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As the skirmish raged on, Poly emerged from the woods, Armads in hand, looking for something to kill.

"Ugh, those Annas are better trackers than I thought..." he quickly spotted a pair of Heroes, much like himself, both brandishing Brave Swords. Poly cursed under his breath and drew the Thaniblade.

"Somebody mind giving me a hand over here? I'm not much for handicap fights."

Upon hearing Polydeuces infamous voice Dusk broke out of his thoughts

"Huh, Poly is that you?" Seemingly surprised at first. Polydeuces never asked for help during a fight

"Ah, I see the problem... just give me a few moments" he notches his brave bow, dealing a total of 56 damage to one of the heroes and thanks to Ace's attack earlier, it is defeated

"I hope this will suffice? I got other things to worry about at the moment"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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With the dragon's attention turned to Ace, I managed to pickup Falchion and strike the dragon's arm. The shriek of it's cry caused the pain in my head to intensify from the familiarity of its voice. Clutching my head, waiting for the pain to just go away, I activated Luna and subdued the dragon. Barely alive, it reverted to its human/risen form. I went closer to it's face to see who it really was... and the resemblance was just too real! What I just fought was indeed Tiki! No... It can't be! How? ! What happened to you!? Why!? The sheer shock at this revelation was splitting my head in two, and with a loud scream, I fell unconscious

EDIT: Waaaayyyy late

Edited by Hero-King
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With the dragon's attention turned to Ace, I managed to pickup Falchion and strike the dragon's arm. The shriek of it's cry caused the pain in my head to intensify from the familiarity of its voice. Clutching my head, waiting for the pain to just go away, I activated Luna and subdued the dragon with. Barely alive, it reverted to its human/risen form. I went closer to it's face to see who it really was... and the resemblance was just too real! What I just fought was indeed Tiki! No... I can't be! How? ! What happened to you!? Why!? The sheer shock at this revelation was splitting my head in two, and with a loud scream, I fell unconscious

EDIT: Waaaayyyy late

"No! Hero-King Marth! I can understand fighting Tiki was hard. I took down all who resembled my husband and daughter, and the aftermath is making *sniff* my eyes water. I saw Tiki fall to the ground, and I shuddered. "I need a healer quick!"

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Glaedyr grimaced as she finished off one of the weakened enemies. Although Crizix had healed her, her wounds still pained her when she moved. She just hoped that the battle would be over soon, as she didn't think she could take much more of this-her vision was becoming slightly blurry with pain.

"How many more of these dastards are there left?"

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"No! Hero-King Marth! I can understand fighting Tiki was hard. I took down all who resembled my husband and daughter, and the aftermath is making *sniff* my eyes water. I saw Tiki fall to the ground, and I shuddered. "I need a healer quick!"

"dammit all...Dusk! I suggest we have everyone healed up, grab everything we can and retreat! This is getting way too much out of hand!"

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"Heh... thanks Anon." Poly decided to fire off a blast of pure light from his Thaniblade towards the male Hero in front of him, which seemed to enrage the female one. Poly heard something from her - he couldn't quite make it out, though - and felt his life force begin to drain away as the female Hero's blade sliced right through him.

"Sol, huh...?" Poly thought to himself, switching to the Brave Sword as Anon rushed the male Hero while he was still reeling. Poly turned back over to the female Hero, and felt a surge of energy, quickly spotting an open spot in her armour.

"Your ass is mine!" he cried, rushing towards her, and seemingly slicing right through the Hero, piercing the armour that she was wearing. Then Poly felt a glow wash over him - his own Sol, he'd figured - and turned right back towards the Hero, ready to finish her off.

"WITNESS THE IMPOSSIBLE!" Poly bellowed as he leapt forwards, finishing off the Hero with one final slash. Looking down at his own wound, he noticed that it had started to close - not all the way, but enough to not cause too much pain.

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The Hero-King's scream grabbed her attention soon enough. She was frantic to see him unconscious. What happened?! With quite a bit of trouble, she positioned him behind her on her horse. Ace Tactician called for a healer... "What is it?"

