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Dusk belted it to Dan's room and looked inside. "Nope... Maybe he fell asleep in one of those baths?.." Thinking that, he ran all the way to the male restrooms. "Nop- Oh my lord these things need to be used soon... Hmm..." He curls up part of his hair with a finger. "It's a bit greasy... Oh, I'm here now, may as well" Closing the door behind him, he started to make a bath for himself

I regret nothing

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Alicia: *follows Nathaniel downstairs to help him out*

"Here we are!" Nathaniel walked cheerfully into the library. "...I wonder if there are any romance novels in this place, like what Elise used to read... I swear, that girl really had high standards... Ha..." Edited by Wizard
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Dusk belted it to Dan's room and looked inside. "Nope... Maybe he fell asleep in one of those baths?.." Thinking that, he ran all the way to the male restrooms. "Nop- Oh my lord these things need to be used soon... Hmm..." He curls up part of his hair with a finger. "It's a bit greasy... Oh, I'm here now, may as well" Closing the door behind him, he started to make a bath for himself

I regret nothing


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"Gah! What the..." Poly looked down after he felt something crash into him... or, as it turned out, someone. "Oh, it's you, Kat." Poly simply shook his head, he didn't have the time for this. He had to find Dan before Kat did, or all that he'd worked for would be ruined.

"I'm heading out." *scrambles up* "He's not anywhere in the castle!" *races outside; not armed*

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"Here we are!" Nathaniel walked cheerfully into the library. "...I wonder if there are any romance novels in this place, like what Elise used to read... I swear, that girl really had high standards... Ha..."

Alicia: "I thought you wanted to find any books about the Aum Staff? Did you have a change of mind?"

"I'm heading out." *scrambles up* "He's not anywhere in the castle!" *races outside; not armed*

Ace: *follows behind Kat* "Wow, and I thought I ran fast."

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Dusk belted it to Dan's room and looked inside. "Nope... Maybe he fell asleep in one of those baths?.." Thinking that, he ran all the way to the male restrooms. "Nop- Oh my lord these things need to be used soon... Hmm..." He curls up part of his hair with a finger. "It's a bit greasy... Oh, I'm here now, may as well" Closing the door behind him, he started to make a bath for himself

I regret nothing

(Well I detect shenanigans)

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Ignoring Kat, Poly went in to check and see if Dan had maybe gone into the bathroom and just not bothered coming out. What he saw, he couldn't unsee. "AUGH! FUCKING DUSK!" Poly roared as he ran back out of the bathroom and slammed the door. "I'm gonna neuter him... I swear..." he punched the wall behind him and decided to abandon his search, now choosing to head to the library to find something to read in order to kill time.

(I regret even less)

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Ignoring Kat, Poly went in to check and see if Dan had maybe gone into the bathroom and just not bothered coming out. What he saw, he couldn't unsee. "AUGH! FUCKING DUSK!" Poly roared as he ran back out of the bathroom and slammed the door. "I'm gonna neuter him... I swear..." he punched the wall behind him and decided to abandon his search, now choosing to head to the library to find something to read in order to kill time.

(I regret even less)


"GODDAMMIT POLY!.. Ugh. I'll speak to him later... and maybe silence him too... Goddammit... HOPEFULLY nobody else disturbs me..."

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Alicia: "I thought you wanted to find any books about the Aum Staff? Did you have a change of mind?"

"Mm." Nathaniel began searching around for more books about the Aum Staff. "I'll try and find both, I guess. The Aum Staff probably doesn't exist anymore, but I did find a map about a week ago that had its apparent location on it... From what I have read, the Aum Staff was never used. It is said that the Hero-King Marth's sister was capable of using it, though. Something like that."

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*outside, sliding on the sand* "Damn it, Dan! Where are you?!"

Ace: "Need a hand there Kat? I may know where Dan is."

"Mm." Nathaniel began searching around for more books about the Aum Staff. "I'll try and find both, I guess. The Aum Staff probably doesn't exist anymore, but I did find a map about a week ago that had its apparent location on it... From what I have read, the Aum Staff was never used. It is said that the Hero-King Marth's sister was capable of using it, though. Something like that."

Alicia: "A map showing the location of the Aum Staff? May I see it please? And you are correct about Princess Elice being able to wield the staff."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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More of a shot at bravura but ok.

I ran toward Jxemas and made a feint at his front while aiming at the side of his ribs. I used this move against Shadow. Let's see how he reacts.

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Alicia: "A map showing the location of the Aum Staff? May I see it please? And you are correct about Princess Elice being able to wield the staff."

"Here." Nathaniel reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a folded piece of parchment. "This shows a little 'X' marked Aum Staff. I found it near the blank Einherjar card, in a book about raising the dead." It was a map of old Arachnea, with a tiny X in the south.

Edited by Wizard
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Ignoring Kat, Poly went in to check and see if Dan had maybe gone into the bathroom and just not bothered coming out. What he saw, he couldn't unsee. "AUGH! FUCKING DUSK!" Poly roared as he ran back out of the bathroom and slammed the door. "I'm gonna neuter him... I swear..." he punched the wall behind him and decided to abandon his search, now choosing to head to the library to find something to read in order to kill time.

(I regret even less)


"GODDAMMIT POLY!.. Ugh. I'll speak to him later... and maybe silence him too... Goddammit... HOPEFULLY nobody else disturbs me..."

(Well there are those shenanigans)

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"Where?!" *obviously very worried*

Ace: "I was shown a vision of Dan, wandering the desert near the fortress used by the Shepherds. Coming from the direction of the Dragon's Table."

"Here." Nathaniel reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a folded piece of parchment. "This shows a little 'X' marked Aum Staff. I found it near the blank Einherjar card, in a book about raising the dead." It was a map of old Arachnea, with a tiny X near where Valm would be on the present day.

Alicia: *looks at the map, and at the x marked on it* "This map shows the Aum Staff is in....the wellspring of truth?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Here." Nathaniel reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a folded piece of parchment. "This shows a little 'X' marked Aum Staff. I found it near the blank Einherjar card, in a book about raising the dead." It was a map of old Arachnea, with a tiny X near where Valm would be on the present day.

(Wouldn't the Aum staff be on the Arcanean continent? Or did I misread your post? But it would've been near where Dolhr was.)

Ace: "I was shown a vision of Dan, wandering the desert near the fortress used by the Shepherds. Coming from the direction of the Dragon's Table."

*starts racing in the direction of Dragon's Table*

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