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I'll probably seen how many people are on later today and if we have enough, I'm sure we can run a quick skirmish then.

I have nothing to do, so I could partake in a skirmish, or whatnot. I just need to make some tea first.

We can now begin our supports this way for newcomers. I'mma gonna PM Crizix to let her know that we can start supporting during this next skirmish.

I just wanna do some fighting so I can gain the ability to support

Patience. My friend. Patience.
We do need time to have everything gathered of our data and to check that everything's in order.

Ah, okay.

I'll check with Kat on that - I'm a bit fuzzy on the locations...

I have an idea for an Ylisse skirmish since more people seem to be there at the moment. If it's alright to do so, I'll start preparing for it.

Everyone, at this point, should be in Ylissetol, the headquarters.

Alright, so everyone IS at Ylisstol. Got it then.

I'll make my preparations and launch battle sequence at... 8:45 EST? Is that an alright time?

Got it.
I'm there.
EDIT: Done. I've just let her know that we will begin our first support during this skirmish, if possible.
Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Ha! True, your wiser than you let on!

"Wisdom comes with experience and age. I may not look like it but I'm in my early thirties. As for experience; I've seen and done things that some of you cannot imagine"

*exhales heavily*

"You're wasting valuable resource-gathering time soldier. A good survivor needs to be strong and equally intelligent"

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Anna Ciel: So this is where they've hidden themselves... that's pretty clever if you ask me. Unfortunately for THEM, I managed myself a pretty sweet deal in Reeking Boxes. Well. Can't let a good product go to waste!

[spoiler=Incoming Foes]Revenant.jpgRevenant.jpgRevenant.jpgRevenant.jpgRevenant.jpg


All Reverents have 80 HP and wield Claws.

Anna Ciel has 80 HP and wields Forseti.

Turn ONE: Player Phase

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"I'll stay up in the watchtower. I don't plan on hitting any of those vermin, given my wounds, but hopefully my arrows can distract them. They're not hitting me up here, for now anyway"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Something wasn't right.

The atmosphere had grown tense and cold, and memories of death, blood and destruction followed suit. Shivers, shivers of the most frigid kind wracked her frame, and she bolted out of bed, snatching up her Silver Bow and her Mend staff as quickly as possible.

A glance out the window told her everything she needed to know.

Anna. A lone Anna surrounded by Revenants, groaning monsters from hell.

"The gate..." Silvia murmured to herself, dashing down the stairs towards the front door of the fortress. That gate was LOCKED, last she recalled. Barricaded. How on Earth had an Anna slipped her way inside.

This was terrible. Party members were injured, and if one single creature got inside and found them, their chances of surviving the encounter were null and void.

"L-Listen up, people! We CANNOT let them get inside, if they're in, they could attack the injured! Keep them out the best you can, okay?" Silvia took a few deep breaths, trying to quell the shaking in her voice. "Let's go!"

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Something wasn't right.

The atmosphere had grown tense and cold, and memories of death, blood and destruction followed suit. Shivers, shivers of the most frigid kind wracked her frame, and she bolted out of bed, snatching up her Silver Bow and her Mend staff as quickly as possible.

A glance out the window told her everything she needed to know.

Anna. A lone Anna surrounded by Revenants, groaning monsters from hell.

"The gate..." Silvia murmured to herself, dashing down the stairs towards the front door of the fortress. That gate was LOCKED, last she recalled. Barricaded. How on Earth had an Anna slipped her way inside.

This was terrible. Party members were injured, and if one single creature got inside and found them, their chances of surviving the encounter were null and void.

"L-Listen up, people! We CANNOT let them get inside, if they're in, they could attack the injured! Keep them out the best you can, okay?" Silvia took a few deep breaths, trying to quell the shaking in her voice. "Let's go!"

"Hey Silvia, any idea where these things came from?

All I remember fighting were those Ana things or whatever they are.

Anyway yeah everyone stay calm and protect a point.

Be ready for anything!"

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The Anna had summoned a bunch of Risen somehow...It was probably a Reeking Box, but does it really matter how they got there? Crizix steeled herself for the upcoming battle as she rode behind her allies, not wanting to expose herself to attack.

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As one of the healers, I feel as though I should stay near the wounded, in case complications arise. However, I shall use my staves to keep everyone healthy from a distance. And of course, should one of you become gravely wounded, I can rescue you to safety.

