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"Would I know about how to posses my descendants body? No I'm just a random wanderer. Of course I'm Shadowfrost."

Ace: "Then why are you possessing the body of your descendant? What is your purpose here?"

(Please don't things too complex.)

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[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Talk about Sorin]Kat: *hunting around* "Okay, he mentioned a hammock so…" *catches sight of him* "There we go."

Dusk: He didn't hear Kat, as he had fallen asleep on his hammock, with his fedora over his face and hands under his head

Kat: *walks up* "Still asleep, huh? Hmm… now to be nice or mean…?" *grins and steals his fedora*

Dusk: His eyes tighten due to them being exposed to sunlight. After a moment or so he wakes up, confused. "... Muh? Where di-" He notices Kat with his fedora in hand. "Oh ha ha. Very funny"

Kat: "I thought so." *puts on the fedora* "Well, how do I look?"

Dusk: He smiles. "Honestly? Bias aside, you look really cute"

Kat: "Thank you!" *winks* "But we do really need to talk about your antagonism towards Sorin."

Dusk: He sighs. "If we must..."

Kat: "Yes, we must. Because of that… WONDERFUL display in front of the new recruit tells me that it's gone too far."

Dusk: "Like I said, he agitated me. He insulted my past and our relationship. How could you expect me not to react the way I did?"

Kat: "I'm talking about before then, Dusk."

Dusk: "What?.. Oh, right. I'm sorry, but he just annoys me... He's also fun to tease"

Kat: "Well, why? Not the teasing part, I agree with that." *sits down on the ground* "But the annoying part."

Dusk: "He's stuck in some fantasy world, he has no idea about leadership, thinks he's better than me when he isn't..." He thinks for a moment. "To be honest, I think his most noticeable achievement since he's been here is falling unconscious in the middle of the battle due to a spike trap. He's a kid that needs to be taught respect"

Kat: "And did you ever stop to think that maybe his so-called 'thinking he's better' was more to just get you to accept him? Or that his fantasy world might be him trying to make sense of the fact that he's been dragged from another world all together, when his pregnant wife needs him?"

Dusk: "Why would he want to "accept" me? I've gone no intention of doing so, and I doubt he has too." He thinks for a moment. "As for his fantasy world; have you heard some of the stuff he comes out with? "Purgatorial Ignis" this and "Purigon" that. Alright, if it wasn't so noticeable then maybe it wouldn't bother me, but it sounds like the kid's delusional to me"

Kat: "Again, I'm more or less immortal, and you accept that just fine."

Dusk: "And yet again, Phoibus is proof enough. I chucked his dead body off the roof of Ylisstol and he spoke to me in person within the following weeks"

Kat: "So, how can you believe that, and then not him? Is it because you can't see it?"

Dusk: He gets up so he's sitting on his hammock with his legs out. "Perhaps... I mean, if I saw Purigon, then I'd probably believe it"

Kat: "I'm not sure if that's possible anymore, though." *sigh* "Sorin is really working too hard. He's such child, thinking that he has to push himself at all times in order to become stronger, without realizing that all he's doing is breaking apart. But because of that, he doesn't need arguments. Teasing, sarcasm, perhaps, but arguments and antagonism does nothing but harm. It teaches no lessons; it only breaks apart a fragile little boy and an even more fragile army that's desperately trying to find the light in the tunnel and hoping that light isn't from an elfire poised to swallow it up."

Dusk: He thought about what Kat said for a few moments. [Hmm... There's definitely some merits in her argument... Maybe I have been a tad harsh on him?] "... Alright, fine. I'll try to keep my antagonising down as much as possible. But let me say this; if he ever insults our relationship or my past ever again, then I can't promise you my fist won't be buried in his face"

Kat: *dryly* "I have a sneaking suspicion that the insulting was the whole 'over protective brother' thing." *smiles softly* "I think for the good of the army, you need to try. If he DOES bring out the insults, well… why not send him to me, actually? I'll give him a lecture from hell."

Dusk: "Because "big brothers" outright state that their "little brother" is a complete failure of a leader. You know how sensitive I am about that specific part of my past..." He exhales through his nose heavily. "... But I guess I will send him to you. Perhaps he does need to be taught with words, and not by a fist in face"

Kat: "I'll get on him about that. That was a low blow, and shouldn't have been said. But for now…" *grins* "I think I need to give you that 'I'm home' kiss, don't I?"

Dusk: He grins back at her. "Heh..." He stands up and cups his hand around her right cheek. "I've missed you, you know that?"

