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*Slings Dusk onto the floor, grabs Sorin to shove him down, and sits down* "We're talking. Now." *glaring at them both* "You don't get a say."

"Ugh..." He yelped in pain as Sorin and Kat went on him. "Argh!.." [someone's feisty... I'd say that, but I like my bones where they are..]

Well I interpreted that wrong

"Argh! Dear Naga..." [someone's feisty... I'd say that, but I like my bones where they are...]

Edited by DodgeDusk
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"Ugh..." He yelped in pain as Sorin and Kat went on him. "Argh!.." [someone's feisty... I'd say that, but I like my bones where they are..]

(Wait, what? No! You're all sitting on the floor!)

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*Slings Dusk onto the floor, grabs Sorin to shove him down, and sits down* "We're talking. Now." *glaring at them both* "You don't get a say."

(Please don't?)

(Yeah, which is why you're all sitting on the floor? XD) I'll fix it.

"I have nothing to say to either of you right now." I said holding my head to steady myself. "Now if you will excuse me..." I said attempting to get up.

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(Wait, what? No! You're all sitting on the floor!)

"Ugh..." He yelped in pain as Sorin and Kat went on him. "Argh!.." [someone's feisty... I'd say that, but I like my bones where they are..]

Well I interpreted that wrong

"Argh! Dear Naga..." [someone's feisty... I'd say that, but I like my bones where they are...]

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"I have nothing to say to either of you right now." I said holding my head to steady myself. "Now if you will excuse me..." I said attempting to get up.

*Drags him back down* "You're going to sit down and talk so that I don't start crying, to give you a personal reason, and so that the stability of our fragile army doesn't collapse, to give you a dutiful reason. You also need to stop talking to that damn dragon. It's COMPLETELY messing you up and causing to to start failing as a leader."

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Alicia: "So fast, she forced them both to sit down just like that. *thinking* This may prove to be very interesting. Only a certain group of people can move that fast."

Alicia: *to Poly* "This here is Alison, the Dreamer's newest recruit. Do try not to frighten her...is there a reason you're resting your arm on my head? Unless you have eyes for me."

Ace: *facepalms* "You did not just say that...to POLY of all people."

Poly chuckled at the sisters' comments. "It's because your head makes a good armrest, ducky. Besides, I figured it was obvious I had my eyes on somebody else..." he trailed off at the end, before shaking off the thoughts from before.

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Alicia: "Oh, the way they were arguing reminded me of the way lovers argue over the smallest details. *sees Ace* No need to be frightened, that's my twin sister Ace Tactician. *to Ace* Do calm down sis, you'll scare Alison here."

Ace: "Alison? *sees Alison backing up* Oh, so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. As my sister Alicia said, I'm Ace. I just got back from a mission and I have a lot on my mind I'd rather not talk about at the moment."

"What a loud shout indeed. Though it's not my thing to barge in on people."

On his way to the infirmary, Poly passed by Ace, Alicia, and... some new girl he'd never met before, clad in a Sage's robes. Curious, he went up to the trio and placed his arm on top of Alicia's head. "So..." he said, somewhat goofily, "who's the new girl?"

"I...I see," I laughed nervously. It made me think of my husband back home... "You have a twin sister? My name is Alison, pleased to meet you, Ace. I'm new here." I gave her a smile. A loud shout out of nowhere made me jump slightly in surprise. "Do you think they'll be okay?" Once again, another male member I didn't know showed up. He looked rather friendly on first impression.

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"I...I see," I laughed nervously. It made me think of my husband back home... "You have a twin sister? My name is Alison, pleased to meet you, Ace. I'm new here." I gave her a smile. A loud shout out of nowhere made me jump slightly in surprise. "Do you think they'll be okay?" Once again, another male member I didn't know showed up. He looked rather friendly on first impression.

(If only she knew)

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Poly chuckled at the sisters' comments. "It's because your head makes a good armrest, ducky. Besides, I figured it was obvious I had my eyes on somebody else..." he trailed off at the end, before shaking off the thoughts from before.

Alicia: "Hmm? You seem rather troubled. Though you don't appear to want to talk about it just yet."

"I...I see," I laughed nervously. It made me think of my husband back home... "You have a twin sister? My name is Alison, pleased to meet you, Ace. I'm new here." I gave her a smile. A loud shout out of nowhere made me jump slightly in surprise. "Do you think they'll be okay?" Once again, another male member I didn't know showed up. He looked rather friendly on first impression.

Ace: "It's nice to meet you, Alison. *peers into room around the corner* Yeah, they both should be fine. (as long as neither of them get on Kat's bad side.)"

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*Drags him back down* "You're going to sit down and talk so that I don't start crying, to give you a personal reason, and so that the stability of our fragile army doesn't collapse, to give you a dutiful reason. You also need to stop talking to that damn dragon. It's COMPLETELY messing you up and causing to to start failing as a leader."

"On the contrary. Talking to Purigon is like sleeping. If it becomes a problem I will deal with it. As you can see, I am in perfect health." I forced another smile.

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*Drags him back down* "You're going to sit down and talk so that I don't start crying, to give you a personal reason, and so that the stability of our fragile army doesn't collapse, to give you a dutiful reason. You also need to stop talking to that damn dragon. It's COMPLETELY messing you up and causing to to start failing as a leader."

He smirked a bit at her last comment. [Not like that's surprising...]

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"On the contrary. Talking to Purigon is like sleeping. If it becomes a problem I will deal with it. As you can see, I am in perfect health." I forced another smile.

He sharply turned his head towards Sorin hearing this. "Purigon?.. You're still living in fantasy world?"

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"On the contrary. Talking to Purigon is like sleeping. If it becomes a problem I will deal with it. As you can see, I am in perfect health." I forced another smile.

"Bullshit. Stop lying to me. You're horrible at it. You've a headache bigger than Anon and Shadow's egos combined."

He smirked a bit at her last comment. [Not like that's surprising...]

"Don't smirk. I'm tearing into YOU next. And Dusk, I have a kind of immortality. Stop disbelieving the odder parts of the supernatural."

Edited by Kat
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"Bullshit. Stop lying to me. You're horrible at it. You've a headache bigger than Anon and Shadow's egos combined."

"Don't smirk. I'm tearing into YOU next. And Dusk, I have a kind of immortality. Stop disbelieving the odder parts of the supernatural."


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(Hey, Poly the char is a nice guy. Most of the time. when he's not emulating henry)


(I can't hear you through me being an Asshole. What ya say?)

(I rest my case

Alicia: "Hmm? You seem rather troubled. Though you don't appear to want to talk about it just yet."

Poly glanced over at Alicia, who seemed somewhat concerned with his mental state. He laughed it off and gave her a pat on the head. "Relax, ducky, I'm fine. Now then... just where did this new girl come from, anyway?"

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(She's talking about the current Shadow. You introduced yourself as having that as a nickname. Also, I can never remember how to spell… whatever name you gave yourself.)

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Poly glanced over at Alicia, who seemed somewhat concerned with his mental state. He laughed it off and gave her a pat on the head. "Relax, ducky, I'm fine. Now then... just where did this new girl come from, anyway?"

(…I'm tempted to ship Poly-Alicia now. Is that allowed?)

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(She's talking about the current Shadow. You introduced yourself as having that as a nickname. Also, I can never remember how to spell… whatever name you gave yourself.)

(Is it bad that I DO remember how to spell Jxemas' name?)

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