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Entombed goes for Alvitazi, however, he didn't realize it...

"AHH!" Alvitazi activates Miracle, leaving him at 1 HP. "Someone... help... me!"

"No! Hang on, I'm coming!" I ran to Alvitiazi's side as quick as I could. "Stay by me, I'll keep you safe until someone can heal your wounds." There was no way I would let someone die here.

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Entombed goes for Alvitazi, however, he didn't realize it...

"AHH!" Alvitazi activates Miracle, leaving him at 1 HP. "Someone... help... me!"

"I won't let you fall!"

Yuffie uses his Rescue.png to warp Alvitazi out of danger.

"Yuffie... help me!" Blood flows out of Alvitazi's mouth.

"Of course I will!"

Satisfied that Alvitazi was out of danger, Yuffie heals him with e Mend staff for 35 HP.

"Stay with me for a bit. You're not fully healed yet.

Edited by YayForYuffie
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Dusk attacks with his killer bow, deleting a hefty 18HP. Anna pink attacks with levin sword, taking out 40HP

"Ugh, ack! Why are these things so strong? It's not natural..."

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Dusk attacks with his killer bow, deleting a hefty 18 damage. Anna pink attacks with levin sword, taking out 40HP

"Ugh, ack! Why are these things so strong? It's not natural..."

*calls down while hanging on a branch*

They aren't natural!

*continues climbing*

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Dusk attacks with his killer bow, deleting a hefty 18 damage. Anna pink attacks with levin sword, taking out 40HP

"Ugh, ack! Why are these things so strong? It's not natural..."


Glaedyr attacks with bravesword.png, but each attack only deals 10 damage each.

"How do they manage this?It's...inhuman..."

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Dusk attacks with his killer bow, deleting a hefty 18HP. Anna pink attacks with levin sword, taking out 40HP

"Ugh, ack! Why are these things so strong? It's not natural..."

That Levin Sword attack looked really bad...Just how much magical ability did this Anna have? Would her Elthunder even hurt her? She swapped it for her Mend and used it on Dodgedusk.

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Glaedyr attacks with bravesword.png, but each attack only deals 10 damage each.

"How do they manage this?It's...inhuman..."

"Huh, oh, Glaedyr. I see you're using that trick I showed you earlier. Handy isn't it? Catches everyone off guard everytime. As for them being inhuman... they clearly aren't. This Anna-gene must also amplify the physical properties of them. It's not normal!"

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Glaedyr attacks with bravesword.png, but each attack only deals 10 damage each.

"How do they manage this?It's...inhuman..."

Good enough *pulls out Swordslayer*

'Breathing is strictly prohibited among the enemy ranks!'

*jumps down with Swordslayer, landing a critical hit for 69 damage, killing the Anna*

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I decide to take out my Katarina's Bolt tome and attack Pink Anna for only 29 damage, her Levin Sword hitting me for 33 back. "Grrr, must...hold back emotions."

Crizix noticed Ace Tactician get hit from a distance. She was too far for her Mend Staff, so she pulled out her Physic and used that instead.

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Notching an arrow from my forged killer bow at an incoming Revnant, the arrowed pierced into its chest area. It made a loud, blood-curdling shriek of pain before sinking back into the ground. I watched it in disdain, shaking my head.

(The attack did 120 damage, since I got a critical hit and 1HKO'ed it.)

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