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I heard Dusk's shout, and I saw her up there. "I have come to see you dead. You will not summon anymore of these people, you scammer!" I attack her with Valflame for 66damage, causing her to fall off the gate. "Dusk, KILL HER NOW!"

I then saw the promoted wave, and another blue haired man and woman. "Remember me? If not, then I will cast you into the darkest abyss! Dandra! Let's end this wave now!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Well this has gone very well, hasn't it?"

*exhales through nose heavily*

"Quick! Kill as many as y- huh, what? Dusk interrupts himself, squinting into the horizon. Something was there but he couldn't make it out. He adjusts his scope attached to his head and...

[spoiler=The thing]185px-Annaconfession.jpg Anna 029

"Oh you have got to be kidding me... Men, we have our target, MOVE!" he shouts, notching his double bow ready

...Not another one...*taking his tempest blade again, he felt his right palm surge with power* DIE! *he swung, unleashing a powerful tornado at the Anna*

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"As you wish tactician"

Dusk fires his killer bow and hits the necromancer in the stomach, dealing 20 damage

"She... she still lives?! Damn, she must be one of the augmented ones... Men watch out!"

Forgot to say, Anna 029 has a killing edge

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The Tharja fired another attack at Crizix. She brushed it off and responded with her own Elthunder spell. It was a critical hit, and the enemy pulled back to collect itself, one of the Emmeryns decided to aim at her. She couldn't brush off that attack as easily as the last, but she was still going strong. Unfortunately, her Elthunder missed this time...

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Anna 029 was not also augmented, but a lot more intelligent than the average Anna. She attempts to run to Crizix. After all, if the healer goes down the army won't survive this battle at all

"Dammit, someone, protect her!" Dusk tries to hit 029 with his silver bow but it skims her cape

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"Well this has gone very well, hasn't it?"

*exhales through nose heavily*

"Quick! Kill as many as y- huh, what? Dusk interrupts himself, squinting into the horizon. Something was there but he couldn't make it out. He adjusts his scope attached to his head and...

[spoiler=The thing]185px-Annaconfession.jpg Anna 029

"Oh you have got to be kidding me... Men, we have our target, MOVE!" he shouts, notching his double bow ready

What's she wielding?
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I saw the Anna hit the ground with a thud, with two arrows in her abdomen. She walked up to me, Killing Edge in hand and said, "What's wrong? See a familiar face?"

"You must not have heard of "Fury" little saleswoman. For toying with my emotions, I'll send you into the darkest abyss!" She then got hit by Carter and Glaedyr, that allowed me to go behind her, Mercurius to her neck and I told her "Down once more into darkness deep as HELL!" I scream the last word and slice her head off just as she tried to run to Crizix.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Anna 029 was not also augmented, but a lot more intelligent than the average Anna. She attempts to run to Crizix. After all, if the healer goes down the army won't survive this battle at all

"Dammit, someone, protect her!" Dusk tries to hit 029 with his silver bow but it skims her cape

Yes trip!

*cut the Anna at te waist with Sol Katti*

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I saw the Anna hit the ground with a thud, with two arrows in her abdomen. She walked up to me, Killing Edge in hand and said, "What's wrong? See a familiar face?"

"You must not have heard of "Fury" little saleswoman. For toying with my emotions, I'll send you into the darkest abyss!" She then got hit by Carter and Glaedyr, that allowed me to go behind her, Mercurius to her neck and I told her "Down once more into darkness deep as HELL!" I scream the last word and slice her head off just as she tried to run to Crizix.

Dan was shocked...and quite afraid of Ace for a while, but he then ran off with her.

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"You must not have heard of "Fury" little saleswoman. For toying with my emotions, I'll send you into the darkest abyss!" She then got hit by Carter and Glaedyr, that allowed me to go behind her, Mercurius to her neck and I told her "Down once more into darkness deep as HELL!" I scream the last word and slice her head off just as she tried to run to Crizix.

"... So much power. That..." Dusk nearly stutters, but manages to control his words and emotions

"Hmph, well done tactician... I think the Risen are slowly weakening, the Anna must've had amplified their strength somehow"

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Anna 029 was not also augmented, but a lot more intelligent than the average Anna. She attempts to run to Crizix. After all, if the healer goes down the army won't survive this battle at all

"Dammit, someone, protect her!" Dusk tries to hit 029 with his silver bow but it skims her cape

Flies to Crizix. "Good thing Tricksters can't use bows! It's just bad that their speed is unbeatable."

I saw the Anna hit the ground with a thud, with two arrows in her abdomen. She walked up to me, Killing Edge in hand and said, "What's wrong? See a familiar face?"

"You must not have heard of "Fury" little saleswoman. For toying with my emotions, I'll send you into the darkest abyss!" She then got hit by Carter and Glaedyr, that allowed me to go behind her, Mercurius to her neck and I told her "Down once more into darkness deep as HELL!" I scream the last word and slice her head off just as she tried to run to Crizix.

"Anon, I'm asking you to stay here...

Zeph, charge towards Crizix, we need to save her."

Still trying to fend off the Emmeryn, Crizix didn't notice the Anna charging at her...It was only after she heard Ace Tactician that she turned around and saw half of the force fly her way. She looked at them all, confused, then hit the Emmeryn again.

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...The card didn't seem to be working...even though it was glowing...Was she doing something wrong? An incoming attack from a Tharja destroyed her train of thought, but failed to hurt her...much. She retaliated with her own Elthunder, but it didn't do much damage to the Risen either. She sighed; this was going to be a long duel...

The sudden voice made her jump. She turned her head to see that the card had indeed worked... "S-Sire, we were out to gather supplies, but then a horde of Risen started attacking us...and they look more h-human than normal...Some of our comrades recognize them...Erm...W-Will you help us?"

"Guys.. only a few returned.. thank goodness! The bad news... they're all promoted!"


A risen? The mere sound of term to describe them sent a chill down my spine."I see. Such a foe would be a dangerous battle indeed.You have my support. Stand close to me". At at first glance, i knew that these specific enemies would be no pushover, yet the two dressed in blue gave me a sharp pain within my head, along with the green headed risen. "Arg, what....what is this pain I feel. One of them looks..... familiar.. as if I've met her before.. And the other two... I feel.... a connection somehow..." Just then, I remembered that I was on a battlefield and came to my senses and charged forward.

(Sorry, for the late response. I went AFK for a few minutes)

Edited by Hero-King
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Now that Ace has killed Anna, we can finish off the rest of these monsters once and for all!

Glaedyr slices open one with a critical from killingedge.png *GALEFORCE* before finishing off another with bravesword.png! *Huh...Glaedyr thought, maybe this training HAS been paying off after all...*

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Still trying to fend off the Emmeryn, Crizix didn't notice the Anna charging at her...It was only after she heard Ace Tactician that she turned around and saw half of the force fly her way. She looked at them all, confused, then hit the Emmeryn again.

Noticing someone in trouble, he launched another wave from his tempest blade. It hit the Emmeryn square in the back, killing her. "You're welcome!" He said as he ran off trying to catch up to Ace.

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