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"Who dares to disturb my sleep?" I walked out the door to see an Anna running up the stairs.

"For waking me up, I will grind your bones into dust!" I critical her with Mercurius, sending her flying down the stairs.

Silvia managed to finally push her skirt out of her eyesight, just in time to see Ace's sword send Anna flying into the foyer again with the slightest of ease. "Wh-Whoa..." All she could do was watch Anna Ciel fly into an arc and land on the floor with a sound that immediately made her cringe. "Ace... what was that? That was..." A rush of feelings went through her at the sight of all that power - awe, envy, adrenaline, but most importantly fear. Ace was truly something to behold, wasn't she? A locket of secrets just begging to be opened.

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I saw her there, her state reminded of him. He tried so hard to save me, and was just like that. The day he sacrificed it all to save my life. "Pair up with me, I won't let anyone harm you! If they want to hurt you, they must go through me first!"

Right. *Pairs with you*

I recommend some Rally support, that is if we have any.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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I stood at the door to the infirmary, looking for any intruders who woke me up. I never felt this angry, not since that day. I was finally relaxed for the first time since he died, and now that feeling was gone. I let out a growl as I felt my anger rise, "If those monsters harm anybody, I will reduce them to dust!"

Silvia managed to finally push her skirt out of her eyesight, just in time to see Ace's sword send Anna flying into the foyer again with the slightest of ease. "Wh-Whoa..." All she could do was watch Anna Ciel fly into an arc and land on the floor with a sound that immediately made her cringe. "Ace... what was that? That was..." A rush of feelings went through her at the sight of all that power - awe, envy, adrenaline, but most importantly fear. Ace was truly something to behold, wasn't she? A locket of secrets just begging to be opened.

Righjt. *Pairs with you*
I recommend some Rally support, that is if we have any.

I still remember that day, black skies, pouring rain and flashing lightning. The day I lost it, went into a rage attacking all who stood before me. My mind fogged with grief and despair at the sight of his body lying on the ground. And there Silvia was right before me. A light through the fog in my mind, I couldn't bear to lose that again.

"Alright, with some Rally support these intruders shall fall. I'm Ace Tactician."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Hahaha! I think we need to work on coordinating better!"

"And I need to work on my aim..." It didn't seem like Crizix had hit the Anna, especially not after Ace Tactician suddenly appeared and knocked her back down the stairs...Sighing, she took more careful aim and channeled her magic into another Elthunder spell.

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Silvia managed to finally push her skirt out of her eyesight, just in time to see Ace's sword send Anna flying into the foyer again with the slightest of ease. "Wh-Whoa..." All she could do was watch Anna Ciel fly into an arc and land on the floor with a sound that immediately made her cringe. "Ace... what was that? That was..." A rush of feelings went through her at the sight of all that power - awe, envy, adrenaline, but most importantly fear. Ace was truly something to behold, wasn't she? A locket of secrets just begging to be opened.

Try not to steal my spotlight yet!

*slashes Anna on Brave Sword as she flies down the steps*

Hm...no blood. A normal being would have burst if hit by these attacks. And then there was that other Anna and the...no, it couldn't be...not in my time...

Ehem. Do not forget my contributions!

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I recommend some Rally support, that is if we have any.

"I have rallies, but I'll only use them at Silvia's command, as she's the leader. I can only use them a set number of times before needing to rest."

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"Lovely to have you, your Highness." Silvia couldn't resist a curtsy as the Hero King joined her in battle.

Marth attacks, dealing 25 damage!

Silvia attacks, dealing 10 damage!

Anna Ciel attacks, but her attack is blocked!

"Ha! Nice try." She silently congratulated herself on jumping in front of the attack and blocking it before it could hit.

"Ooh. How clever of you!" Anna Ciel cooed, twirling a strand of her hair in her fingers."But you've forgotten something... I'm faster."

And she proved it, slamming into Silvia and knocking her aside for a mad dash up the stairs.

