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And because that Anna got shocked along with Ace's attack is why that Anna staggered.

Lightning always proves useful in jolting in electrical shocks. Good thing that she keeled over, or we'd be in trouble.


No, not you, though you certainly are worthy of your reputation.

It was what that Anna said, among other things, that bothers me.


OOT: I'll edit my posts whenever they go ahead of me, Kat. xD

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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"Of course. Say your piece."

"In my convoy, there are many items known as 'Light Runes' which form a shield to prevent entry or exit if placed along floors or doors. I would like to go into the Convoy and hunt for some to better fortify our headquarters. It will take me a long time to find enough, however, at least a day. If you are attacked then, I will not be able to help. That said, I still wish to find them. May I?"

Edited by Kat
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"Indeed, though I just wish I could have been of more help..." Crizix mumbled as she fiddled with her Tome.

More training is what you need. And may I just say, you do have talent. Not many mages are capable of controlling magic as unpredictable as lighting, never mind managing to hit someone as fast as an Anna with it. If you are willing to accept my aid, I would be glad to help you improve.

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"... Theorize. If we can figure this mess out, we may get the upper hand."

"Of course. Say your piece."

"Ha... so I've noticed. But... alright then. Rest now. We're fine. "

"Okay, but I'll stay awake for important information. Can't miss a beat, it might be something useful."

No, not you, though you certainly are worthy of your reputation.

It was what that Anna said, among other things, that bothers me.

"Oh okay. Thank you. You're really strong yourself. Watching you fight, it's like I'm watching him fight. What was it that Anna said? I tend not to here things when I'm blinded with rage sometimes."

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"In my convoy, there are many items known as 'Light Runes' which form a shield to prevent entry or exit if placed along floors or doors. I would like to go into the Convoy and hunt for some to better fortify our headquarters. It will take me a long time to find enough, however, at least a day. If you are attacked then, I will not be able to help. That said, I still wish to find them. May I?"

That is suggested.

As we may not know what were up against later.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Crizix's face lit up at the encouragement. "R-Really? I'd appreciate the help a lot..." She admitted, blushing shyly.

"Totally. Believe it or not, I used to know someone was a bit of an expert at the subject. He taught me practically everything I know..." Her voice drifted off then, into a tone that sounded more and more forlorn with each syllable uttered. "Yuffie and I could work together to assist you."

I have some information that may be of interest, if you care to hear it.

"Of course."

"In my convoy, there are many items known as 'Light Runes' which form as a shield to prevent entry or exit. I would like to go into the Convoy and hunt for some to better fortify our headquarters. It will take me a long time to find enough, however, at least a day. If you are attacked then, I will not be able to help. That said, I still wish to find them. May I?"

"I've never heard of such a thing... but if it can help, I'll take anything I can get at this point..." Silvia breathed out a sigh deep enough to rival a lovelorn woman's, slowly twisted her hair around her fingers, similar to the way Anna Ciel did before. "We'll definitely miss the help, but if you want to retrieve them, by all means, go ahead."

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"Indeed, though I just wish I could have been of more help..." Crizix mumbled as she fiddled with her Tome.

"Don't sell yourself short. Always strive to be better, for one day, everyone will be relying on you to come to the rescue. In time you'll gain much experience"

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"Okay, but I'll stay awake for important information. Can't miss a beat, it might be something useful."

"Oh okay. Thank you. You're really strong yourself. Watching you fight, it's like I'm watching him fight. What was it that Anna said? I tend not to here things when I'm blinded with rage sometimes."

True. And thank you, it's a shame people don't speak so often of your honor as your fury. But please, tell me who this 'him' is. I've heard of many warriors in my travels, I may know a little of him.

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"Totally. Believe it or not, I used to know someone was a bit of an expert at the subject. He taught me practically everything I know..." Her voice drifted off then, into a tone that sounded more and more forlorn with each syllable uttered. "Yuffie and I could work together to assist you."

"Of course."

"I've never heard of such a thing... but if it can help, I'll take anything I can get at this point..." Silvia breathed out a sigh deep enough to rival a lovelorn woman's, slowly twisted her hair around her fingers, similar to the way Anna Ciel did before. "We'll definitely miss the help, but if you want to retrieve them, by all means, go ahead."

"They are native to another continent. I will stay momentarily to see what I can overhear on theories, but I will have to leave soon if I am to be back within a reasonable time."

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Isabelle: I may suggest working alongside Ace support wise. As the last battle did wonders.

And don't worry, Crizix. You'll get better with enough practice and support.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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More training is what you need. And may I just say, you do have talent. Not many mages are capable of controlling magic as unpredictable as lighting, never mind managing to hit someone as fast as an Anna with it. If you are willing to accept my aid, I would be glad to help you improve.

Crizix blushed at the kind words. "Oh, thank you...I would definitely appreciate the help..." She looked at her Elthunder Tome, surprised to hear that lightning magic was unpredictable.

"Totally. Believe it or not, I used to know someone was a bit of an expert at the subject. He taught me practically everything I know..." Her voice drifted off then, into a tone that sounded more and more forlorn with each syllable uttered. "Yuffie and I could work together to assist you."

"Thank you both for the help. I'll try my hardest to get better!"

"Don't sell yourself short. Always strive to be better, for one day, everyone will be relying on you to come to the rescue. In time you'll gain much experience"

"R-Right. Thank you for your kindness, sire." It was odd to have a famous hero personally offer her encouragement.

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"R-Right. Thank you for your kindness, sire." It was odd to have a famous hero personally offer her encouragement.

