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and me

Oh yeah Anon I can support with you as well.

Either of you are to support right now?

Sorry Breezy. I didn't catch your name somehow. xD

When I finish this Spanish homework, I will... xP

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*Sigh* since I'm technically incapacitated, might as well update my personality.

Sorin refuses to use magic no matter how proficient his is(Especially his Thunder Magic. Don't let him have his Ryuuraitou on a stormy day or with a thunder tome around) chooses to hone his rather amazing sword craft. He mysteriously has both the Mark of Naga(On his chest) and the Mark of Grima(on his right hand) but tries his best to keep them hidden. Isn't afraid to get his hands dirty in wartime but loving to his allies and family. The most easily hid emotions of the army.

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*Sigh* since I'm technically incapacitated, might as well update my personality.

Sorin refuses to use magic no matter how proficient his is(Especially his Thunder Magic. Don't let him have his Ryuuraitou on a stormy day or with a thunder tome around) chooses to hone his rather amazing sword craft. He mysteriously has both the Mark of Naga(On his chest) and the Mark of Grima(on his right hand) but tries his best to keep them hidden. Isn't afraid to get his hands dirty in wartime but loving to his allies and family. The most easily hid emotions of the army.

That reminds me, should all of our character bios be somewhere else other than here too? Reading through 80 pages finding bios is not going to be fun

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Or they are being produced.

Dusk, you said earlier that the outrealms were no longer availble due to the closing of the gate, right? I've found out its not closed all the way.

During the points in which I have been absent of these battles, I have been investigating the outrealm gate. And I found some horrid news. That is where they are coming from. I've seen them come out of the gate. After all, there was an Anna at the gates when Chrom ever went there.

I lay awake on my bed, replaying over in my mind what Dandragon said. The gates to the outrealms were not closed all the way according to him, "Then, that means...he should be able to find me. Unless he was advised against it. But...what am I going to tell him? That I failed to save my best friend? His good friend? The first man who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself." I ran my fingers through my brown hair, "These Annas are coming though the gate, I wonder... can anyone else besides these Annas come through?" Well, staying up with these thoughts wasn't helping me fall asleep.

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After Ace's talking, I then head back to the fort as I have got to get to my literature of peace. As it will help in the long run to better understand Emmeryn's teachings bettering myself and knowing the meaning of the code of our acadamy as I have grew up in a court/acadamy(Emmeryn's Acadamy) all my life. Unlike Emmeryn and Linde who have studied in a court of their era shortly after the previous war hoping that one day, I can be Emmeryn's assistant. After the skirmish with the One of the Anna's and the Lovely Anna and Entombeds. I then quickly finish my literature of peace that I was reading while during battle. Then I gather my tome books and staves in order and walk outside of the Ylissian fort and gently runs my clear nailpolished naily fingers through my hair looking at the moonlight while seeing Ace staring into space in her bed through her window as she seems to be daydreaming about something. I then go back inside back into my bed and then daydream after what Ace said a little about herself before the battle started as she seems to be interesting to know about. Afterwards, I then drift off to sleep.

"I think he said he was descended from you. Yeah, he did say that. And he had that mark on his shoulder."

"Hmm, I thought it was due to the seal on the tome weakening over time. I don't think I have major Fala...do I? To be honest, I'd like to know where my unusual powers came from. Maybe a study will help me discover who I really am."

Makes sense to me, it could also serve as the reason why my character has such foggy memories.

Daydream: Well...none of that matters.

You'll find out who you really are soon enough by travelling with us hopefully.

(Hoping that she knows telepathy)(If she don't, I'm sure that she will know herself soon)

I remember when I first met him, it was my red-haired thief friend who introduced us. At first I doubted that any man could love me because whenever I got angry or upset my powers would activate. But he turned out to be someone who I came to love dearly. He didn't seem bothered by my gift, in fact he stood by my side through my worst days. ...I didn't see him when that day happened, when I flew into a blind rage wrought with grief over seeing my thief friend slain before my very eyes. I hope he's still okay.

