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I'm surprised no one brought up how Yuffie said Dusk and Sorin had a sexual relationship

Sexual tension is not the same as being in a relationship.

"In war you can't be restrain yourself."

"War, yes. But killing your allies because you can't control your blood lust while sparring is a sure-fire way to make winning the war a little bit more difficult."

(Uh… Samson's the one that was hit, not Sorin.)

(Also… Luigi? Yuffie's a guy?)

I thought she was referring to Alicia as the lady.

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...Yep I'm a little creeped out. Except the candy wasn't as creepy as this.

I assume these type of things happens on a daily basis?

When I'm around, the question is not when you get shipped, it's how many people I can ship you with until you pick a damn OTP.

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"Important? No. I wouldn't call myself so. Don't min-

"Haha...haha...No you listen here." I said. I crossed a line sure. but now I feel an involuntary quiet rage forming. "I have put up with your insults...your ridicule...your hatred for weeks." I said grabbing Dusk's arm to put myself back on the ground. "You hate me for being forced into a position that I had already been in once. And when I try to do a...'kindness' by ensuring that you can keep a hold no matter what emotional attack is thrown your way, you would...bring her into this?" In a feat of strength, I forced Dusk off me. "You don't know the first thing about suffering Dusk. Kat is here and undoubtedly alive. You are surrounded by allies and if you had the decency to call them it, friends. And you still don't get it!" I put Dusk into a similar position on the other wall with Abysm's hilt inches from his trachea. "You haven't been alone. The only friends I had, I met during war. I could send one of them to their deaths everyday. Hell, I even sent my children to their potential deaths eventually. I can show you hell Dusk. I can make you suffer as I am right now. I promise you. Bring up my relationship in a negative way again and I will be the next one on Kat's hit list. And as for my title of leader....take this burden off of my shoulders if you can, but don't you ever complain if you are crushed by it." I dropped him and walked away. Could have gone better.

See how I turned that around?

(…Hey, can we have the Paralogue group show up? Because I really think Marth and Kat need to be here.)

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Yeah, you abandoned me...

(Don't worry...

It'll continue this weekend since I was sorting out the skirmish with Hero and Kat.)

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"Important? No. I wouldn't call myself so. Don't min-

"Haha...haha...No you listen here." I said. I crossed a line sure. but now I feel an involuntary quiet rage forming. "I have put up with your insults...your ridicule...your hatred for weeks." I said grabbing Dusk's arm to put myself back on the ground. "You hate me for being forced into a position that I had already been in once. And when I try to do a...'kindness' by ensuring that you can keep a hold no matter what emotional attack is thrown your way, you would...bring her into this?" In a feat of strength, I forced Dusk off me. "You don't know the first thing about suffering Dusk. Kat is here and undoubtedly alive. You are surrounded by allies and if you had the decency to call them it, friends. And you still don't get it!" I put Dusk into a similar position on the other wall with Abysm's hilt inches from his trachea. "You haven't been alone. The only friends I had, I met during war. I could send one of them to their deaths everyday. Hell, I even sent my children to their potential deaths eventually. I can show you hell Dusk. I can make you suffer as I am right now. I promise you. Bring up my relationship in a negative way again and I will be the next one on Kat's hit list. And as for my title of leader....take this burden off of my shoulders if you can, but don't you ever complain if you are crushed by it." I dropped him and walked away. Could have gone better.

See how I turned that around?

"Well said. If I cared about emotions that is.. You are respectable as ever Leader."
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"Important? No. I wouldn't call myself so. Don't min-

"Haha...haha...No you listen here." I said. I crossed a line sure. but now I feel an involuntary quiet rage forming. "I have put up with your insults...your ridicule...your hatred for weeks." I said grabbing Dusk's arm to put myself back on the ground. "You hate me for being forced into a position that I had already been in once. And when I try to do a...'kindness' by ensuring that you can keep a hold no matter what emotional attack is thrown your way, you would...bring her into this?" In a feat of strength, I forced Dusk off me. "You don't know the first thing about suffering Dusk. Kat is here and undoubtedly alive. You are surrounded by allies and if you had the decency to call them it, friends. And you still don't get it!" I put Dusk into a similar position on the other wall with Abysm's hilt inches from his trachea. "You haven't been alone. The only friends I had, I met during war. I could send one of them to their deaths everyday. Hell, I even sent my children to their potential deaths eventually. I can show you hell Dusk. I can make you suffer as I am right now. I promise you. Bring up my relationship in a negative way again and I will be the next one on Kat's hit list. And as for my title of leader....take this burden off of my shoulders if you can, but don't you ever complain if you are crushed by it." I dropped him and walked away. Could have gone better.