Isabelle: And an honor of that magnitude of respect shall hopefully inspire you to be better later.

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True. And thank you, it's a shame people don't speak so often of your honor as your fury. But please, tell me who this 'him' is. I've heard of many warriors in my travels, I may know a little of him.

"He was a very dear friend of mine. When I met him, I was convinced all my powers could do was harm. He was the one who believed my powers could be used for good things. Soon I came to trust him, and we were close friends. I still remember the battles we fought, and he would grab the treasure while I guarded his back. Then, there was an attack. And he sacrificed his life so I could escape. What was his name? ....No, my mind seems to have blocked it out. All I can recall now of him, is his copper red hair. I keep a picture of him in this locket, with it I feel like he's still watching me."

Isabelle: I may suggest working alongside Ace support wise. As the last battle did wonders.

And don't worry, Crizix. You'll get better with enough practice and support.

"Sure thing, I really enjoyed fighting alongside you."

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"With an attackof this scale, it'd probably be best if we pressed onward to elsewhere, lest we become sitting ducks. We must stamp out this fire before it catches wind again. May i see a map of the area?"

"Do we even have a map? And, again, moving the wounded would be very difficult. Particularly Sorin."

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"Do we even have a map? And, again, moving the wounded would be very difficult. Particularly Sorin."

" I could carry Commander Sorin if needed. I'm pretty strong as I've had to carry my friends in the past."

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"Of course."

Alright, I guess now is as good as ever.

Most of my life I have traveled to better my skills in combat, nurture my faith and expand my knowledge. In my travels, I have sometimes heard of strange risen. Creatures who could, given a moments rest, draw power from the soil and recover from any wound. I've heard also of the most perverse and wicked level of sorcerery, those who would take the powers of these abarations for some demonic toll.

My fear is that these Anna's are as much risen as they are humanoid. That would explain why that one, Ceil I believe, was far stronger than she should have been when I attacked after she was assaulted. It also explains why that straggler was so weak, it had power from neither the dead or soulless. It seems likely, from what they said and their lack of blood, that what I say is true, an that they have sold their souls or some greedy purpose. Maybe I'm depend evidence where it isn't, but I I'm right, there may be no limit to how many Annas could arise and no way to tell how strong they may become.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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" I could carry Commander Sorin if needed. I'm pretty strong as I've had to carry my friends in the past."

"The problem lies more in reopening the wounds, I believe. There's also the fact that he's in a coma, which is always touchy. If our healers believe they are skilled enough, then I will agree with the plan to move. I can easily find you all later. But if they don't think so..."

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But Hero is right.

We must move to another location. They can get us again now that some of them found us. But we must somehow carry the wounded if it got too out of hand, like if they can't stand up and such.


Shoot, Kat is right. We don't want to risk futher injury. So, what do we do?

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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But Hero is right.

We must move to another location. They can get us again now that some of them found us. But we must somehow carry the wounded if it got too out of hand, like if they can't stand up and such.

Indeed. But leave nothing of use behind
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But Hero is right.

We must move to another location. They can get us again now that some of them found us. But we must somehow carry the wounded if it got too out of hand, like if they can't stand up and such.

"Not to mention the risk we bear of getting ambushed while carrying the wounded..."

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"They are native to another continent. I will stay momentarily to see what I can overhear on theories, but I will have to leave soon if I am to be back within a reasonable time."

"That's perfectly fine. I understand."

Crizix blushed at the kind words. "Oh, thank you...I would definitely appreciate the help..." She looked at her Elthunder Tome, surprised to hear that lightning magic was unpredictable.

"Thank you both for the help. I'll try my hardest to get better!"

"R-Right. Thank you for your kindness, sire." It was odd to have a famous hero personally offer her encouragement.

"Once everyone's rested and the area's clear, I'm sure we'll have the time to help you."

"With an attackof this scale, it'd probably be best if we pressed onward to elsewhere, lest we become sitting ducks. We must stamp out this fire before it catches wind again. May i see a map of the area?"

"Do we even have a map? And, again, moving the wounded would be very difficult. Particularly Sorin."

"There may be one laying around in a study somewhere... we haven't explored much of this fort, really." Silvia reached up and pulled the ribbon out of her hair, letting the left side spill into a fluffy of loose waves. "And Dodge as well... if we had a wagon or cart of some sort it could be easier..."

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"The problem lies more in reopening the wounds, I believe. There's also the fact that he's in a coma, which is always touchy. If our healers believe they are skilled enough, then I will agree with the plan to move. I can easily find you all later. But if they don't think so..."

"Yeah, I also had deal with that too. My friends, my comrades being so wounded that I had to really be careful carrying them. But I did so because I don't believe in leaving anyone behind. I care really deeply for my friends, and Commander Sorin helped me when I was on death's door. It's the least I could do to repay his kindness."

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"He was a very dear friend of mine. When I met him, I was convinced all my powers could do was harm. He was the one who believed my powers could be used for good things. Soon I came to trust him, and we were close friends. I still remember the battles we fought, and he would grab the treasure while I guarded his back. Then, there was an attack. And he sacrificed his life so I could escape. What was his name? ....No, my mind seems to have blocked it out. All I can recall now of him, is his copper red hair. I keep a picture of him in this locket, with it I feel like he's still watching me."

"Sure thing, I really enjoyed fighting alongside you."

Well, it touches me that you are reminded of someone so close to you, and it must be very nice to have had such a close ally at your back. However, based on what you've said, he could have been many heroes and fighters I have heard of. Sorry I cannot say anymore.

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