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"With an attackof this scale, it'd probably be best if we pressed onward to elsewhere, lest we become sitting ducks. We must stamp out this fire before it catches wind again. May i see a map of the area?"

"But what of the wounded? Most of them can barely walk, let alone trek to another fort! For a relocation to work, we work have to make multiple trips so that everyone can reach there safely, and the multiple trips carry with them huge risks. What if we were spotted by the Anna's while relocating? They could with one fell swoop Annahilate our wounded. For this to work, we would have to move out in small groups, and spread them out over time so that we make less noise, and are less likely to be found by the Annas."

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Alright, I guess now is as good as ever.

Most of my life I have traveled to better my skills in combat, nurture my faith and expand my knowledge. In my travels, I have sometimes heard of strange risen. Creatures who could, given a moments rest, draw power from the soil and recover from any wound. I've heard also of the most perverse and wicked level of sorcerery, those who would take the powers of these abarations for some demonic toll.

My fear is that these Anna's are as much risen as they are humanoid. That would explain why that one, Ceil I believe, was far stronger than she should have been when I attacked after she was assaulted. It also explains why that straggler was so weak, it had power from neither the dead or soulless. It seems likely, from what they said and their lack of blood, that what I say is true, an that they have sold their souls or some greedy purpose. Maybe I'm depend evidence where it isn't, but I I'm right, there may be no limit to how many Annas could arise and no way to tell how strong they may become.

They spawn worse than Rats and roaches. If they get much stronger, so will we.

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Alright, I guess now is as good as ever.

Most of my life I have traveled to better my skills in combat, nurture my faith and expand my knowledge. In my travels, I have sometimes heard of strange risen. Creatures who could, given a moments rest, draw power from the soil and recover from any wound. I've heard also of the most perverse and wicked level of sorcerery, those who would take the powers of these abarations for some demonic toll.

My fear is that these Anna's are as much risen as they are humanoid. That would explain why that one, Ceil I believe, was far stronger than she should have been when I attacked after she was assaulted. It also explains why that straggler was so weak, it had power from neither the dead or soulless. It seems likely, from what they said and their lack of blood, that what I say is true, an that they have sold their souls or some greedy purpose. Maybe I'm depend evidence where it isn't, but I I'm right, there may be no limit to how many Annas could arise and no way to tell how strong they may become.

"W-What..." Silvia's hand had strayed upwards to remove the right side ribbon as well, but Anon's words froze her. She hurriedly placed her hands behind her back, to prevent anyone from seeing them shake. She was their commander now, the one they looked up to. She couldn't show the slightest weakness. "I... that's a possibility. A horrible one, but a possibility indeed. You don't think this could apply to any dead person do you? That they can be resurrected into... that?" She distinctly remembered, a quiet day in which he had curled up on her lap and waxed nostalgic about a hex he used to know... to ensure a dead soul never slept.

Suddenly, Silvia felt extremely woozy. What if... what if he appeared to her? What if he really was gone...

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Well, it touches me that you are reminded of someone so close to you, and it must be very nice to have had such a close ally at your back. However, based on what you've said, he could have been many heroes and fighters I have heard of. Sorry I cannot say anymore.

"I'm sorry that I can't remember his name. Maybe someday I'll remember it. I used to recall it so clearly. I guess when he died, that was something I forgot when I flew into a blind rage. He was a thief, but he was one of the those thieves who had honor. And...that's what I liked about him."

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They spawn worse than Rats and roaches. If they get much stronger, so will we.

*rabbits* would be a better example.

Nonetheless, have any of you ever heard such tales? I know some circles of scholars who only debate such topics, and I sorely hope that there conspiracy theories are not coming to fruition.

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"I can fly them back to Ylisse, maybe a good rest would help."

"We're in Ylisse. That's the problem. You would also have to make multiple trips into unknown territory. As I said, though, I can bring them into my Convoy, for... well, let's call it 'cost'?"

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*Carter flies in late*

"What's going on?"

"Y-You're... kind of... late... aren't you?" Silvia said to the red-haired Dark Flier, stumbling over her words as she tried to form something eloquent and nonchalant again. It apparently, wasn't happening, and she cursed herself for losing her composure.

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"I'm sorry that I can't remember his name. Maybe someday I'll remember it. I used to recall it so clearly. I guess when he died, that was something I forgot when I flew into a blind rage. He was a thief, but he was one of the those thieves who had honor. And...that's what I liked about him."

A theif? Hm, I may have that somewhere in a book or two. By tomorrow morning I'll see of I can form any hypotheses.

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"W-What..." Silvia's hand had strayed upwards to remove the right side ribbon as well, but Anon's words froze her. She hurriedly placed her hands behind her back, to prevent anyone from seeing them shake. She was their commander now, the one they looked up to. She couldn't show the slightest weakness. "I... that's a possibility. A horrible one, but a possibility indeed. You don't think this could apply to any dead person do you? That they can be resurrected into... that?" She distinctly remembered, a quiet day in which he had curled up on her lap and waxed nostalgic about a hex he used to know... to ensure a dead soul never slept.

Suddenly, Silvia felt extremely woozy. What if... what if he appeared to her? What if he really was gone...