Kat: "Oh, it hasn't been all THAT long, Dusk. But, maybe I should make it up to you?"

Dusk: "... Maybe you should" With his free hand, he tilts the fedora down a bit. "... What? I've always wanted to do that"

Kat: *laughs* "No worries. But it DOES kinda block me."

Dusk: He grins at her. "Well then... Perhaps you should do something about it?"

Kat: "Maybe. Hold still…"

Dusk: "... Oh!"

Take the ending as you please, but we're totally innocent!

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(…Remember what I said about making things complicated?)

(I'm pretty sure I can keep things to a minimum. Promise. Please remind me next time.)

Ace: "Then why are you possessing the body of your descendant? What is your purpose here?"

(Please don't things too complex.)

"A man at his leisure can't take a break and talk for a bit? Shame. Maybe I could talk about how I am him but I guess not..."

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[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Talk about Sorin]Kat: *hunting around* "Okay, he mentioned a hammock so…" *catches sight of him* "There we go."

Dusk: He didn't hear Kat, as he had fallen asleep on his hammock, with his fedora over his face and hands under his head

Kat: *walks up* "Still asleep, huh? Hmm… now to be nice or mean…?" *grins and steals his fedora*

Dusk: His eyes tighten due to them being exposed to sunlight. After a moment or so he wakes up, confused. "... Muh? Where di-" He notices Kat with his fedora in hand. "Oh ha ha. Very funny"

Kat: "I thought so." *puts on the fedora* "Well, how do I look?"

Dusk: He smiles. "Honestly? Bias aside, you look really cute"

Kat: "Thank you!" *winks* "But we do really need to talk about your antagonism towards Sorin."

Dusk: He sighs. "If we must..."

Kat: "Yes, we must. Because of that… WONDERFUL display in front of the new recruit tells me that it's gone too far."

Dusk: "Like I said, he agitated me. He insulted my past and our relationship. How could you expect me not to react the way I did?"

Kat: "I'm talking about before then, Dusk."

Dusk: "What?.. Oh, right. I'm sorry, but he just annoys me... He's also fun to tease"

Kat: "Well, why? Not the teasing part, I agree with that." *sits down on the ground* "But the annoying part."

Dusk: "He's stuck in some fantasy world, he has no idea about leadership, thinks he's better than me when he isn't..." He thinks for a moment. "To be honest, I think his most noticeable achievement since he's been here is falling unconscious in the middle of the battle due to a spike trap. He's a kid that needs to be taught respect"

Kat: "And did you ever stop to think that maybe his so-called 'thinking he's better' was more to just get you to accept him? Or that his fantasy world might be him trying to make sense of the fact that he's been dragged from another world all together, when his pregnant wife needs him?"

Dusk: "Why would he want to "accept" me? I've gone no intention of doing so, and I doubt he has too." He thinks for a moment. "As for his fantasy world; have you heard some of the stuff he comes out with? "Purgatorial Ignis" this and "Purigon" that. Alright, if it wasn't so noticeable then maybe it wouldn't bother me, but it sounds like the kid's delusional to me"

Kat: "Again, I'm more or less immortal, and you accept that just fine."

Dusk: "And yet again, Phoibus is proof enough. I chucked his dead body off the roof of Ylisstol and he spoke to me in person within the following weeks"

Kat: "So, how can you believe that, and then not him? Is it because you can't see it?"

Dusk: He gets up so he's sitting on his hammock with his legs out. "Perhaps... I mean, if I saw Purigon, then I'd probably believe it"

Kat: "I'm not sure if that's possible anymore, though." *sigh* "Sorin is really working too hard. He's such child, thinking that he has to push himself at all times in order to become stronger, without realizing that all he's doing is breaking apart. But because of that, he doesn't need arguments. Teasing, sarcasm, perhaps, but arguments and antagonism does nothing but harm. It teaches no lessons; it only breaks apart a fragile little boy and an even more fragile army that's desperately trying to find the light in the tunnel and hoping that light isn't from an elfire poised to swallow it up."

Dusk: He thought about what Kat said for a few moments. [Hmm... There's definitely some merits in her argument... Maybe I have been a tad harsh on him?] "... Alright, fine. I'll try to keep my antagonising down as much as possible. But let me say this; if he ever insults our relationship or my past ever again, then I can't promise you my fist won't be buried in his face"

Kat: *dryly* "I have a sneaking suspicion that the insulting was the whole 'over protective brother' thing." *smiles softly* "I think for the good of the army, you need to try. If he DOES bring out the insults, well… why not send him to me, actually? I'll give him a lecture from hell."