Should one of our foes come too close, I shall endeavour to fight it off. I may be weak, but I have no intentions of letting these abominations run rampant through the infirmary!

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"Hey Silvia, any idea where these things came from?

All I remember fighting were those Ana things or whatever they are.

Anyway yeah everyone stay calm and protect a point.

Be ready for anything!"

"I - I don't know..." Silvia shook her head frantically, her fingers shaking as she tried to notch her arrow into her bow properly. She needed to get her head back into the game - she used to do this all the time. And yet the scratching at the door as the Reverants desperately tried to reach them made her head spin. "They're going to break that door down... the second they do... we charge them. They CANNOT get upstairs!" She whirled around to face Crizix, eying the girl for a moment before speaking. "Criz... we might need you. Do you have a tome?"

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Something wasn't right.

The atmosphere had grown tense and cold, and memories of death, blood and destruction followed suit. Shivers, shivers of the most frigid kind wracked her frame, and she bolted out of bed, snatching up her Silver Bow and her Mend staff as quickly as possible.

A glance out the window told her everything she needed to know.

Anna. A lone Anna surrounded by Revenants, groaning monsters from hell.

"The gate..." Silvia murmured to herself, dashing down the stairs towards the front door of the fortress. That gate was LOCKED, last she recalled. Barricaded. How on Earth had an Anna slipped her way inside.

This was terrible. Party members were injured, and if one single creature got inside and found them, their chances of surviving the encounter were null and void.

"L-Listen up, people! We CANNOT let them get inside, if they're in, they could attack the injured! Keep them out the best you can, okay?" Silvia took a few deep breaths, trying to quell the shaking in her voice. "Let's go!"


I'm ready.

I'm not injured. I'm ready to protect the injured. Picks up her Thoron book as her Mjolnir tome is getting charged with electrical energy. We better be on our guard, Criz, Silvia, and the others.

OOT(Out Of Topic):

(Don't know their names, yet. Exceuse me)

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"Yes, I have my Elthunder tome with me...but my skill with tomes isn't very noteworthy..." She replied to Silvia honestly. Really, she should train with offensive magic more when she got a chance...

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"Is something the matter? Why have I been called?"

"An Anna has appeared and is currently attempting to seize this fortress using Risen troops. We have many wounded. It's not going to be an easy battle..."

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As one of the healers, I feel as though I should stay near the wounded, in case complications arise. However, I shall use my staves to keep everyone healthy from a distance. And of course, should one of you become gravely wounded, I can rescue you to safety.

Should one of our foes come too close, I shall endeavour to fight it off. I may be weak, but I have no intentions of letting these abominations run rampant through the infirmary!


Not to worry.

I also can heal the wounded in addition to battling with magic. Silvia is already keeping them from breaking the door down. What do we do as they are about to breakthrough and that we cannot hear ourselves think?



An Anna has appeared. EVERYONE!!!! Be on your guard. WE MUST NOT LET HER AND HER RISEN BREAKTHROUGH.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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"An Anna has appeared and is currently attempting to seize this fortress using Risen troops. We have many wounded. It's not going to be an easy battle..."

"Very well then. I'll see to it that no more are harmed. But you should probably stay close. T'would be a disaster if anything were to happen to you" *Pairs Up*

Yet again, I was brought into this world to defend it. I often wonder to myself how all of this came to be? Did I fail to achieve an everlasting peace all those years ago?

Edited by Hero-King
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so i've been summoned again hm?

Yeah blue blood, a battles at hand



Anna Ciel: So this is where they've hidden themselves... that's pretty clever if you ask me. Unfortunately for THEM, I managed myself a pretty sweet deal in Reeking Boxes. Well. Can't let a good product go to waste!

[spoiler=Incoming Foes]Revenant.jpgRevenant.jpgRevenant.jpgRevenant.jpgRevenant.jpg


All Reverents have 80 HP and wield Claws.

Anna Ciel has 80 HP and wields Forseti.

Turn ONE: Player Phase

Gya damn! And just as I was getting to the aged beef! Ah well, they'll be time for grocery shopping latter!

*picks up axe and runs into battle field*

Meesly risen, how strong can they be? Ah well, that's and that red head's running out if ideas, and so I get split her skull sooner! Hm....If only Block were here, there's an off chance we could get one of the Annas to defect.

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I'm ready.

