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*strips Dusk of his shirt to bandage the deep wound on his shoulder* "Is… is our home under attack?"

Ace: *closes her eyes to see if anything comes to her* "I don't feel any danger around the castle, all is calm around the area."

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Ace: *closes her eyes to see if anything comes to her* "I don't feel any danger around the castle, all is calm around the area."

"Then who the hell hurt him?!" *Struggles to get him up* "What's going on, damn it?"

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Poly fell over as Alicia stumbled, tumbling the two to the floor in a tangled mess of body. "Mmph...!" Poly separated his mouth from Alicia's, as he tried to figure out what was going on. "Ducky, what... uh..." Poly suddenly got very flushed and turned away, almost embarrassed that he would do something like that.

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(I'm back,)

*scene change to Plegia desert with Dusk passed out in Kat's arms as Ace finally finds the items she was hunting around for in her pockets, a concoction and a roll of banages. She then hands both items to Kat without wasting anymore time.*

Hearing Sorin's voice caused Alicia to frantically stumble over, which unfortunately made the whole situation even more awkward than it already was.

(Mwahahahahahaha! :evil: )

Shoulda let Anon do it

O-oh no. D-did I lose leadership points?

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"Then who the hell hurt him?!" *Struggles to get him up* "What's going on, damn it?"

Ace: *still has her eyes closed* ".......Cedric."

Poly fell over as Alicia stumbled, tumbling the two to the floor in a tangled mess of body. "Mmph...!" Poly separated his mouth from Alicia's, as he tried to figure out what was going on. "Ducky, what... uh..." Poly suddenly got very flushed and turned away, almost embarrassed that he would do something like that.

Alicia wanted to get up and run away. This situation definitely beat out the scene she had seen in Poly's mind before this. (NO! What in Ashunera's name just went wrong?! Why does Sorin have to pop in at a time like this?! ARGH! My peaceful, easy feeling...it's gone...It's gone.) Alicia struggled to pick herself up and stormed off clearly red with embarrassment at getting caught, though still dignified about it and strangely calm and collected.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace: *still has her eyes closed* ".......Cedric."

(Uh… could've sworn Breezy was the one who hurt him, but… *shrug* Breezy's latest bout of insanity was triggered by Cedric, so I guess INDIRECTLY...)

"Who?" *carrying Dusk on her back as she leads the way back to the castle*

Edited by Kat
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(Yiu remember that thing I brought up, that happened)

(Remembered Rosa, switched into a bout of insanity where he thought she was still alive and he had to protect her, right?)

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Poly fell over as Alicia stumbled, tumbling the two to the floor in a tangled mess of body. "Mmph...!" Poly separated his mouth from Alicia's, as he tried to figure out what was going on. "Ducky, what... uh..." Poly suddenly got very flushed and turned away, almost embarrassed that he would do something like that.

*Walks around the corner in time to see their lips separate.* "....Hahahahahahahahahahaha" *Falls to the floor clutching stomach and rolling* "I ca-*wheeze* I can't breathe!!! Hahah-*snap* Ow my head...*wipes a tear and sniffles* When did this happen? Poly, you have game but a hallway? Full of Dreamer's rooms? Who knows who else heard you two having a moment. I mean, your room is a couple doors down Poly. You could have went there. I doubt Alicia would let it go too far, isn't that right?"

Ace: *still has her eyes closed* ".......Cedric."

Alicia wanted to get up and run away. This situation definitely beat out the scene she had seen in Poly's mind before this. (NO! What in Ashunera's name just went wrong?! Why does Sorin have to pop in at a time like this?! ARGH! My peaceful, easy feeling...it's gone...It's gone.) Alicia struggled to pick herself up and stormed off clearly red with embarrassment at getting caught, though still dignified about it and strangely calm and collected.

"Guess not. I'm gonna have trouble falling asleep now thanks to your shameless activity."

Edited by Sorin
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No, you get a pass for this one. it just would a been better if you conspired with Anon. Possibly setting up a harmless mini explosion to startle them?

I like explosion-

omg Poly change your avatar.

it's so awkward (and reminds me of him) <3 ♥


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(Uh… could've sworn Breezy was the one who hurt him, but… *shrug* Breezy's latest bout of insanity was triggered by Cedric, so I guess INDIRECTLY...)

"Who?" *carrying Dusk on her back as she leads the way back to the castle*

Ace: *as she's walking back with Kat.* "Actually, my vision was a little clouded when I said that. It was Breezy, but he was under the impression someone he cared deeply about was alive and under attack."

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