Dusk: "Because "big brothers" outright state that their "little brother" is a complete failure of a leader. You know how sensitive I am about that specific part of my past..." He exhales through his nose heavily. "... But I guess I will send him to you. Perhaps he does need to be taught with words, and not by a fist in face"

Kat: "I'll get on him about that. That was a low blow, and shouldn't have been said. But for now…" *grins* "I think I need to give you that 'I'm home' kiss, don't I?"

Dusk: He grins back at her. "Heh..." He stands up and cups his hand around her right cheek. "I've missed you, you know that?"

Kat: "Oh, it hasn't been all THAT long, Dusk. But, maybe I should make it up to you?"

Dusk: "... Maybe you should" With his free hand, he tilts the fedora down a bit. "... What? I've always wanted to do that"

Kat: *laughs* "No worries. But it DOES kinda block me."

Dusk: He grins at her. "Well then... Perhaps you should do something about it?"

Kat: "Maybe. Hold still…"

Dusk: "... Oh!"

Take the ending as you please, but we're totally innocent!

(I think I would've had more clean thoughts if you didn't point it out. I was imaging Kat bandaging him or something but now, I think of... other images. Samson: like Kat tickling his feet?)

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(I'm pretty sure I can keep things to a minimum. Promise. Please remind me next time.)

"A man at his leisure can't take a break and talk for a bit? Shame. Maybe I could talk about how I am him but I guess not..."

"Who are you, and why do you remind me of that so called ghost the other day?" (I wonder where Dan is anyway...)

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"Who are you, and why do you remind me of that so called ghost the other day?" (I wonder where Dan is anyway...)

"Me? I suppose I should give you your memories back temporarily for the time being. But it would be better to explain. I'm Shadowfrost Zenbiniar. Killer of worlds, helper of villains, servant of the earth dragons, ect. Of course that's not me. That would be Xert. The other whole of me.

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[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Talk about Sorin]Kat: *hunting around* "Okay, he mentioned a hammock so…" *catches sight of him* "There we go."

Dusk: He didn't hear Kat, as he had fallen asleep on his hammock, with his fedora over his face and hands under his head

Kat: *walks up* "Still asleep, huh? Hmm… now to be nice or mean…?" *grins and steals his fedora*

Dusk: His eyes tighten due to them being exposed to sunlight. After a moment or so he wakes up, confused. "... Muh? Where di-" He notices Kat with his fedora in hand. "Oh ha ha. Very funny"

Kat: "I thought so." *puts on the fedora* "Well, how do I look?"

Dusk: He smiles. "Honestly? Bias aside, you look really cute"

Kat: "Thank you!" *winks* "But we do really need to talk about your antagonism towards Sorin."

Dusk: He sighs. "If we must..."

Kat: "Yes, we must. Because of that… WONDERFUL display in front of the new recruit tells me that it's gone too far."

Dusk: "Like I said, he agitated me. He insulted my past and our relationship. How could you expect me not to react the way I did?"

Kat: "I'm talking about before then, Dusk."

Dusk: "What?.. Oh, right. I'm sorry, but he just annoys me... He's also fun to tease"

Kat: "Well, why? Not the teasing part, I agree with that." *sits down on the ground* "But the annoying part."

Dusk: "He's stuck in some fantasy world, he has no idea about leadership, thinks he's better than me when he isn't..." He thinks for a moment. "To be honest, I think his most noticeable achievement since he's been here is falling unconscious in the middle of the battle due to a spike trap. He's a kid that needs to be taught respect"

Kat: "And did you ever stop to think that maybe his so-called 'thinking he's better' was more to just get you to accept him? Or that his fantasy world might be him trying to make sense of the fact that he's been dragged from another world all together, when his pregnant wife needs him?"

Dusk: "Why would he want to "accept" me? I've gone no intention of doing so, and I doubt he has too." He thinks for a moment. "As for his fantasy world; have you heard some of the stuff he comes out with? "Purgatorial Ignis" this and "Purigon" that. Alright, if it wasn't so noticeable then maybe it wouldn't bother me, but it sounds like the kid's delusional to me"

Kat: "Again, I'm more or less immortal, and you accept that just fine."

Dusk: "And yet again, Phoibus is proof enough. I chucked his dead body off the roof of Ylisstol and he spoke to me in person within the following weeks"

Kat: "So, how can you believe that, and then not him? Is it because you can't see it?"