*Giggle* Yeah, I'd have the Fala mark if I was descended from him. Heck, I don't think this mark is any type of brand seen before. It doesn't appear to be in any books I've read on the subject. *Looks at right hand* Sometimes, I wonder why I was born with this mark.

Daydream: This mark maybe that your branded, or could be something else. Hopefully, you will remember about it soon.

(Hoping that she knows telepathy)(If she don't, I'm sure that she will know herself soon)


And while we're at it.. I need to create some supports for you. Do you have anyone in mind?

This is the current support list:

[spoiler=Sorin]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Dodgedusk, Carter, Kat, Duck, Vashiane

N/A: Dandragon, Z the M

[spoiler=Carter]A Supports: Alvitazi

B Supports:
C Supports: Sorin, Dodgedusk, Kat, Tomichael, Duck

[spoiler=Dodgedusk]A Supports:
B Supports: Kat
C Supports: Sorin, Carter, Tomichael, Polydeuces, Shadowfrost, Glaedyr

[spoiler=Kat]A Supports:

B Supports: Dodgedusk

C Supports: Carter, Sorin, Tomichael, Alvitazi, Shadowfrost, Vashiane, Ace Tactician, Hero-King

N/A: YayForYuffie, Glaedyr, Z the M, Shelie, Crizix, Anon

[spoiler=Duck]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Shadowfrost, Carter, Dodgedusk, Alvitazi, Tomichael, Vashiane

N/A: Z the M

[spoiler=Ace Tactician]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Vashiane, Kat, Hero-King

N/A: Glaedyr, YayForYuffie, Dandragon, Shadowfrost, Crizix, Anon

[spoiler=Polydeuces]A Supports:

B Supports: Duck

C Supports: Dodgedusk, Alvitazi, Shadowfrost, Vashiane

N/A: Dandragon

[spoiler=Alvitazi]A Supports: Carter

B Supports:

C Supports: Tomichael, Polydeuces, Kat, Shadowfrost

N/A: YayForYuffie

[spoiler=Vashiane]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Duck, Kat, Ace Tactician, Hero-King

N/A: ZM, Sorin, Shelie, Crizix

[spoiler=ZM]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports:

N/A: Hero-King, Vashiane, Sorin, Kat, Duck

[spoiler=Dandragon]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports:
N/A: Brokuni, Sorin, Shelie, Polydeuces, Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Hero-King]A Supports:

B Supports:

C Supports: Vashiane, Ace Tactician, Kat

N/A: ZM, Shelie, Crizix

[spoiler=Dark Huntress]A Supports:
B Supports:
C Supports:
N/A: Kat, Vashiane, Brokuni, Shelie, Crizix

[spoiler=AnonymousSpeed]A Supports:
B Supports:
C Supports:
N/A: Kat, Brokuni, Crizix, Ace Tactician

I've got two more battles before that I start with Ace's and Crizzie's.

I'm on Hero-King's, Vashiane's, Ace Tactician's, Dark Huntress's, and AnonymousSpeed's lists, but they're not on mine. I'm not on Dodgedusk's list but he's on mine. :o

Kat should get to that shortly.

I'd like to, but right now none of us can RP a conversation because we haven't reached a support rank yet. Our support rank is listed as N/A for right now. We have yet to fight together to unlock the C rank.

Sure, I'll send my completed support right away.

Well..for me. It's got to be another 2 battles.

If I remember.. this is who fought:



Ace Tactician

Anonymous Speed







Anyone I missed?

If yes, please tell me.

If no, then good.

In order to raise your support with another, you must have your support written and PM'd to me, so I can have it down in the supports thread.

Got it.

Eh, I might as well put this:

Anon, has the most cluttered quarters in the army

I should be the most sarcastic member of the army.

And I am the vainest person in the army.

I was suggesting, is all. If you want it done then consider it done but now I gotta find them

Could everyone PM me their character bios? It would make this so much easier

Got it. Or should I just post it in


this thread?

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Yes, Aya. Post it in the bio thread




Character bio is now complete!

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