Any dead person? Not from I've heard, it's trade one makes, a soul for a devils power. But few can claim to have seen these, and asking one of these beings would likely not wield an answer.

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"But what of the wounded? Most of them can barely walk, let alone trek to another fort! For a relocation to work, we work have to make multiple trips so that everyone can reach there safely, and the multiple trips carry with them huge risks. What if we were spotted by the Anna's while relocating? They could with one fell swoop Annahilate our wounded. For this to work, we would have to move out in small groups, and spread them out over time so that we make less noise, and are less likely to be found by the Annas."


We must split up going east and west separately as quietly as we can overtime.

*rabbits* would be a better example.
Nonetheless, have any of you ever heard such tales? I know some circles of scholars who only debate such topics, and I sorely hope that there conspiracy theories are not coming to fruition.

Good point.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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"Yeah, I also had deal with that too. My friends, my comrades being so wounded that I had to really be careful carrying them. But I did so because I don't believe in leaving anyone behind. I care really deeply for my friends, and Commander Sorin helped me when I was on death's door. It's the least I could do to repay his kindness."

"The regard you show for your comrades is admirable. That is something that we both share in common. Tell me, what is your name?

"But what of the wounded? Most of them can barely walk, let alone trek to another fort! For a relocation to work, we work have to make multiple trips so that everyone can reach there safely, and the multiple trips carry with them huge risks. What if we were spotted by the Anna's while relocating? They could with one fell swoop Annahilate our wounded. For this to work, we would have to move out in small groups, and spread them out over time so that we make less noise, and are less likely to be found by the Annas."

Hmmm....You strike a good point there"

Edited by Hero-King
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Any dead person? Not from I've heard, it's trade one makes, a soul for a devils power. But few can claim to have seen these, and asking one of these beings would likely not wield an answer.

Silvia went even paler, dropping her hands limply by her sides. "T-That... is something he would do... damn it." She raked her fingers through her hair, grumbling in discontent and silently praying to every god that existed that she never find him in that sort of state.

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"We're in Ylisse. That's the problem. You would also have to make multiple trips into unknown territory. As I said, though, I can bring them into my Convoy, for... well, let's call it 'cost'?"

"Nah, it's fine. I'm a skilled Pegasus Rider! And besides, I can scream for help. I've been told I can break ear drums."

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"Commander Silvia, I will have to leave soon. Do you want me to take the most seriously wounded with me into the Convoy? If I do, they will be unavaliable for the day I am gone."

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"Commander Silvia, I will have to leave soon. Do you want me to take the most seriously wounded with me into the Convoy? If I do, they will be unavaliable for the day I am gone."

She nodded, tapping her foot against the ground to hopefully drive all of anxious worries out of her voice and into one moment. "Yes, do so. And... t-take care... alright...?" It slipped out anyway, despite her desperate inner pleas to remain calm. But Anon's theory... it hit a spot that was far, far too close to home.

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"The regard you show for your comrades is admirable. That is something that we both share in common. Tell me, what is your name?

Hmmm....You strike a good point there"

"I'm Ace Tactician. Are you Marth the Hero-King? Because...I knew someone else with blue hair like that. But...I can't remember anything else besides that."

Silvia went even paler, dropping her hands limply by her sides. "T-That... is something he would do... damn it." She raked her fingers through her hair, grumbling in discontent and silently praying to every god that existed that she never find him in that sort of state.

I noticed Silvia was pretty pale. I wonder what was on her mind. When she had that look in her eyes, it was a look of fear. I overheard her talking and that person jumped into my mind in a flash. "If you do anything to bring Silvia sadness, you will answer to my sword." I muttered under my breath.

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She nodded, tapping her foot against the ground to hopefully drive all of anxious worries out of her voice and into one moment. "Yes, do so. And... t-take care... alright...?" It slipped out anyway, despite her desperate inner pleas to remain calm. But Anon's theory... it hit a spot that was far, far too close to home.

"Very well. Sorin will be one of the ones. Yuffie? Will you help me take in the others? The less wounded can be ferried with Carter, yes?"

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Silvia went even paler, dropping her hands limply by her sides. "T-That... is something he would do... damn it." She raked her fingers through her hair, grumbling in discontent and silently praying to every god that existed that she never find him in that sort of state.


*holds up hand*

Never mind, you have no need to answer that.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm a skilled Pegasus Rider! And besides, I can scream for help. I've been told I can break ear drums."

Try not to do such, as it will render the majority of us deaf.

Besides, if I'm correct, then anywhere there is dirt one of these things can raise up.

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1."I'm Ace Tactician. Are you Marth the Hero-King? 2.Because...I knew someone else with blue hair like that. But...I can't remember anything else besides that."

1.That's great to know a little more about you.

2.And neither can I. That person is a mystery/a mirage.


I'm Isabelle. I'm a Sage from Emmeryn's Magic acadamy in Ylisse. I have been an honored student there for 5 years in training learning to heal, fight with spells, and learning the oath and words of god for the greater of humanity. We always try to solve our matters peacefully without fighting. But if it is to do it for a better cause, I'll do it.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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