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"Carter... these people need their second in command, I can't have you dying. Imagine what your brother would say?.. No I can't allow it" For the first time since this war started his voice was starting to break... was he scared? The man never feared anything before

"I'm sorry everyone..." He sets up a light rune. Nobody was coming in, and nobody was escaping

"Ace, it's just you and me now. I'm interested by that power of yours..." He puts on a fake smirk, not wanting anyone to see him weak


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"Carter... these people need their second in command, I can't have you dying. Imagine what your brother would say?.. No I can't allow it" For the first time since this war started his voice was starting to break... was he scared? The man never feared anything before

"I'm sorry everyone..." He sets up a light rune. Nobody was coming in, and nobody was escaping

"Ace, it's just you and me now. I'm interested by that power of yours..." He puts on a fake smirk, not wanting anyone to see him weak

Hm...do I?

'No,' Anon muttered. 'Everyone stay back! Our best option now is to run!'

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Poly had noticed the light rune around Dusk & Ace, and decided that he just didn't care. He knew it only affected so much space, so he simply went around it, drawing Armads and charging towards an imposing Risen with blood red armour on a massive horse. He knew this one was the former Conqueror, Walhart, and let out a heavy laugh as it drew its axe.

"COME ON, COME ON, COME ON! THERE'S ONLY ENOUGH ROOM ON THIS FIELD FOR ONE EMPEROR, AND YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN SLAIN ONCE!" Poly roared as 'Walhart' wordlessly charged towards him as well.

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"They better come back alive....

Crizix, mind if I stay with you?"

"Not at all...but I plan to stay for the most part. I think they'll be needing some healing soon. I plan to hang back and use my Physic. I didn't fight much. I'm not that tired."

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"Not at all...but I plan to stay for the most part. I think they'll be needing some healing soon. I plan to hang back and use my Physic. I didn't fight much. I'm not that tired."

"If anything comes near us, I shall protect you."

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As Poly continued to press on towards the Conqueror, he looked down and noticed that his wound was still open. He halted his advance and fumbled around in his pocket, looking for an elixir.

"Shit... Crizix! Mind giving me a heal before I take out this oversized crab cake?"

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Poly had noticed the light rune around Dusk & Ace, and decided that he just didn't care. He knew it only affected so much space, so he simply went around it, drawing Armads and charging towards an imposing Risen with blood red armour on a massive horse. He knew this one was the former Conqueror, Walhart, and let out a heavy laugh as it drew its axe.

"COME ON, COME ON, COME ON! THERE'S ONLY ENOUGH ROOM ON THIS FIELD FOR ONE EMPEROR, AND YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN SLAIN ONCE!" Poly roared as 'Walhart' wordlessly charged towards him as well.

"YOU FOOL!" Dusk grabs Poly by the collar of his blood-stained jacket

"What the HELL do you think you're doing huh? I don't give a crap if you used to be the khan of Ferox, I am your commander and you will obey!" Dusk punches Poly in the face and chucks him to the other side

"And jeez, I'm going to miss you too Carter... now lets go Ace!" Dusk charges forward, jumping and firing his killer bow and one of the Risen, making it sink back into the ground

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As Poly continued to press on towards the Conqueror, he looked down and noticed that his wound was still open. He halted his advance and fumbled around in his pocket, looking for an elixir.

"Shit... Crizix! Mind giving me a heal before I take out this oversized crab cake?"

"Sure!" She shouted back before using her Physic Staff on him.

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"Carter... these people need their second in command, I can't have you dying. Imagine what your brother would say?.. No I can't allow it" For the first time since this war started his voice was starting to break... was he scared? The man never feared anything before

"I'm sorry everyone..." He sets up a light rune. Nobody was coming in, and nobody was escaping

"Ace, it's just you and me now. I'm interested by that power of yours..." He puts on a fake smirk, not wanting anyone to see him weak

"I always thought this power of mine was a curse, and he helped me to believe it was a blessing." *Gives you some of my power* "Heh, I'll probably fall asleep afterwards. Ah well, anything to end this fight. Here they come" "Your timed ends now! Rest in pieces!" I open up with a Valflame attack on a large scale on the remaining Risen in the horde closest to us, much like...a certain noble from a faraway land did once.


I saw Dandra was blocked off, but...at least he was with friends.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Crizix yelped when she heard the Hero King stir behind her. "Oh, sire! You're awake! Um...You passed out, and we're in a horrible situation. Half of our forces want to rereat, but...I want to stay and help them..." The last statement was whispered very quietly.

