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*grumbles* "Nice to know his penchant for dying can be useful for something other that giving me heart attacks."

"Yeah well... " He was cut off by Sorin

"You don't have enough spiritual energy. Kat could get to him though."

"... I don't even care at this point, to be honest. I don't need "spiritual energy""

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(Poly, avoid revealing things about the ending of the Paralogue… considering that we sorta haven't written it yet. [And Luigi, the answer is 'yes'])

(I know lol)

(I'm leaving it pending)

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(Couldn't Jxemas go to the realm if he wanted to? Like past incarnation?)

Yes. Not the other two though.

*without hesitation* "Yes."

"..." I got up and slowly walked back over to the Calendar.

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(I rest my case

Poly glanced over at Alicia, who seemed somewhat concerned with his mental state. He laughed it off and gave her a pat on the head. "Relax, ducky, I'm fine. Now then... just where did this new girl come from, anyway?"

Alicia: "Alison just joined the Dreamers today after wandering the desert. Also, how is it you decided to nickname me 'ducky'?" (Can't unsee NCIS now.)

"Oh, that's a relief," I forced a smile, although a tiny spark of anxiety still resided inside me. ...Ah well, can't be helped. I didn't want to barge into the room because that'd be rude. It'd be smarter just to remain here. "I came from a village near Ylisse...in a different outrealm," I tried to explain.

Ace: "You're the same as my sister and I. We're from an outrealm also. I was raised in a small village near the Ylisse-Ferox border before my mother died."

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"Another outrealmer? Interesting.."

(Poly, avoid revealing things about the ending of the Paralogue… considering that we sorta haven't written it yet. [And Luigi, the answer is 'yes'])

You mean to the couple question in the other topic?

Poly's face contorted into a mix of confusion, reluctance and concern all at once. "So... I take it you made it here before the gates collapsed?" he asked Alison.

A few questions emerged from my mind when the two males commented. "There are other outrealmers besides myself?" I asked, obviously surprised. "And Poly...the gates collapsed? I must have got here before they did...."

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Holy cow. Where I am it's only 8:45. Are roleplays usually this long?

(Weekends tend to have longer ones than others, since people can stay up later. Typically, though, we wrap up by midnight or 1 EST.)

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(Weekends tend to have longer ones than others, since people can stay up later. Typically, though, we wrap up by midnight or 1 EST.)

...At midnight? o.o I don't know what time that would be for me...

Best part is I'm not even tired

I suppose. Yay for being British

That explains a lot why your time is way far ahead of mine.

Edited by LuigiandShadowGirl
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"Sorin, when you return home, it should be, at most, an hour since you left."

"...How do yo- actually it doesn't matter I'll see them soon... Dusk, I apologize for provoking you and mocking your past. When we go a step forward, I take us two steps back...*sigh*"

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"...How do yo- actually it doesn't matter I'll see them soon... Dusk, I apologize for provoking you and mocking your past. When we go a step forward, I take us two steps back...*sigh*"

"Good. I'll give you a report later." *looks at Dusk expectantly*

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"...How do yo- actually it doesn't matter I'll see them soon... Dusk, I apologize for provoking you and mocking your past. When we go a step forward, I take us two steps back...*sigh*"

"..." He couldn't say anything for a while. He didn't regret what he said, but he felt like he should apologise anyway. "Yeah well... I guess I'm sorry too... for what I said..."

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"..." He couldn't say anything for a while. He didn't regret what he said, but he felt like he should apologise anyway. "Yeah well... I guess I'm sorry too... for what I said..."

"You only 'guess'?"

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Poly seemed a bit concerned that Alison didn't know about the collapse of the Outrealm Gates, but didn't bother pursuing his concerns any further. "Yeah... I guess you're right."

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