Dusk: He gets up so he's sitting on his hammock with his legs out. "Perhaps... I mean, if I saw Purigon, then I'd probably believe it"

Kat: "I'm not sure if that's possible anymore, though." *sigh* "Sorin is really working too hard. He's such child, thinking that he has to push himself at all times in order to become stronger, without realizing that all he's doing is breaking apart. But because of that, he doesn't need arguments. Teasing, sarcasm, perhaps, but arguments and antagonism does nothing but harm. It teaches no lessons; it only breaks apart a fragile little boy and an even more fragile army that's desperately trying to find the light in the tunnel and hoping that light isn't from an elfire poised to swallow it up."

Dusk: He thought about what Kat said for a few moments. [Hmm... There's definitely some merits in her argument... Maybe I have been a tad harsh on him?] "... Alright, fine. I'll try to keep my antagonising down as much as possible. But let me say this; if he ever insults our relationship or my past ever again, then I can't promise you my fist won't be buried in his face"

Kat: *dryly* "I have a sneaking suspicion that the insulting was the whole 'over protective brother' thing." *smiles softly* "I think for the good of the army, you need to try. If he DOES bring out the insults, well… why not send him to me, actually? I'll give him a lecture from hell."

Dusk: "Because "big brothers" outright state that their "little brother" is a complete failure of a leader. You know how sensitive I am about that specific part of my past..." He exhales through his nose heavily. "... But I guess I will send him to you. Perhaps he does need to be taught with words, and not by a fist in face"

Kat: "I'll get on him about that. That was a low blow, and shouldn't have been said. But for now…" *grins* "I think I need to give you that 'I'm home' kiss, don't I?"

Dusk: He grins back at her. "Heh..." He stands up and cups his hand around her right cheek. "I've missed you, you know that?"

Kat: "Oh, it hasn't been all THAT long, Dusk. But, maybe I should make it up to you?"

Dusk: "... Maybe you should" With his free hand, he tilts the fedora down a bit. "... What? I've always wanted to do that"

Kat: *laughs* "No worries. But it DOES kinda block me."

Dusk: He grins at her. "Well then... Perhaps you should do something about it?"

Kat: "Maybe. Hold still…"

Dusk: "... Oh!"

Take the ending as you please, but we're totally innocent!

[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Talk about Sorin]Kat: *hunting around* "Okay, he mentioned a hammock so…" *catches sight of him* "There we go."

Dusk: He didn't hear Kat, as he had fallen asleep on his hammock, with his fedora over his face and hands under his head

Kat: *walks up* "Still asleep, huh? Hmm… now to be nice or mean…?" *grins and steals his fedora*

Dusk: His eyes tighten due to them being exposed to sunlight. After a moment or so he wakes up, confused. "... Muh? Where di-" He notices Kat with his fedora in hand. "Oh ha ha. Very funny"

Kat: "I thought so." *puts on the fedora* "Well, how do I look?"

Dusk: He smiles. "Honestly? Bias aside, you look really cute"

Kat: "Thank you!" *winks* "But we do really need to talk about your antagonism towards Sorin."

Dusk: He sighs. "If we must..."

Kat: "Yes, we must. Because of that… WONDERFUL display in front of the new recruit tells me that it's gone too far."

Dusk: "Like I said, he agitated me. He insulted my past and our relationship. How could you expect me not to react the way I did?"

Kat: "I'm talking about before then, Dusk."

Dusk: "What?.. Oh, right. I'm sorry, but he just annoys me... He's also fun to tease"

Kat: "Well, why? Not the teasing part, I agree with that." *sits down on the ground* "But the annoying part."

Dusk: "He's stuck in some fantasy world, he has no idea about leadership, thinks he's better than me when he isn't..." He thinks for a moment. "To be honest, I think his most noticeable achievement since he's been here is falling unconscious in the middle of the battle due to a spike trap. He's a kid that needs to be taught respect"

Kat: "And did you ever stop to think that maybe his so-called 'thinking he's better' was more to just get you to accept him? Or that his fantasy world might be him trying to make sense of the fact that he's been dragged from another world all together, when his pregnant wife needs him?"

Dusk: "Why would he want to "accept" me? I've gone no intention of doing so, and I doubt he has too." He thinks for a moment. "As for his fantasy world; have you heard some of the stuff he comes out with? "Purgatorial Ignis" this and "Purigon" that. Alright, if it wasn't so noticeable then maybe it wouldn't bother me, but it sounds like the kid's delusional to me"

Kat: "Again, I'm more or less immortal, and you accept that just fine."

