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Yuffie looked up to see an Anna charging straight for him.

"Nonononono, not again!"

Yuffie dived to the side, throwing his Mend staff in Anna's face, in hopes of distracting her for a moment.

Anna cleaved through the Stave, and just then, Yuffie heard someone cry "You shall not pass beyond this point! Tonight you shall hold you last sale! Prepare to be reduced to cinders!"

While Anna was recovering from Ace Tactician's Valflame, Yuffie seizes the opportunity to flee from the advancing Anna.

"Thank you! You just saved my life! I owe you quite the debt!"

"Anything to help a friend." I replied before Anna Bernadette came up to me all bloody and burned and she said,

"You... won't... I won't... fall... h-here..." Anna Bernadette staggered, reaching for her Spear. She made a wild series of slashes in Ace's direction, unsure if any of them hit or not, before finally bringing the weapon down into her leg, and falling.

The silence was deafening.

Anna Bernadette has been defeated!

I took Mercurius and fought her close quarters, her spear hitting me a few times before I finally impaled her through the chest. "Foolish saleswoman, didn't your sisters tell you about my powers? My appearance spells death for you all!" And with Silvia killing the last Risen, I sunk to my knees in exhaustion. "Now I can sleep again." I said smiling as my new friend, Isabelle attacked the dead Anna Bernadette.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Haha! I wonder how the Annas feel knowing you took out one of their pets with your heels!"

"Oh, they're probably jealous. Knowing them they'd have to one-up us in some way..." Silvia giggled, twirling for dramatic effect.

(Oh, GOD I have an idea for a boss now. PFFT.)

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"She's down. At last. I think it's -"

Yuffie looked up to see Silvia throwing her shoe at the remaining Risen. Baffled, he stared at her, and slowly walked behind Kat, in the hopes that she would protect him from the lady who killed the undead with shoes.

"I... I don't even know what to say."

And then Silvia started to twirl.

"I... uhh... what?"

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"You... won't... I won't... fall... h-here..." Anna Bernadette staggered, reaching for her Spear. She made a wild series of slashes in Ace's direction, unsure if any of them hit or not, before finally bringing the weapon down into her leg, and falling.

The silence was deafening.

Anna Bernadette has been defeated!

That's after she'd got my aftershock of cackling lightning. :D

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Seeing that Anna Bernadette has been slain, Crizix lowered her guard, not feeling the need to be vigilant at the moment. She reviewed her performance in today's battle...It wasn't...uhm...Well, she got one hit in, at least...

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"Anything to help a friend." I replied before Anna Bernadette came up to me all bloody and burned and she said,

I took Mercurius and fought her close quarters, her spear hitting me a few times before I finally impaled her through the chest. "Foolish saleswoman, didn't your sisters tell you about my powers? My appearance spells death for you all!" And with Silvia killing the last Risen, I sunk to my knees in exhaustion. "Now I can sleep again." I said smiling as my new friend, Isabelle attacked her.

She snatched up her Mend staff and darted over Ace's slumped form, skidding on her knees the second she got close enough. Dirt and bruises be damned, she was a bride, but not a princess. "Y-You alright?"

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"Anything to help a friend." I replied before Anna Bernadette came up to me all bloody and burned and she said,

I took Mercurius and fought her close quarters, her spear hitting me a few times before I finally impaled her through the chest. "Foolish saleswoman, didn't your sisters tell you about my powers? My appearance spells death for you all!" And with Silvia killing the last Risen, I sunk to my knees in exhaustion. "Now I can sleep again." I said smiling as my new friend, Isabelle attacked the dead Anna Bernadette.

So, that's what she said to you.

I believe my fears may be confirmed.

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@ Darkhuntress - i'd recommend against long posts... because you miss a lot.


The activity.

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"You... won't... I won't... fall... h-here..." Anna Bernadette staggered, reaching for her Spear. She made a wild series of slashes in Ace's direction, unsure if any of them hit or not, before finally bringing the weapon down into her leg, and falling.

The silence was deafening.

Anna Bernadette has been defeated!

Sheathing Falchion, I turned to everyone within the group and smiled. "The day has been won. And with no further casualties too." I sighed in relief

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Ok night for me.

Be on in the morning

See you then

Sheathing Falchion, I turned to everyone within the group and smiled. "The day has been won. And with no further casualties too." I sighed in relief

Don't get to comfortable. I've got an odd suspicion. But that is still a good reason to be merry, isn't it?

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She snatched up her Mend staff and darted over Ace's slumped form, skidding on her knees the second she got close enough. Dirt and bruises be damned, she was a bride, but not a princess. "Y-You alright?"

"Heh, I'm just really tired. That battle woke me up, and I'm a little scary when I'm sleep deprived." I smiled. "A good night's rest and I should be okay."

So, that's what she said to you.

I believe my fears may be confirmed.

"Do you fear me? Because I'm used to people fearing me because of my unusual powers."

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Sheathing Falchion, I turned to everyone within the group and smiled. "The day has been won. And with no further casualties too." I sighed in relief

"Indeed, though I just wish I could have been of more help..." Crizix mumbled as she fiddled with her Tome.

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"She's down. At last. I think it's -"

Yuffie looked up to see Silvia throwing her shoe at the remaining Risen. Baffled, he stared at her, and slowly walked behind Kat, in the hopes that she would protect him from the lady who killed the undead with shoes.

"I... I don't even know what to say."

And then Silvia started to twirl.

"I... uhh... what?"


"It's all a part of the strategy, Yuffie. All a part of the strategy. Haven't you ever heard the statement that 'Anything can be used as a weapon?' before?"

Seeing that Anna Bernadette has been slain, Crizix lowered her guard, not feeling the need to be vigilant at the moment. She reviewed her performance in today's battle...It wasn't...uhm...Well, she got one hit in, at least...

The disappointment in Crixiz's face was clear. "You just need some training, that's all. Tomes are far more advanced that most people expect them to be, so it's really a finicky thing. Don't worry, if you need it I'd love to help."

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Sheathing Falchion, I turned to everyone within the group and smiled. "The day has been won. And with no further casualties too." I sighed in relief

What a relief.

*Takes a good rest polishing her tome charging it up again with electrical energy*

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"Do we have time to theorize or should we simply rest?"

"... Theorize. If we can figure this mess out, we may get the upper hand."

"...Commander Silvia? I have a request of you, if you are willing to hear."

"Of course. Say your piece."

"Heh, I'm just really tired. That battle woke me up, and I'm a little scary when I'm sleep deprived." I smiled. "A good night's rest and I should be okay."

"Do you fear me? Because I'm used to people fearing me because of my unusual powers."

"Ha... so I've noticed. But... alright then. Rest now. We're fine. "

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"Heh, I'm just really tired. That battle woke me up, and I'm a little scary when I'm sleep deprived." I smiled. "A good night's rest and I should be okay."

"Do you fear me? Because I'm used to people fearing me because of my unusual powers."

No, not you, though you certainly are worthy of your reputation.

It was what that Anna said, among other things, that bothers me.

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The disappointment in Crixiz's face was clear. "You just need some training, that's all. Tomes are far more advanced that most people expect them to be, so it's really a finicky thing. Don't worry, if you need it I'd love to help."

Crizix's face lit up at the encouragement. "R-Really? I'd appreciate the help a lot..." She admitted, blushing shyly.

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