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Poly hit the ground hard after Anon pushed him aside while his back was turned. This Manakete... Poly drew his Armads, burning with a new passion.

"You just tried to cheapshot me? ME?! I'll rip you in two!" Poly cried, lunging forward and slashing a deep cut through the body of the Manakete that had attacked him. It wasn't down just yet, but Poly knew it was reeling. "Hey Anon! You finish this one!"

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"...Ace Tactician. I've never spoken to you at all, yet I know of your power. I know what you're capable of, and only masters of the strategy bears that clothing... You're in charge of this evacuation. Nobody else needs to die today. The two of us are strong, and we'd be stronger together, maybe we could beat back these Risen, but as commander of this group I must see the safety of men before myself, and that includes you... now go... please..." He breaths heavily for a moment

"...Maybe I'll see you... all of you... soon" He looks back at the Risen

"This is something I must do, now please go"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Poly hit the ground hard after Anon pushed him aside while his back was turned. This Manakete... Poly drew his Armads, burning with a new passion.

"You just tried to cheapshot me? ME?! I'll rip you in two!" Poly cried, lunging forward and slashing a deep cut through the body of the Manakete that had attacked him. It wasn't down just yet, but Poly knew it was reeling. "Hey Anon! You finish this one!"

'Watch and learn!' Anon shouted, leaping at the Manakete with his brave axe

'I'm never one to back away from a fight!' Anon shouted from a several meters away, battling a dragon with his Brave Axe

'What about you Poly?' He asked, whipping his brow as he watched the dying Manakete return to its human form. 'Hm, she's young,' he remarked, 'even by a human's standard'

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"...Ace Tactician. I've never spoken to you at all, yet I know of your power. I know what you're capable of, and only masters of the strategy bears that clothing... You're in charge of this evacuation. Nobody else needs to die today. The two of us are strong, and we'd be stronger together, maybe we could beat back these Risen, but as commander of this group I must see the safety of men before myself, and that includes you... now go... please..." He breaths heavily for a moment

"...Maybe I'll see you... all of you... soon" He looks back at the Risen

"This is something I must do, now please go"

Sir, I have no intention of leaving a man to die. At least take this'

*hands an elixir*

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"Ace, I shall let you take the lead. I will stay right beside you. Don't worry."

Thank you, Let's end this fight."

"...Ace Tactician. I've never spoken to you at all, yet I know of your power. I know what you're capable of, and only masters of the strategy bears that clothing... You're in charge of this evacuation. Nobody else needs to die today. The two of us are strong, and we'd be stronger together, maybe we could beat back these Risen, but as commander of this group I must see the safety of men before myself, and that includes you... now go... please..." He breaths heavily for a moment

"...Maybe I'll see you... all of you... soon" He looks back at the Risen

"This is something I must do, now please go"

"I swore that day that I would NOT see anymore die! If you intend to stay then allow me to set them all ablaze in flames!" "And it seems everyone here would rather do the same thing! I care too much to leave you to face these monsters alone! I made that mistake the day "sticky fingers..." died. I will not allow this to happen again!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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'Watch and learn!' Anon shouted, leaping at the Manakete with his brave axe

'What about you Poly?' He asked, whipping his brow as he watched the dying Manakete return to its human form. 'Hm, she's young,' he remarked, 'even by a human's standard'

Poly looked down; this certainly was a young-looking Manakete. He swore he'd recognized her from somewhere, but unlike with Severa, he wasn't sure where or how he'd met this Manakete - or even what her name was.

"Ugh... this whole fight is bullshit. Risen everywhere... half of us wanting to bail out... I'm not too sure this shit's worth it right now."

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Poly looked down; this certainly was a young-looking Manakete. He swore he'd recognized her from somewhere, but unlike with Severa, he wasn't sure where or how he'd met this Manakete - or even what her name was.

"Ugh... this whole fight is bullshit. Risen everywhere... half of us wanting to bail out... I'm not too sure this shit's worth it right now."

'Right, better to lose a battle than half your troops, maybe Dusk is right...'

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"... Hmph. You're very persistent, aren't you?... Fine. You may stay here with me and crush these abominations, but the instant I think for a second we have no chance of surviving I want you to go, understand?"

*catches elixir*

"Thanks whoever that was" He didn't plan on using it however. He's been waiting for this day for so long. Maybe... maybe he can see his friends again? He didn't know, but there was only one way to find out

"Ace Tactician and I are staying everyone. The rest are you are leaving, now!"

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The Hero-King's scream grabbed her attention soon enough. She was frantic to see him unconscious. What happened?! With quite a bit of trouble, she positioned him behind her on her horse. Ace Tactician called for a healer... "What is it?"

