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"The ointment is done~!" Nathaniel called cheerfully, "I need someone to apply it. Alicia said she would."

Ace: "Is it okay if I apply the ointment, Nathaniel? Unless you don't mind waiting for me to find my sister then--- well, I spoke too soon."

Alicia: *walks in* "Oh, good morning everyone. *pretending all is well* Oh, the ointment is done. Shall we get your hearing back then, Nathaniel?"

Ace: *thinking* "Pretending like all is fine, just like an assassin's mentality. Casting your feelings aside, as if having any will hold you back. Is that how you've become so logical, sister?"

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"Fine." Yuffie huffed. "Samson and I didn't want to help anyway."

*sulking ensues*

"Whats wrong Yuffie?"

Ace: "Is it okay if I apply the ointment, Nathaniel? Unless you don't mind waiting for me to find my sister then--- well, I spoke too soon."

Alicia: *walks in* "Oh, good morning everyone. *pretending all is well* Oh, the ointment is done. Shall we get your hearing back then, Nathaniel?"

Ace: *thinking* "Pretending like all is fine, just like an assassin's mentality. Casting your feelings aside, as if having any will hold you back. Is that how you've become so logical, sister?"

"Ace, are you all right?You seemed pretty annoyed"

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That bro war was hilarious

Hello, thread

They never told me if I guessed the joke right.

Kat kissed him before Kat and Dusk got together, since she didn't know the significance of a kiss

Luckily my character doesn't know about this, or else heads would be flying

Well, I'm glad my head is safe! Unless Dusk kills me for letting Ace break his table.

We've told you this, it's Carter

Umm, well I think we only have Glaedyr, Carter and Luigi left. So... Pick your poison

Gengar is the only poison type I've used extensively, so I have to choose it.

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"Whats wrong Yuffie?"

"Ace, are you all right?You seemed pretty annoyed"

Ace: *whispers so only Sampson hears her* "Yeah, I think I may have figured out something about my sister. Though I'd rather not say it when she's right in front of me."

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​Dusk found this humorous. "So the Shipping King loves someone and a different woman has fallen for him? Oh my, what an awkward love triangle this is... I wonder how he's going to deal with-" He got interrupted by the appearance of Breezy and Nathaniel. "Oh, hello you two" He waves at Nathaniel

Anon: *walking by* He's Poly, he'll probably respond the wrong way.

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"Here." Nathaniel handed Alicia the pot of ointment. "It goes just along the inside of the ear, the I'll do the rest."

Alicia: *Does exactly as instructed* "There we go, I've done as you've instructed."

"Well then..." He cracked a grin. The guy was hungry, and he was certain everyone else was too. "... Who's hungry? I feel like cooking today"

Ace: *super eager* "I am! What's for breakfast?"

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Ace: *super eager* "I am! What's for breakfast?"

"Hmm... Considering there isn't much livestock any more we'll have to make do with what we've got... We've got some bread and a few eggs if I recall correctly. Maybe something simple for today? We're going to have to venture out for food soon, though"

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"Well then..." He cracked a grin. The guy was hungry, and he was certain everyone else was too. "... Who's hungry? I feel like cooking today"

(I might have to eventually have Samson cook some indigenous plegian/African or chon'sinian/ Asian food.)

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"Hmm... Considering there isn't much livestock any more we'll have to make do with what we've got... We've got some bread and a few eggs if I recall correctly. Maybe something simple for today? We're going to have to venture out for food soon, though"

"Just try not to you know, blow everything up while you're getting them.."

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"Well then..." He cracked a grin. The guy was hungry, and he was certain everyone else was too. "... Who's hungry? I feel like cooking today"

Anon: I could eat

"Hmm... Considering there isn't much livestock any more we'll have to make do with what we've got... We've got some bread and a few eggs if I recall correctly. Maybe something simple for today? We're going to have to venture out for food soon, though"

Anon: Eggs Benedict?

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"Hmm... Considering there isn't much livestock any more we'll have to make do with what we've got... We've got some bread and a few eggs if I recall correctly. Maybe something simple for today? We're going to have to venture out for food soon, though"

Ace: "Yeah, something simple until we can venture out for more food. We are going to have to go out sometime."

"I see... how er... interesting."

Ace: *whispers again* "Yeah, very interesting subject to think about."

"Thank you." Nathaniel closed his hands over his and gritted his teeth together as damaged tissue repaired itself in a horrible, burning sensation. "It should be done... I can hear!"

Alicia: "That's excellent news to hear. I'm glad I was able to help you regain your hearing back. Though that healing process looked rather painful."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Anon: Eggs Benedict?

Ace: "Yeah, something simple until we can venture out for more food. We are going to have to go out sometime."

He rubbed his hands together a few times. "Well then... Let me see what I can do!" He walks into the kitchen, to begin what he thought was going to be his "masterpiece"

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Alicia: "That's excellent news to hear. I'm glad I was able to help you regain your hearing back. Though that healing process looked rather painful."

"Y-yeah..." Nathaniel sighed. "It was quite painful, I will admit..." He sat down next to Dusk and poured a cup of water. "Oh, Yuffie, by the way... Did you need anything? Apparently, you wanted to talk with me about my experiments..."

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"It is like you and Wizard's power to make each other blush?" (.... LOL)

Ace: *whispers* "No, I'm thinking it's more like Alicia had some kind of assassin training. I'm sure of it given how calm and collected she often is. Like a girl with no emotions."

"Y-yeah..." Nathaniel sighed. "It was quite painful, I will admit..." He sat down next to Dusk and poured a cup of water. "Oh, Yuffie, by the way... Did you need anything? Apparently, you wanted to talk with me about my experiments..."

Alicia just watched from inside the mess hall as Dusk was preparing breakfast, unaware of her surroundings and lost in her thoughts. (It was at the suggestion of my uncle that I train among the local assassin's branch since I can't use my powers unless I'm in control of my emotions. So, why was it in that moment that all my training failed?)

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