See how I turned that around?

Anon: Well that was fun.

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(Uh… Samson's the one that was hit, not Sorin.)

(Also… Luigi? Yuffie's a guy?)

As you can tell, I fail at genders. I seriously need to check everyone's profiles now. D:

Yes. Welcome to our thread.

Welcome to The War For Our Future!

<3 Love you Poly-san

Thank you for welcoming me to your thread, guys.

Just with Poly. Shadow may have the van, but Poly is the real predator

Well, I know now.

When I'm around, the question is not when you get shipped, it's how many people I can ship you with until you pick a damn OTP.

...I see. Suddenly wondering why I decided to join this thread

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(…Hey, can we have the Paralogue group show up? Because I really think Marth and Kat need to be here.)

(Do it, I need to get to shipping work on my RP skillz)

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...I see. Suddenly wondering why I decided to join this thread

(It's okay, dear. You picked your OTP already.)

(Do it, I need to get to shipping work on my RP skillz)

(Taking this as permission.)

*Happens to walk in right as Sorin's lecture happened* "So… I rushed home for what again?"

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...I see. Suddenly wondering why I decided to join this thread

Know that I do it out of the spirit of fun. Except with Breezy cuz he hates it, and Anon cuz he's celibate (in-character, anyway).

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As you can tell, I fail at genders. I seriously need to check everyone's profiles now. D:

Thank you for welcoming me to your thread, guys.

Well, I know now.

...I see. Suddenly wondering why I decided to join this thread

Because you love uzzzz

I'm so sorry. Welcome to The War For Our Future. Yuffie's post on the front page under the memorable quotes sums it up well.

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(You just wanna see the waifu you'll never have.-*shot*)

(You're fired as my apprentice)

(Yuffie is now the only apprentice for the Shipping King)

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Alicia: "...*sighs, goes to check on Sampson* Hit over seventy times and he still breathes. Any more hits and I'd have to judge his soul to see if I could revive him. Sir Dusk, do control your temper please. Such anger like that may one day be your undoing." *to Alison* "Are you alright there, Alison? You look rather frightened."

"Let them sort out their differences. They are oil and water. I could yell at them but who am I to judge? One of em will end up with a shiv in the back.."

"Important? No. I wouldn't call myself so. Don't min-

"Haha...haha...No you listen here." I said. I crossed a line sure. but now I feel an involuntary quiet rage forming. "I have put up with your insults...your ridicule...your hatred for weeks." I said grabbing Dusk's arm to put myself back on the ground. "You hate me for being forced into a position that I had already been in once. And when I try to do a...'kindness' by ensuring that you can keep a hold no matter what emotional attack is thrown your way, you would...bring her into this?" In a feat of strength, I forced Dusk off me. "You don't know the first thing about suffering Dusk. Kat is here and undoubtedly alive. You are surrounded by allies and if you had the decency to call them it, friends. And you still don't get it!" I put Dusk into a similar position on the other wall with Abysm's hilt inches from his trachea. "You haven't been alone. The only friends I had, I met during war. I could send one of them to their deaths everyday. Hell, I even sent my children to their potential deaths eventually. I can show you hell Dusk. I can make you suffer as I am right now. I promise you. Bring up my relationship in a negative way again and I will be the next one on Kat's hit list. And as for my title of leader....take this burden off of my shoulders if you can, but don't you ever complain if you are crushed by it." I dropped him and walked away. Could have gone better.

See how I turned that around?

"I'm....I'm okay," I said, trying to calm down. "It's just...I'm a little anxious because they're fighting." I listened Jxemas and quietly watched with the others, letting them sort out their differences. Sorin finally spoke, countering back Dusk's previous comment. Then, he simply walked away after his part was said. I was glad that was over, as I thought it was scary for two people I just met to suddenly get into a fight like that.