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As Poly turned towards the male Hero to aid Anon, he heard Hero-King's scream and cocked his head back.

"Damn... I knew it." Poly swore under his breath. He quickly looked down at the female Hero he had just slain, and saw that he'd recognized her. It was a warrior he'd met while in Regna Ferox - Severa, he had remembered her name was - during the old Ylisse/Valm campaign. Poly shuddered, as the male Hero took advantage and slashed him twice with a Brave Sword, re-opening Poly's wounds. Anon hacked at him with the Swordslayer, but Poly was frozen.

'Human-risen hybrids...? Just what the hell is going on here?' Poly thought as he backed away and fired a Thaniblade shot at the Hero, staggering him long enough for Anon to finish him off with the Swordslayer. Poly clutched his chest; this was one hell of a wound.

"Shit! I need a healer over here, now! This wound's not going to keep me standing for long..."

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The Hero-King's scream grabbed her attention soon enough. She was frantic to see him unconscious. What happened?! With quite a bit of trouble, she positioned him behind her on her horse. Ace Tactician called for a healer... "What is it?"

Hero-King Marth fell unconscious after fighting that green haired dragon girl. Something about her caused him to scream before he fainted. It might be...the same feeling I felt fighting those blue haired people....Chrom and Lucina. And...I also saw my crimson haired thief friend...the sweet lover, the first man who believed in me, and my powers.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Glaedyr grimaced as she finished off one of the weakened enemies. Although Crizix had healed her, her wounds still pained her when she moved. She just hoped that the battle would be over soon, as she didn't think she could take much more of this-her vision was becoming slightly blurry with pain.

"How many more of these dastards are there left?"

"dammit all...Dusk! I suggest we have everyone healed up, grab everything we can and retreat! This is getting way too much out of hand!"

Dusk exhales heavily and closes his eyes. Distractions everywhere, he couldn't concentrate on anything

"Did you say you recommend a retreat?" Dusk asks coldly. He was not one for retreating. He then opens his eyes, and surveys the surrounding area

"People bleeding, people crying... Damn it all, I have no choice..." He thought how to say these next few words although he had no idea why since he knew everyone would object

"All able soldiers, help evacuate the wounded. I'll cover our backs with some light runes although they won't last long... I'll keep them at bay for as long as possible..." He stayed silent afterwards, looking at the army of Risen, he knew what would happen if he stayed here alone, yet he couldn't see an alternative

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"Heh... thanks Anon." Poly decided to fire off a blast of pure light from his Thaniblade towards the male Hero in front of him, which seemed to enrage the female one. Poly heard something from her - he couldn't quite make it out, though - and felt his life force begin to drain away as the female Hero's blade sliced right through him.

"Sol, huh...?" Poly thought to himself, switching to the Brave Sword as Anon rushed the male Hero while he was still reeling. Poly turned back over to the female Hero, and felt a surge of energy, quickly spotting an open spot in her armour.

"Your ass is mine!" he cried, rushing towards her, and seemingly slicing right through the Hero, piercing the armour that she was wearing. Then Poly felt a glow wash over him - his own Sol, he'd figured - and turned right back towards the Hero, ready to finish her off.

"WITNESS THE IMPOSSIBLE!" Poly bellowed as he leapt forwards, finishing off the Hero with one final slash. Looking down at his own wound, he noticed that it had started to close - not all the way, but enough to not cause too much pain.

'Hm, that one must have had a runesword' Anon muttered as he tossed Poly a concoction. 'We'd better watch out for that'

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Hero-King Marth fell unconscious after fighting that green haired dragon girl. Something about her caused him to scream before he fainted. It might be...the same feeling I felt fighting those blue haired people....Chrom and Lucina. And...I also saw my crimson haired thief friend...the sweet lover, the first man who believed in me, and my powers.

"Ugh... funny, I saw a woman I met in Ferox a while back and who I assume was her lover. Son of a bitch... this is getting out of hand. Where the FUCK did these things come from?!"