Hearing the struggle of everyone by Crizix, A sudden surge of energy flared within my being. Falchion started to glow, and a blue aura formed around my body. No, I will not allow this! No one shall die today! Not while I am still standing!!!" And just like that, I quickly jumped off of Crizix's steed and rushed to the front lines, towards Dusk and Ace at inhumane speed.

Edited by Hero-King
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"YOU FOOL!" Dusk grabs Poly by the collar of his blood-stained jacket

"What the HELL do you think you're doing huh? I don't give a crap if you used to be the khan of Ferox, I am your commander and you will obey!" Dusk punches Poly in the face and chucks him to the other side

"And jeez, I'm going to miss you too Carter... now lets go Ace!" Dusk charges forward, jumping and firing his killer bow and one of the Risen, making it sink back into the ground

'To be honest sir!' Anon yelled as he dragged Poly away, 'you could have placed that better, and there is an easy trick to breaking a light rune!'
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Glaedyr watched on in horror. It couldn't be happening....She couldn't let it happen...Not after the last time... She had to do something... But she had to obey her orders...

This is an example of following orders.

Hearing the struggle of everyone by Crizix, A sudden surge of energy flared within my being. Falchion started to glow, and a blue aura formed around my body. No, I will not allow this! No one shall die today! Not while I am still standing!!!" And just like that, I quickly jumped off of Crizix's steed and rushed to the front lines, towards Dusk and Ace at inhumane speed.

this is an example of being a douche.

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As Poly got up from dealing with Dusk, he felt a warm glow wash over him as the healing he'd asked for from Crizix came through. 'Heh... thanks a lot'. he smirked before walking over towards Dusk and grabbing him by the collar.

"LISTEN, YOU SUICIDAL LITTLE SHIT!" he roared, causing the members of the company that had stayed to fight to turn towards the two. "I don't care if you're some kind of god with that bow, and I don't care if Ace is the best tactician around! WE ARE NOT LEAVING, AND THAT'S THAT!" he dropped Dusk and drew his Armads once more, ready to jump back into the fray. "If you don't like it, then I guess you'll just have to bury me with these Risen bastards." he spat out as he trudged towards the Conqueror once again.

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As Poly got up from dealing with Dusk, he felt a warm glow wash over him as the healing he'd asked for from Crizix came through. 'Heh... thanks a lot'. he smirked before walking over towards Dusk and grabbing him by the collar.

"LISTEN, YOU SUICIDAL LITTLE SHIT!" he roared, causing the members of the company that had stayed to fight to turn towards the two. "I don't care if you're some kind of god with that bow, and I don't care if Ace is the best tactician around! WE ARE NOT LEAVING, AND THAT'S THAT!" he dropped Dusk and drew his Armads once more, ready to jump back into the fray. "If you don't like it, then I guess you'll just have to bury me with these Risen bastards." he spat out as he trudged towards the Conqueror once again.

Hearing Polydeuces say that, reminded me of the friends I missed and those I lost. With that I turned to the Risen in front of me, dispatching them left and right with Valflame or Mercurius. I slew so many, their ranks seemed to thin a bit. I wondered how Dusk was doing with the strength I gave him. It had been a while since I had done that for someone.

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"I always thought this power of mine was a curse, and he helped me to believe it was a blessing." *Gives you some of my power* "Heh, I'll probably fall asleep afterwards. Ah well, anything to end this fight. Here they come" "Your timed ends now! Rest in pieces!" I open up with a Valflame attack on a large scale on the remaining Risen in the horde closest to us, much like...a certain noble from a faraway land did once.

"Th-thank you Ace" Dusk's body felt revitalised and surged with power he had never felt before

"I-I've never felt so amazing! This is brilliant!" he felt awesome to say the least. He didn't forget what Ace said about her having the possibility to fall unconscious however

"I'll... I'll protect you, with everything I have!"

As Poly got up from dealing with Dusk, he felt a warm glow wash over him as the healing he'd asked for from Crizix came through. 'Heh... thanks a lot'. he smirked before walking over towards Dusk and grabbing him by the collar.

"LISTEN, YOU SUICIDAL LITTLE SHIT!" he roared, causing the members of the company that had stayed to fight to turn towards the two. "I don't care if you're some kind of god with that bow, and I don't care if Ace is the best tactician around! WE ARE NOT LEAVING, AND THAT'S THAT!" he dropped Dusk and drew his Armads once more, ready to jump back into the fray. "If you don't like it, then I guess you'll just have to bury me with these Risen bastards." he spat out as he trudged towards the Conqueror once again.

"... Do as you please khan. I'll bury your body afterwards if I don't die myself" Dusk had lost his patience with him and no longer cared

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