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(Oh yeah. Well, Kat's here.)

"You, quiet. I can't trust your word. You're the boring soldier type who doesn't have a thought in his head outside of orders and harms his own allies for stupid sport." *glaring at the others, not noticing Alison* "Tell. Me. What. Happened."

He completely ignored Alicia. He was too focused on the body in front of him. Tensing his arm even more he raised his arm a bit, so that Sorin's chin was resting on it. However...

After the events that just happened Dusk could only stand here for a few moments. "... You don't know anything, Sorin. Everything I have been though... I could explain to you over and over again like a person rehearsing for a song and you wouldn't understand... As for showing me Hell... I've already been there and walked out of there alive. I've stared Death into his hollow eyes and turned away alive. You're nothing to me, Sorin... And I do have friends here..." He leaned back against a wall and looked at Alison. "Oh... I'm sorry you had to see that, Alison... Are you alright?"

Alicia: "It is rather frightening to watch two people fight in front of you and being unable to do anything to stop the fighting. ...They do act rather silly sometimes when they argue like that, almost like a pair of lovers. *smirks*"

I felt relieved that the fight was over. I know they truly didn't deliver any punches, but the threats they were giving towards each other are scary enough. "I'm okay, are you okay though?" I asked with a worried tone. I purposely didn't ask about Sorin, because I didn't want to get Dusk riled up again. Suddenly, another woman showed up, anger in her eyes as she questioned the others on what exactly happened. I decided to back up a little, and replied to Alicia in surprise, "L-Lovers?"

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I even memorized his wardrobe and everything .

he was wearing a light blue button-down shirt over a black short-sleeves shirt.

and over that, he was wearing a smooth corduroy jacket and his scarf.

qnd then he had his dark gray skinny jeans, and blue keys in his right back pocket.

had brown hair. So lovely <3

smells like sexual tension up in hurr

*rounds on him so that he can see she's tearing up* "The army needs you two to cooperate. I need you to. So, please…"

"Sorin? You near?" *sees cracked door* "Found you."

After seeing her tearing up he looks down and exhales through his nose heavily. Obviously she wanted us two to no longer fight "... I can't promise you... but if it means so much to you..."

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'Ugh, Dusk made my headache worse. I wouldn't have said all that if it weren't for this damn pain... Did he really have to put his elbow into my neck?' *sigh* I walked into my room unknowingly leaving the door cracked and made my way immediately made my way to the calendar. It read January 21st... "Happy Birthday Severa and welcome to the family Severa..." World's Best Father...

(remember what I taught you) Yessir!!!

*rounds on him so that he can see she's tearing up* "The army needs you two to cooperate. I need you to. So, please…"

"Sorin? You near?" *sees cracked door* "Found you."

*Doesn't hear Kat.* "...I failed you already Severa. But... I'm not gone yet. I won't fail you again. Just let me get everybody else home and safe first. Then I will spoil you and devote all my time to you. Promise."

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I even memorized his wardrobe and everything .

he was wearing a light blue button-down shirt over a black short-sleeves shirt.

and over that, he was wearing a smooth corduroy jacket and his scarf.

qnd then he had his dark gray skinny jeans, and blue keys in his right back pocket.

had brown hair. So lovely <3


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*Doesn't hear Kat.* "...I failed you already Severa. But... I'm not gone yet. I won't fail you again. Just let me get everybody else home and safe first. Then I will spoil you and devote all my time to you. Promise."


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I felt relieved that the fight was over. I know they truly didn't deliver any punches, but the threats they were giving towards each other are scary enough. "I'm okay, are you okay though?" I asked with a worried tone. I purposely didn't ask about Sorin, because I didn't want to get Dusk riled up again. Suddenly, another woman showed up, anger in her eyes as she questioned the others on what exactly happened. I decided to back up a little, and replied to Alicia in surprise, "L-Lovers?"

Alicia: "Oh, the way they were arguing reminded me of the way lovers argue over the smallest details. *sees Ace* No need to be frightened, that's my twin sister Ace Tactician. *to Ace* Do calm down sis, you'll scare Alison here."

Ace: "Alison? *sees Alison backing up* Oh, so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. As my sister Alicia said, I'm Ace. I just got back from a mission and I have a lot on my mind I'd rather not talk about at the moment."

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I even memorized his wardrobe and everything .

he was wearing a light blue button-down shirt over a black short-sleeves shirt.

and over that, he was wearing a smooth corduroy jacket and his scarf.

qnd then he had his dark gray skinny jeans, and blue keys in his right back pocket.

had brown hair. So lovely <3

I even memorized his wardrobe and everything .

he was wearing a light blue button-down shirt over a black short-sleeves shirt.

and over that, he was wearing a smooth corduroy jacket and his scarf.

qnd then he had his dark gray skinny jeans, and blue keys in his right back pocket.

had brown hair. So lovely <3

Well I'm a little creeped out

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...They are back already? "Hmm? Hey Kat." I said forcing a smile through it all.

*Slings Dusk onto the floor, grabs Sorin to shove him down, and sits down* "We're talking. Now." *glaring at them both* "You don't get a say."

Alicia: *overhears* "Oh dear, something tells me I better check out that loud shout."

(Please don't?)

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"SORIN! Five seconds before I break down your door. One..."

"...Please stop the yelling. You made my headache worse without it..." I said as Kat pulled me to the ground. 'Thank you Kat.' I thought full of sarcasm.

Edited by Sorin
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"...Please stop the yelling. You made my headache worse without it..." I went to open the door but...it was already open?

(Yeah, which is why you're all sitting on the floor? XD)

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On his way to the infirmary, Poly passed by Ace, Alicia, and... some new girl he'd never met before, clad in a Sage's robes. Curious, he went up to the trio and placed his arm on top of Alicia's head. "So..." he said, somewhat goofily, "who's the new girl?"

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*Slings Dusk onto the floor, grabs Sorin to shove him down, and sits down* "We're talking. Now." *glaring at them both* "You don't get a say."

(Please don't?)

Alicia: "So fast, she forced them both to sit down just like that. *thinking* This may prove to be very interesting. Only a certain group of people can move that fast."

Alicia: *to Poly* "This here is Alison, the Dreamer's newest recruit. Do try not to frighten her...is there a reason you're resting your arm on my head? Unless you have eyes for me."

Ace: *facepalms* "You did not just say that...to POLY of all people."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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