Afterwards, Poly chugged the concoction that Anon had tossed him, feeling a bit better but still in serious pain with his wound as it was. He turned back to his partner and lowered his head. "This... this sucks. I'm normally all for a fight, but... these Risen - no, these people... I don't want to fight them anymore. This is too much, even for me."

With that, Poly threw his Brave Sword over his shoulders and began to walk away.

Edited by Polydeuces
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Dusk exhales heavily and closes his eyes. Distractions everywhere, he couldn't concentrate on anything

"Did you say you recommend a retreat?" Dusk asks coldly. He was not one for retreating. He then opens his eyes, and surveys the surrounding area

"People bleeding, people crying... Damn it all, I have no choice..." He thought how to say these next few words although he had no idea why since he knew everyone would object

"All able soldiers, help evacuate the wounded. I'll cover our backs with some light runes although they won't last long... I'll keep them at bay for as long as possible..." He stayed silent afterwards, looking at the army of Risen, he knew what would happen if he stayed here alone, yet he couldn't see an alternative

Yessir! Everyone regroup!

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Dusk exhales heavily and closes his eyes. Distractions everywhere, he couldn't concentrate on anything

"Did you say you recommend a retreat?" Dusk asks coldly. He was not one for retreating. He then opens his eyes, and surveys the surrounding area

"People bleeding, people crying... Damn it all, I have no choice..." He thought how to say these next few words although he had no idea why since he knew everyone would object

"All able soldiers, help evacuate the wounded. I'll cover our backs with some light runes although they won't last long... I'll keep them at bay for as long as possible..." He stayed silent afterwards, looking at the army of Risen, he knew what would happen if he stayed here alone, yet he couldn't see an alternative

Seeing Dusk there alone, it was like that day... And I wasn't about to let that happen. My anger rising at the Risen horde, I walked calmly beside him and I said to Dusk. "Let me bury them into the ground in pieces!"

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Dusk exhales heavily and closes his eyes. Distractions everywhere, he couldn't concentrate on anything

"Did you say you recommend a retreat?" Dusk asks coldly. He was not one for retreating. He then opens his eyes, and surveys the surrounding area

"People bleeding, people crying... Damn it all, I have no choice..." He thought how to say these next few words although he had no idea why since he knew everyone would object

"All able soldiers, help evacuate the wounded. I'll cover our backs with some light runes although they won't last long... I'll keep them at bay for as long as possible..." He stayed silent afterwards, looking at the army of Risen, he knew what would happen if he stayed here alone, yet he couldn't see an alternative

A retreat?

Dusk you can't hold them off all by yourself! T-that's tantamount to suicide! We won't leave you!

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Before responding, she quickly used her Physic Staff on Poly.

Hero-King Marth fell unconscious after fighting that green haired dragon girl. Something about her caused him to scream before he fainted. It might be...the same feeling I felt fighting those blue haired people....Chrom and Lucina. And...I also saw my crimson haired thief friend...the sweet lover, the first man who believed in me, and my powers.

"So...Some sort of fuzzy nostalgia caused this...? I cannot claim to understand the feeling, but I shall do my best to watch over him until he awakens."

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"Ugh... funny, I saw a woman I met in Ferox a while back and who I assume was her lover. Son of a bitch... this is getting out of hand. Where the FUCK did these things come from?!"

'Haven't a clue,' Anon remarked, 'maybe the dealings I assume the Anna's did had an effect on them, or the made the same deals themselves- Poly! look out!' Anon shouted, pushing Poly out of the way of a giant crystalline projectile from a red Manakete.

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Seeing Dusk there alone, it was like that day... And I wasn't about to let that happen. My anger rising at the Risen horde, I walked calmly beside him and I said to Dusk. "Let me bury them into the ground in pieces!"

Seeing as how Ace wanted to stay to help Dusk, he could only step forth with her. "I'll see them all fall to hell." In his mind, he know he was weak, but he had to stay strong.


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Seeing as how Ace wanted to stay to help Dusk, he could only step forth with her. "I'll see them all fall to hell." In his mind, he know he was weak, but he had to stay strong.


'I'm never one to back away from a fight!' Anon shouted from a several meters away, battling a dragon with his Brave Axe Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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