Dusk: "And yet again, Phoibus is proof enough. I chucked his dead body off the roof of Ylisstol and he spoke to me in person within the following weeks"

Kat: "So, how can you believe that, and then not him? Is it because you can't see it?"

Dusk: He gets up so he's sitting on his hammock with his legs out. "Perhaps... I mean, if I saw Purigon, then I'd probably believe it"

Kat: "I'm not sure if that's possible anymore, though." *sigh* "Sorin is really working too hard. He's such child, thinking that he has to push himself at all times in order to become stronger, without realizing that all he's doing is breaking apart. But because of that, he doesn't need arguments. Teasing, sarcasm, perhaps, but arguments and antagonism does nothing but harm. It teaches no lessons; it only breaks apart a fragile little boy and an even more fragile army that's desperately trying to find the light in the tunnel and hoping that light isn't from an elfire poised to swallow it up."

Dusk: He thought about what Kat said for a few moments. [Hmm... There's definitely some merits in her argument... Maybe I have been a tad harsh on him?] "... Alright, fine. I'll try to keep my antagonising down as much as possible. But let me say this; if he ever insults our relationship or my past ever again, then I can't promise you my fist won't be buried in his face"

Kat: *dryly* "I have a sneaking suspicion that the insulting was the whole 'over protective brother' thing." *smiles softly* "I think for the good of the army, you need to try. If he DOES bring out the insults, well… why not send him to me, actually? I'll give him a lecture from hell."

Dusk: "Because "big brothers" outright state that their "little brother" is a complete failure of a leader. You know how sensitive I am about that specific part of my past..." He exhales through his nose heavily. "... But I guess I will send him to you. Perhaps he does need to be taught with words, and not by a fist in face"

Kat: "I'll get on him about that. That was a low blow, and shouldn't have been said. But for now…" *grins* "I think I need to give you that 'I'm home' kiss, don't I?"

Dusk: He grins back at her. "Heh..." He stands up and cups his hand around her right cheek. "I've missed you, you know that?"

Kat: "Oh, it hasn't been all THAT long, Dusk. But, maybe I should make it up to you?"

Dusk: "... Maybe you should" With his free hand, he tilts the fedora down a bit. "... What? I've always wanted to do that"

Kat: *laughs* "No worries. But it DOES kinda block me."

Dusk: He grins at her. "Well then... Perhaps you should do something about it?"

Kat: "Maybe. Hold still…"

Dusk: "... Oh!"

Take the ending as you please, but we're totally innocent!

Bwahahaha! Innocent? Boi please, this is the forest

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(I'm pretty sure I can keep things to a minimum. Promise. Please remind me next time.)

"A man at his leisure can't take a break and talk for a bit? Shame. Maybe I could talk about how I am him but I guess not..."

Ace: "Then if this is just a leisure visit, then by all means go ahead. You may speak freely now."

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Ace: "Then if this is just a leisure visit, then by all means go ahead. You may speak freely now."

"Unless said man has important information about his host body. Or talk how Jxemas has little to none emotion? Even I have some of that.....Speaking of which how is everyone?"

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"Unless said man has important information about his host body. Or talk how Jxemas has little to none emotion? Even I have some of that.....Speaking of which how is everyone?"

Ace: "Well, I've had better days. Today kinda feels like one of my recluse days. So tell me, why is it Jxemas shows little to no emotion?"

Alicia: "Yes, that is rather unusual. Also like Camus the Sable and Black Knight Zelgius combined into one person."

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Why not?

because apparently saying that "there are a bunch of annas that Dan comes across and teams with with Ishtar and some other villains/"anti-heroes" is apparently harder to set up because apparently just ishtar, camus, kempf, and whoever was the last one isn't enough anti-heroes for shadow...

(…I would've been much happier if we just had the three sections to deal with… *sigh*)


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Ace: "Well, I've had better days. Today kinda feels like one of my recluse days. So tell me, why is it Jxemas shows little to no emotion?"

Alicia: "Yes, that is rather unusual. Also like Camus the Sable and Black Knight Zelgius combined into one person."

"Due to him not having any memories whatsoever. He's constantly absorbed in his life of leading and finding out truth made him into a living corpse. He also has a few phobia's mind you. Like the fear of loss, Women, and water. Truly sad. He's like a lockbox. You just need to find the key."

because apparently saying that "there are a bunch of annas that Dan comes across and teams with with Ishtar and some other villains/"anti-heroes" is apparently harder to set up because apparently just ishtar, camus, kempf, and whoever was the last one isn't enough anti-heroes for shadow...


(I never said that. Just like they are other Anti hero's you can use. Like some of the others on the list.)

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