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"I'm more annoyed that no one seemed to care that he was gone in the first place, Ace. If there had been searching for him, but couldn't find him, that's one thing. Not looking at all? That's another? How long were we gone? A week? And NO ONE looked for him?" *obviously sarcastic now* "Great leadership there! Great camaraderie! Surely we'll instill fear into the Annas with such awesome unity!" *noticeably angry* "Maybe I ought to leave and return to my post as neutral warrior-priest."

(It just seemed like it would be easier to keep track of suggestions, and Anon's replies, in the PMs... I had no idea that it wasn't going to evolve into a conversation…)

And now -4 points for Sorin. Going down to 29

(Neither did I tbh. Right, I'll be sure to do so)

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(It's not WHERE he went. It was that he disappeared in the FIRST PLACE.)

"I'm more annoyed that no one seemed to care that he was gone in the first place, Ace. If there had been searching for him, but couldn't find him, that's one thing. Not looking at all? That's another? How long were we gone? A week? And NO ONE looked for him?" *obviously sarcastic now* "Great leadership there! Great camaraderie! Surely we'll instill fear into the Annas with such awesome unity!" *noticeably angry* "Maybe I ought to leave and return to my post as neutral warrior-priest."

(It just seemed like it would be easier to keep track of suggestions, and Anon's replies, in the PMs... I had no idea that it wasn't going to evolve into a conversation…)

Ace: "That is a problem. Teamwork is very important if we are to win this war against the Annas. We need to be a team if we hope to stand a chance of victory. There's only so much a single person or small group can do."

Poly just squeezed even tighter to keep Alicia close to him. "It... it's painful. My past is not a pleasant one... though I held a throne, a crown of blades hung above my head just waiting for the chance to end my pitiful existence... but with you by my side, I feel like maybe the past is just that - past, and gone for good..."

Alicia: "I see then. If you ever wish it, I'll always be here to listen. This emphatic nature of mine is how I've been able to properly guide the souls of the deceased to their rightful planes. I'm able to feel what they felt in life, fear, joy, pain, embarrassment, regrets, just like I was able to feel from you tonight Poly."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace: "That is a problem. Teamwork is very important if we are to win this war against the Annas. We need to be a team if we hope to stand a chance of victory. There's only so much a single person or small group can do."

"And then we've got Sorin neglecting his duties to give himself FUCKING headaches and basically just destroy his body in a quest to be 'strong', neglecting bonding with the rest of us! He's the leader, damn it! DUSK has been doing better at being social, by Mila!"

(Sorry, Sorin! >< I know you're busy.)

Edited by Kat
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"And then we've got Sorin neglecting his duties to give himself FUCKING headaches and basically just destroy his body in a quest to be 'strong', neglecting bonding with the rest of us! He's the leader, damn it! DUSK has been doing better at being social, by Mila!"

(Sorry, Sorin! >< I know you're busy.)

Ace: "I wonder why he does that to himself? There has to be some reason Sorin would go through such a trial that he gets headaches."

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"And then we've got Sorin neglecting his duties to give himself FUCKING headaches and basically just destroy his body in a quest to be 'strong', neglecting bonding with the rest of us! He's the leader, damn it! DUSK has been doing better at being social, by Mila!"

(Sorry, Sorin! >< I know you're busy.)

(and until then, our A support isn't happening)

-2 ponts

Total: 27/60

Edited by Hero-King
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Ace: "I wonder why he does that to himself? There has to be some reason Sorin would go through such a trial that he gets headaches."

"Because he thinks that strength is just making himself stronger and doesn't realize the importance of RESTING, damn it!"

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Poly looked into Alicia's eyes, trying to see if she was the girl that he knew he wanted - and needed - in his life, just as he'd hoped. "Alicia..." he began, as if to confirm his beliefs. "Even if you leave me to go back to your own home, I'll never forget you... and I'll wait. I'll wait until that fateful day when you return here."

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"Because he thinks that strength is just making himself stronger and doesn't realize the importance of RESTING, damn it!"

Ace: "Perhaps I ought to speak with him. I know all too well the consequences and responsibilities of wielding great power. Just look and me and Tumultuous Arrangement."

Poly looked into Alicia's eyes, trying to see if she was the girl that he knew he wanted - and needed - in his life, just as he'd hoped. "Alicia..." he began, as if to confirm his beliefs. "Even if you leave me to go back to your own home, I'll never forget you... and I'll wait. I'll wait until that fateful day when you return here."