Before responding, she quickly used her Physic Staff on Poly.

"So...Some sort of fuzzy nostalgia caused this...? I cannot claim to understand the feeling, but I shall do my best to watch over him until he awakens."

While unconscious, I recalled my old life in Archanea. There Tiki was, always bright with a smile on her face, without a worry in the world. Suddenly the dream became twisted and I watched as the castle had been sieged, everyone dying left and right. She spoke softly, as an enemy soldier was ready to impale her. "Mar-Mar..... I'm scared....' were her last words before. Just as she was about to be impaled, I woke up, unaware of where I was, until I realized i was being carried by Crizix's steed. "Nnnngh....What... just happened? What's going on?"

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"... Hmph. You're very persistent, aren't you?... Fine. You may stay here with me and crush these abominations, but the instant I think for a second we have no chance of surviving I want you to go, understand?"

*catches elixir*

"Thanks whoever that was" He didn't plan on using it however. He's been waiting for this day for so long. Maybe... maybe he can see his friends again? He didn't know, but there was only one way to find out

"Ace Tactician and I are staying everyone. The rest are you are leaving, now!"

"Wherever Ace is going, I will go. If Ace pulls out, I pull out. Now let's get going."

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"... Hmph. You're very persistent, aren't you?... Fine. You may stay here with me and crush these abominations, but the instant I think for a second we have no chance of surviving I want you to go, understand?"

*catches elixir*

"Thanks whoever that was" He didn't plan on using it however. He's been waiting for this day for so long. Maybe... maybe he can see his friends again? He didn't know, but there was only one way to find out

"Ace Tactician and I are staying everyone. The rest are you are leaving, now!"

'Alright then sir,' Anon said before turning to Ace, 'if things get to tough you grab him and pull back, okay?' He then turned back to Dusk, 'and Dusk, I'm sorry let your table get broken,' and with that Anon scampered back with the rest.

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"Ace Tactician and I are staying everyone. The rest are you are leaving, now!"

No! Glaedyr couldn't run away... not like the last time... She couldn't be a coward whilst others kept fighting to protect them. "NO! I-I'm staying! You'll have to drag me away if you want me to go!"

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"... Hmph. You're very persistent, aren't you?... Fine. You may stay here with me and crush these abominations, but the instant I think for a second we have no chance of surviving I want you to go, understand?"

*catches elixir*

"Thanks whoever that was" He didn't plan on using it however. He's been waiting for this day for so long. Maybe... maybe he can see his friends again? He didn't know, but there was only one way to find out

"Ace Tactician and I are staying everyone. The rest are you are leaving, now!"

It was in that instant, I remembered something else about my powers, "Stay by my side, and you can borrow some of my strength. Together we can wipe them out! No backward glances, all who are staying group near me and you too can borrow my strength!" I shouted just as the Risen horde came closer.

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It was in that instant, I remembered something else about my powers, "Stay by my side, and you can borrow some of my strength. Together we can wipe them out! No backward glances, all who are staying group near me and you too can borrow my strength!" I shouted just as the Risen horde came closer.

I guess no one is pulling back? Then I might as well stay. But a word of warning, we mercenaries are know for running when in danger!

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"Carter... these people need their second in command, I can't have you dying. Imagine what your brother would say?.. No I can't allow it" For the first time since this war started his voice was starting to break... was he scared? The man never feared anything before

"I'm sorry everyone..." He sets up a light rune. Nobody was coming in, and nobody was escaping

"Ace, it's just you and me now. I'm interested by that power of yours..." He puts on a fake smirk, not wanting anyone to see him weak

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Poly thought long and hard about what was going on around him. These enemies... these were people his friends had known; people his friends may well have loved. But on the other hand, they were little more than Risen now, warped into hellish monsters by the conniving Anna hordes.

"You think I'm leaving, then you're dead wrong." he growled towards nobody in particular. "After all, this is the best prey I've ever seen! COME ON, THEN! FEED YOUR EMPEROR'S RAGE!"

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While unconscious, I recalled my old life in Archanea. There Tiki was, always bright with a smile on her face, without a worry in the world. Suddenly the dream became twisted and I watched as the castle had been sieged, everyone dying left and right. She spoke softly, as an enemy soldier was ready to impale her. "Mar-Mar..... I'm scared....' were her last words before. Just as she was about to be impaled, I woke up, unaware of where I was, until I realized i was being carried by Crizix's steed. "Nnnngh....What... just happened? What's going on?"

Crizix yelped when she heard the Hero King stir behind her. "Oh, sire! You're awake! Um...You passed out, and we're in a horrible situation. Half of our forces want to rereat, but...I want to stay and help them..." The last statement was whispered very quietly.

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