dusk. C support]Kat: [Tending to Dusk in the infirmary and notices him squirming awake.]
"Hmm? Are you waking up?"

Dusk: "Ugh... wh-who's there? Yes I'm awake... Kat, Kat is that you?"

Kat: "Yes, hey there. The rescue mission was... well, let's call it a limited success. How are you feeling?"

Dusk: "H-how am I feeling?! Why do you care? Take a look at me and I think you have your answer!.. And wh-what do you mean by "limited success?!" What happened out there!? Nobody... died... did they?"

Kat: "Well, you look like you're fine, compared to Sorin."

Dusk: " Ugh you can't be serious... You're supposed to be uh... a Goddess! Divine powers and such? You couldn't SAVE HIM?!... Gods, It hurts to shout... The resistance is here... right? Tell me something went according to plan..."

Kat: "You all are the ones who gave me that title, not me. The survivors of the resistance are in fact here. Most are recuperating. The place was quite ugly. Spikes coming from the floor to lure fighters into death's embrace before being struck by lightning swords. Sorin took one of those spikes, but I managed to get him bandaged and carried him back. He's next door if you want to see him, but it'll be a bit before he'll wake up. Instead, I would recommend that you rest up, so that you can greet them with politeness. Also, Silvia, the leader of the resistance group, has taken command while Sorin is out. You should meet with her soon, actually."

Dusk: "Politeness? We're fighting to beat back and vanquish abominations with no way of knowing if we'll live to see tomorrow or not, not to... make friends and frolic in the tulips singing without a care in the world! And speaking of not having a care in the world... Sorin's incapacitated at the moment because he was too ignorant to dodge a couple of spikes?! What a fool. If he can't look after himself then he... he has no right to lead the Azure Dreamers... What about the leader of the Ferox resistance, Silvia was it? If she lead the resistance and the rescue team AND managed to get the two groups out of that hell hole alive then she must be... competent. Maybe I will see her. Times like these great men and women should discuss sense and strategy and not wasting time talking about meaningless banter... It hurts to move though... maybe later..."

Kat: "If you don't care to be polite, however, you're going to find yourself alone against the horde, dying a miserable, pathetic death that everyone will forget, while the others continue to survive, thrive, and live on beautifully. Compassion, politeness, and respect are things that you must have to be a true leader. Otherwise, you're just going to get caught off-guard and no one is going to listen to you when things go sour. Your 'meaningless banter' is also learning about your comrades, how they might react in a situation, and how they will take certain orders."
*stands up and brushes self off*
"You have a long way to go to being a competent leader, and even fighter, Grand General. Especially when it comes to treating those who owe you nothing."

Dusk: "Perhaps they do owe me nothing. Every single one of them fights here for a reason, selfless or not. I don't really care anyway. They all show promise and if they can obey the orders from an "incompetent" leader and fight well then that's all I care about. The only reason I'm a "Grand General" is because of experience. I've led forces before. I fought in war before this catastrophe unlike most of the people here. I say that validates me as a decent General!... But enough about me, listening to a dead man rant is nothing of your concern, now can you leave me alone?! People pray to the Gods and Goddess all the time looking for an answer but instead she prattles meaningless nonsense into a man who simply does not care what her beliefs are..."

Kat: "I'm not a goddess, except to those who say that I am. If them thinking that allows them to fight more beautifully, I certainly don't see about correcting them. We all do what we can to help. But you're not one of them. So, allow me to repeat myself. My rally may be called 'Goddess Rally', and I may appear invincible, but I am not a goddess of any kind. I have no answers for which people pray. I simply have a wish to see things that are beautifully entertaining."
*eyes narrow into a glare*
"As for being a dead man... well, you're sitting here breathing and talking. But if you'd like to see yourself as such, and waste any lives that you have taken, waste the lives of those who you could not save in the past... well, be my guest. But you owe it to the people of the Azure Dreamers to serve them as best as you can. That is, if you want their deaths on your hands, and later waste them too."

[Kat leaves the scene here.]

Dusk: "... She talks too much..."

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Wow...that's a lot of pages. Anyway hey all. I'm not back(Even though it's the weekend.*Sigh*) and won't be till at least a minimum of Wednesday or Thursday depending on how nice my situation wants to be and even then it'll be iffy until the Friday when I'll be back for sure. But I don't want to hold up the War and from reading a couple of the past pages it feels like I am so can we schedule out days for our battles and days for our supports? Preferably with battles closer to the weekend? Its up to you all. But I want to say I really appreciate your patience with me and it feels good to know something that started out so small between me and a couple of my forum friends could grow into something so big. Thank you. And from now on could members wanting to join please PM me with their info? Its get hard to go through all these pages looking for these kinds of things. Also do the same if a poll is needed. Once again thank you all so much for your patience.

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so can we schedule out days for our battles and days for our supports? Preferably with battles closer to the weekend?

This is actually a very good idea. It would help keep things organized.

@Poly - there are others missing from my support list, so don't feel alone. ^^ My guess is that Carter got backed up. I'm sure it'll be fixed asap.

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Is this going to be another support/no fighting day? Just wondering as im going to be pretty inactive from now on until midday tommorow GMT time as im down my fathers house

At the moment, it looks like it is. ^^;

I think the best plan will be to 'schedule' a battle or two for tomorrow (saturday), when most people have (theoretically) more free time.

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