Alicia froze, she wasn't from this outrealm. She had come here to investigate the disappearance of the great numbers of souls from the planes of heaven and hell. What if...she had a reason to stay here? Going home wouldn't be the same if staying meant her eternal happiness. But, how to tell the Khan of Ferox that her and Ace's bloodline lived long lives like the Branded from the sagas of Tellius. She would surely face the rest of her lifespan alone for ordinary humans living for centuries was extremely rare without some sort of contract or bloodline trait. Alicia wanted to tell him she would stay, but upon remembering how she had to turn her first crush into stone, and on the same day her uncle died suddenly and inheriting leadership of his assassin group. Alicia Taylor could only say this, "I...actually don't know if I want to return home."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace: "Perhaps I ought to speak with him. I know all too well the consequences and responsibilities of wielding great power. Just look and me and Tumultuous Arrangement."

"I've talked to him, and he just blew me off." *growling* "Completely and utterly."

Poly looked into Alicia's eyes, trying to see if she was the girl that he knew he wanted - and needed - in his life, just as he'd hoped. "Alicia..." he began, as if to confirm his beliefs. "Even if you leave me to go back to your own home, I'll never forget you... and I'll wait. I'll wait until that fateful day when you return here."

(Seriously, what are the B-S supports going to be about?)

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Alicia froze, she wasn't from this outrealm. She had come here to investigate the disappearance of the great numbers of souls from the planes of heaven and hell. What if...she had a reason to stay here? Going home wouldn't be the same if staying meant her eternal happiness. But, how to tell the Khan of Ferox that her and Ace's bloodline lived long lives like the Branded from the sagas of Tellius. She would surely face the rest of her lifespan alone for ordinary humans living for centuries was extremely rare without some sort of contract or bloodline trait. Alicia wanted to tell him she would stay, but upon remembering how she had to turn her first crush into stone, and on the same day her uncle died suddenly and inheriting leadership of his assassin group. Alicia Taylor could only say this, "I...actually don't know if I want to return home."

(Something tells me I know what her B or A support with Kat's going to be…)

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"I've talked to him, and he just blew me off." *growling* "Completely and utterly."

(Seriously, what are the B-S supports going to be about?)

Ace: "Maybe he'll be willing to listen to the Heiress of Chaos? I'll be heading off to sleep soon."

(Got nothing atm, though I'll rack my brain to think up of something.)

(Something tells me I know what her B or A support with Kat's going to be…)

(Boom, idea forming already^^ Gonna go to sleep before midnight tonight so I don't have to nap tomorrow.)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Poly's eyes widened from that revelation, considering what he had for this girl. She was unsure of whether or not she wanted to go home? Then... in that case... "Will you... will you stay here with me tonight?"


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Ace: "Maybe he'll be willing to listen to the Heiress of Chaos? I'll be heading off to sleep soon."

"Yeah. I'm going to tend to this idiot boyfriend of mine and sleep myself, I think. Maybe give Alicia or Poly advice." *sighs* "I'm taking him to my room."

Poly's eyes widened from that revelation, considering what he had for this girl. She was unsure of whether or not she wanted to go home? Then... in that case... "Will you... will you stay here with me tonight?"

(Oh my. Maybe she won't.)

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Got about 60-70pgs to read back on. Already playing Pokemon X...

Anybody tried out the Super Training in your Pokemon App?

It's such a wonderful feature that I have actually fully EV trained my Pokemon before even sending them to battle. Thankfully, I can have my stroy teams EV's set in the places that I want.

Pokemon X. Since Y's main game is already done.

Now...my team...:D


Type: Water

Gender: Male

Nature: Timid

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Mystic Water/Blastoisite


Sp.Attk 252(For it's 80ish base Sp. power)

Speed 200 (For sweeping good enough to rival Greninja)

58 Sp. Def (To defend better against Thunder, Thunderbolt and Grass Knot)

-Flash Cannon

-Focus Blast

-Hidden Power(Electric)

-Hydro Pump

Flash Cannon needed to kill Fairy types. Focus Blast needed to defeat Dark, Ice, and Rock types. Hidden Power(Electric) needed to kill it's own Water types. Hydro Pump for a good STAB. Blastoise is being used over Greninja for better typing, defenses and less weaknesses. It is better than the 6th gen starters pokemon tier wise. Plus I can get it Flash Cannon, a move you can't teach at all throughout the story as the TM for it cannot be obtained till post game.