"DAMN IT!" Silvia screeched, scrambling around to get on her feet again despite the cumbersome dress keeping her down. "SOMEONE CATCH HER!"

"On your feet Milady!" I pulled Silvia up to her feet and then turned my eyes to Anna Ciel.

"I don't know what it is you're planning, but it shall not come to pass! You leave my friends be!"

Activates Astra, dealing 12 damage x5 and crits the final hit. Anna Ciel is defeated

"There. That takes care of that"

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"I should really hunt for more of those light runes. It would really help with protection."

"You're lucky Yuffie has healed you. You don't do anything dead."

Sorry, but it is my first experience of battle with Anna.
She can prove to be a handful. Gotta be more careful.
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"Someone's been slaughtering my sisters left and right... and I don't like that."


[spoiler=Anna Bernadette]240px-MerchantAnna.jpg

"It's not good for sales... so it's time to put you out of business..."

Anna Bernadette has the following skills: Counter, Aegis, Lancefaire, Pavise, Hawkeye.

She has 99 health.

She is wielding two weapons: a Brave Lance and a Spear.

(Final one for tonight guys, let's make it count!

If I calculated it correctly, both Anna Ciel and Anna Jeanette are dead, as well as I think 4 of the 5 Risen.)

Edited by Vashiane
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"I have rallies, but I'll only use them at Silvia's command, as she's the leader. I can only use them a set number of times before needing to rest."

I'd save them. You never know what they may have up there sleeve, and among the last things we need is for them take the city.

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"Someone's been slaughtering my sisters left and right... and I don't like that."


[spoiler=Anna Bernadette]240px-MerchantAnna.jpg

"It's not good for sales... so it's time to put you out of business..."

Anna Bernadette has the following skills: Counter, Aegis, Lancefaire, Pavise, Hawkeye.

She has 99 health.

She is wielding two weapons: a Brave Lance and a Spear.

(Final one for tonight guys, let's make it count!)

"Yet another one. They are so unsightly."

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"Good. Anna Ciel has fallen. Hmm... it seems like everyone is holding up fairly well. Ah! Isabelle is still wounded."

Yuffie restores Isabelle to full health with the Mend_FE13_Icon.png.

"You need to be careful! The Anna's only required one lucking strike to almost kill Dusk!"

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Crizix's Elthunder spell was delayed due to her fumbling, but it ended up hitting Anna Bernadette for 14 damage...She was lucky the Anna didn't have the Spear equipped, or else she might have been half dead by now...or worse.

Edited by Crizix
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"Hmmm, how are they multiying so fast....




Wait, what exactly?

Ah damnit, if my suspicions are true...then...then...

Quickly! Order and immediate evacuation of the city! I'm not takin any chances!

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I stood at the door to the infirmary, looking for any intruders who woke me up. I never felt this angry, not since that day. I was finally relaxed for the first time since he died, and now that feeling was gone. I let out a growl as I felt my anger rise, "If those monsters harm anybody, I will reduce them to dust!"

I still remember that day, black skies, pouring rain and flashing lightning. The day I lost it, went into a rage attacking all who stood before me. My mind fogged with grief and rage at the sight of his body lying on the ground. And there Silvia was right before me. A light through the fog in my mind, I couldn't bear to lose that again.

"Alright, with some Rally support these intruders shall fall. I'm Ace Tactician."

I've got your back.
As I can assist you now that I am paired.

"I have rallies, but I'll only use them at Silvia's command, as she's the leader. I can only use them a set number of times before needing to rest."

I see.
We must only use them only whenever absolutely nessessary then.

"On your feet Milady!" I pulled Silvia up to her feet and then turned my eyes to Anna Ciel.

"I don't know what it is you're planning, but it shall not come to pass! You leave my friends be!"

Activates Astra, dealing 12 damage x5 and crits the final hit. Anna Ciel is defeated

"There. That takes care of that"

How many are left now?
Is paired alongside Ace waiting to back her up in her in this oncoming battle.
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