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Alicia: "...*sighs, goes to check on Sorin* Hit over seventy times and he still breathes. Any more hits and I'd have to judge his soul to see if I could revive him. Sir Dusk, do control your temper please. Such anger like that may one day be your undoing." *to Alison* "Are you alright there, Alison? You look rather frightened."

He completely ignored Alicia. He was too focused on the body in front of him. Tensing his arm even more he raised his arm a bit, so that Sorin's chin was resting on it. However...

"Haha...haha...No you listen here." I said. I crossed a line sure. but now I feel an involuntary quiet rage forming. "I have put up with your insults...your ridicule...your hatred for weeks." I said grabbing Dusk's arm to put myself back on the ground. "You hate me for being forced into a position that I had already been in once. And when I try to do a...'kindness' by ensuring that you can keep a hold no matter what emotional attack is thrown your way, you would...bring her into this?" In a feat of strength, I forced Dusk off me. "You don't know the first thing about suffering Dusk. Kat is here and undoubtedly alive. You are surrounded by allies and if you had the decency to call them it, friends. And you still don't get it!" I put Dusk into a similar position on the other wall with Abysm's hilt inches from his trachea. "You haven't been alone. The only friends I had, I met during war. I could send one of them to their deaths everyday. Hell, I even sent my children to their potential deaths eventually. I can show you hell Dusk. I can make you suffer as I am right now. I promise you. Bring up my relationship in a negative way again and I will be the next one on Kat's hit list. And as for my title of leader....take this burden off of my shoulders if you can, but don't you ever complain if you are crushed by it." I dropped him and walked away. Could have gone better.

After the events that just happened Dusk could only stand here for a few moments. "... You don't know anything, Sorin. Everything I have been though... I could explain to you over and over again like a person rehearsing for a song and you wouldn't understand... As for showing me Hell... I've already been there and walked out of there alive. I've stared Death into his hollow eyes and turned away alive. You're nothing to me, Sorin... And I do have friends here..." He leaned back against a wall and looked at Alison. "Oh... I'm sorry you had to see that, Alison... Are you alright?"

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(As much as I agree with this, you'd have to go without me)

(Oh yeah. Well, Kat's here.)

"To see two grown men fight. Truly sad."

"You, quiet. I can't trust your word. You're the boring soldier type who doesn't have a thought in his head outside of orders and harms his own allies for stupid sport." *glaring at the others, not noticing Alison* "Tell. Me. What. Happened."

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He completely ignored Alicia. He was too focused on the body in front of him. Tensing his arm even more he raised his arm a bit, so that Sorin's chin was resting on it. However...

After the events that just happened Dusk could only stand here for a few moments. "... You don't know anything, Sorin. Everything I have been though... I could explain to you over and over again like a person rehearsing for a song and you wouldn't understand... As for showing me Hell... I've already been there and walked out of there alive. I've stared Death into his hollow eyes and turned away alive. You're nothing to me, Sorin... And I do have friends here..." He leaned back against a wall and looked at Alison. "Oh... I'm sorry you had to see that, Alison... Are you alright?"

(You mean that time I killed you on accident? Well you were staring at SEPHIROTH INCARNATE.)
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*Isabelle moves the ring on her clear long naily right finger and puts it back on and sighs with a breath of relief*

Isabelle: Things are going lively now that new people joined our army. It was a bloodbath hell a little while ago while escaping Ylisse's' explosion.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Know that I do it out of the spirit of fun. Except with Breezy cuz he hates it, and Anon cuz he's celibate (in-character, anyway).

(And in real life too, actually)

(It's okay, dear. You picked your OTP already.)

(Taking this as permission.)

*Happens to walk in right as Sorin's lecture happened* "So… I rushed home for what again?"

(It's okay, dear. You picked your OTP already.)

(Taking this as permission.)

*Happens to walk in right as Sorin's lecture happened* "So… I rushed home for what again?"

Anon: Oh, just Ringless and Sorin acting like a couple of morons, we enlisted a new recruit on a whim and I poured myself a bowl of corn chips. Want any?

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