Type: Electric

Gender: Female

Nature: Timid/Quick to flee

Ability: Static

Held item: Light Ball


252 Sp. Attk

252 Speed

6 Def

-Electro Ball

-Grass Knot/Hidden Power (Fire/Fight)


-Nasty Plot

Electro Ball to make it devastating to slower opponents, like Snorlax. Grass Knot/Hidden Power(Fire/Fight) for Rocks/Steel(Hidden Power). Substitute for covering up. Nasty Plot for better power.


Type: Psychic/Fairy


Nature: Timid/Somewhat Vain(Yay! ^_^)

Ability: Synchronize

Held item: Gardevorite


252 Sp. Attk (Logical)

194 Speed (Because of her 80 base speed)

64 Defense (To defend better from Pursuit, Foul Play, etc.)



-Focus Blast

-Calm Mind

Looking like

In her Mega form. Also this set should just about get her to stand up to anyone. :3
Type: Fighting/Flying
Gender: Male
Nature: Bashful/Proud Of It's Power
Ability: Limber
Held item: Black Belt
252 Attk(Logical)
165 Speed (Because of it's 118 Base Speed)
Defense 93(To defend better from Rocks, Physical Fairy attacks, etc)
-Bulk Up
-Stone Edge(To kill other birds and Ice)
-Flying Press (Has both Fight and Flying for it's elements)
Type: Flying/Dragon
Gender: N/A(Don't have yet)
Nature: Modest/Timid
Held item: Dragon Gem
Ability: Infiltrator
Speed 152(For 123 base speed)
Sp.Attk 252(Logical)
Sp.Def 106(To defend better from Ice Beam/Blizzard, etc)
-Hurricane(Powerful Flying move)
-Focus Blast(For Rocks and Steel)
-Dragon Pulse(Good STAB)
Type: Steel/Fairy
Gender: N/A(It's Steel, duh!)
Nature: Timid/Mischievous or any other Sp.Attk giving one.
Held item: Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
252 Sp. Attk(Logical and for it's 80 base Sp. Attk)
182 Speed(For it's 75 base Speed)
76HP(For it's 57 base HP)
-Draining Kiss(HP leeching fairy move. That Gardevoir will never get.)
-Crafty Shield(It protects entire team from status alignments for a few turns. How could I refuse.)
-Calm Mind(For it's low base Sp.Attk)
-Flash Cannon/Mirror Shot(Good STAB)(It gets Mirror Shot main game since it can't learn Flash Cannon without the TM. Which you cannot get until post game.
Kelfki gets chosen over Aegisslash, because I just cannot resist ignoring it's many resistances that it has. Even with Fight doing only normal damage to it. It also is immune to both Poison and Dragon type moves. How can you possibly ignore it's resistances? Even with it's fair amount of base stats? It's also only weak to Fire and Ground type moves.


Why Pokemon elements have their resistances/weaknesses?


Type of the Day...
0.5 Fire Fire would cancel out in the water.
0.5 Water cuz it's itself.
0.5 Ice as it freezes water solid.
2x Electric We know why it is that.

Water conducts electricity spreading electric all over the seas/oceans.

2x Grass We know why it is that

Grass drinks water drop by drop till it is gone.

1x Fight Ha ha...splashing.
1x Poison Water can be poisoned. Look at Kefka.
1x Ground Tremors can rumble water.
1x Flying Birds can fly over water
1x Psychic Water can be studied and can control it telepathically like Sabrina.
1x Bug Bugs can fly over water. Look at Mosquitoes.
1x Rock Rocks can be dropped in the Sea/Ocean
1x Ghost Ghosts can float over water.
1x Dragon Dragons can play in the water
1x Dark Interesting tidbit. The sky is dark/it makes the oceans/seas looks like the pits of a black hole at night.
0.5 Steel in water. Yes. It sinks in Water(Ocean/Sea) and can't fight.
1x Fairy Peaceminded individuals can enjoy sightseeing over Oceans and seas.
Isabelle now reads about how minerals in general/weapons gets stronger with every different material.
Iron-It is Iron.
Steel-Stronger than Iron as it is heavier than Iron.
Silver is stronger as it is lighter and weighs as much as Steel.
Killer-Because of it's razor sharp-like edges.
Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Got about 60-70pgs to read back on. Already playing Pokemon X...

Anybody tried out the Super Training in your Pokemon App?

It's such a wonderful feature that I have actually fully EV trained my Pokemon before even sending them to battle. Thankfully, I can have my stroy teams EV's set in the places that I want.

Pokemon X. Since Y's main game is already done.