I'm not injured. I'm ready to protect the injured. Picks up her Thoron book as her Mjolnir tome is getting charged with electrical energy. We better be on our guard, Criz, Silvia, and the others.

OOT(Out Of Topic):

(Don't know their names, yet. Exceuse me)

"Yes, I have my Elthunder tome with me...but my skill with tomes isn't very noteworthy..." She replied to Silvia honestly. Really, she should train with offensive magic more when she got a chance...

"Zeph, I know you dont want to die after losing everyone else, but we have to do this for them...

At your ready Silvia, my arrow is ready!"

"Is something the matter? Why have I been called?"

Silvia spun in a circle, mentally accounting for her team: there was Isabelle, a talented Thunder sage. Crizix, a valkyrie who specialized in staves. Yuffie, a fragile, but powerful sage. Breezy, an expert with a bow with unparallelled speed. And a recently summoned Hero King, Marth of Altea.

Right. What an odd team, but it was hers.

"We'll have to train you later, Crizix, but for now Risen have low resistance. We should be fine."

Before she could say another word, the door exploded into splinters and rusted metal, the wood fragments scattering themselves across the entire foyer.

Before her, they stood. Five monsters in a row.

"Son of a griffon - NOW, team, NOW!"

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Huh, a start from the pack? Only one with counter to!

'Hey bag head!'

*risen turns to see Helswath flying in it's face'

Anon deals 42 damage to enemy risen!

Blighted claws cannot counter attack

'Hehehe, Behold!' (Sol)

Anon deals 42 damage, the enemy risen was defeated!

Hm...that was to easy, they must have some trump card. Best stay alert...

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Not to worry.

I also can heal the wounded in addition to battling with magic.

I do believe that the chances the wounded have of surviving have increased greatly. I may be a skilled healer, but I cannot both heal the injured and protect the door.

Let us hope that it does not come to that.

Before she could say another word, the door exploded into splinters and rusted metal, the wood fragments scattering themselves across the entire foyer.

Before her, they stood. Five monsters in a row.

"Son of a griffon - NOW, team, NOW!"

We shall exterminate them!

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"Very well then.I'll see to it that none are harmed"

Yet again, I was brought into this world to defend it. I often wonder to myself how all of this came to be? Did I fail to achieve an everlasting peace all those years ago?


You came for a good cause. Not knowing how, does that matter when your here now to defend us? Better get ready for battle even though you may not like it.

Silvia spun in a circle, mentally accounting for her team: there was Isabelle, a talented Thunder sage. Crizix, a valkyrie who specialized in staves. Yuffie, a fragile, but powerful sage. Breezy, an expert with a bow with unparallelled speed. And a recently summoned Hero King, Marth of Altea.

Right. What an odd team, but it was hers.

"We'll have to train you later, Crizix, but for now Risen have low resistance. We should be fine."

Before she could say another word, the door exploded into splinters and rusted metal, the wood fragments scattering themselves across the entire foyer.

Before her, they stood. Five monsters in a row.

"Son of a griffon - NOW, team, NOW!"



*Readies the Thoron tome*


*Fires a bolt of Cackling Lighting 982d.pngdealing 32 dmg to the risen that tried to leap onto my leg and hack me. It dissappated into black dust.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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"Very well then. I'll see to it that no more are harmed. But you should probably stay close. T'would be a disaster if any healers were to be injured"

Yet again, I was brought into this world to defend it. I often wonder to myself how all of this came to be? Did I fail to achieve an everlasting peace all those years ago?

"Yes, I'll make sure to stay close and not get separated like I did last time." She blushed, remembering her embarrassment. "There will be time to ponder that later, sire. Right now, we have to focus on those Risen!"

Silvia spun in a circle, mentally accounting for her team: there was Isabelle, a talented Thunder sage. Crizix, a valkyrie who specialized in staves. Yuffie, a fragile, but powerful sage. Breezy, an expert with a bow with unparallelled speed. And a recently summoned Hero King, Marth of Altea.

Right. What an odd team, but it was hers.

"We'll have to train you later, Crizix, but for now Risen have low resistance. We should be fine."

Before she could say another word, the door exploded into splinters and rusted metal, the wood fragments scattering themselves across the entire foyer.

Before her, they stood. Five monsters in a row.

"Son of a griffon - NOW, team, NOW!"

"Very well, I shall do my best!" She gripped her Tome tightly. Hopefully her attacks would hit...

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