Now...my team...:D


Type: Water

Gender: Male

Nature: Timid

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Mystic Water/Blastoisite


Sp.Attk 252(For it's 80ish base Sp. power)

Speed 200 (For sweeping good enough to rival Greninja)

58 Sp. Def (To defend better against Thunder, Thunderbolt and Grass Knot)

-Flash Cannon

-Focus Blast

-Hidden Power(Electric)

-Hydro Pump

Flash Cannon needed to kill Fairy types. Focus Blast needed to defeat Dark, Ice, and Rock types. Hidden Power(Electric) needed to kill it's own Water types. Hydro Pump for a good STAB. Blastoise is being used over Greninja for better typing, defenses and less weaknesses. It is better than the 6th gen starters pokemon tier wise. Plus I can get it Flash Cannon, a move you can't teach at all throughout the story as the TM for it cannot be obtained till post game.


Type: Electric

Gender: Female

Nature: Timid/Quick to flee

Ability: Static

Held item: Light Ball


252 Sp. Attk

252 Speed

6 Def

-Electro Ball

-Grass Knot/Hidden Power (Fire/Fight)


-Nasty Plot

Electro Ball to make it devastating to slower opponents, like Snorlax. Grass Knot/Hidden Power(Fire/Fight) for Rocks/Steel(Hidden Power). Substitute for covering up. Nasty Plot for better power.


Type: Psychic/Fairy


Nature: Timid/Somewhat Vain(Yay! ^_^)

Ability: Synchronize

Held item: Gardevorite


252 Sp. Attk (Logical)

194 Speed (Because of her 80 base speed)

64 Defense (To defend better from Pursuit, Foul Play, etc.)



-Focus Blast

-Calm Mind

Looking like


In her Mega form. Also this set should just about get her to stand up to anyone. :3


Type: Fighting/Flying

Gender: Male

Nature: Bashful/Proud Of It's Power

Ability: Limber

Held item: Black Belt


252 Attk(Logical)

165 Speed (Because of it's 118 Base Speed)

Defense 93(To defend better from Rocks, Physical Fairy attacks, etc)

-Bulk Up


-Stone Edge(To kill other birds and Ice)

-Flying Press (Has both Fight and Flying for it's elements)


Type: Flying/Dragon

Gender: N/A(Don't have yet)

Nature: Modest/Timid

Held item: Dragon Gem

Ability: Infiltrator


Speed 152(For 123 base speed)

Sp.Attk 252(Logical)

Sp.Def 106(To defend better from Ice Beam/Blizzard, etc)


-Hurricane(Powerful Flying move)

-Focus Blast(For Rocks and Steel)

-Dragon Pulse(Good STAB)


Type: Steel/Fairy

Gender: N/A(It's Steel, duh!)

Nature: Timid/Mischievous or any other Sp.Attk giving one.

Held item: Life Orb

Ability: Prankster


252 Sp. Attk(Logical and for it's 80 base Sp. Attk)

182 Speed(For it's 75 base Speed)

76HP(For it's 57 base HP)

-Draining Kiss(HP leeching fairy move. That Gardevoir will never get.)

-Crafty Shield(It protects entire team from status alignments for a few turns. How could I refuse.)

-Calm Mind(For it's low base Sp.Attk)

-Flash Cannon/Mirror Shot(Good STAB)(It gets Mirror Shot main game since it can't learn Flash Cannon without the TM. Which you cannot get until post game.

Kelfki gets chosen over Aegisslash, because I just cannot resist ignoring it's many resistances that it has. Even with Fight doing only normal damage to it. It also is immune to both Poison and Dragon type moves. How can you possibly ignore it's resistances? Even with it's fair amount of base stats? It's also only weak to Fire and Ground type moves.


Why Pokemon elements have their resistances/weaknesses?


Type of the Day...


0.5 Fire Fire would cancel out in the water.

0.5 Water cuz it's itself.

0.5 Ice as it freezes water solid.

2x Electric We know why it is that.

Water conducts electricity spreading electric all over the seas/oceans.

2x Grass We know why it is that

Grass drinks water drop by drop till it is gone.

1x Fight Ha ha...splashing.

1x Poison Water can be poisoned. Look at Kefka.

1x Ground Tremors can rumble water.

1x Flying Birds can fly over water

1x Psychic Water can be studied and can control it telepathically like Sabrina.

1x Bug Bugs can fly over water. Look at Mosquitoes.

1x Rock Rocks can be dropped in the Sea/Ocean

1x Ghost Ghosts can float over water.

1x Dragon Dragons can play in the water

1x Dark Interesting tidbit. The sky is dark/it makes the oceans/seas looks like the pits of a black hole at night.

0.5 Steel in water. Yes. It sinks in Water(Ocean/Sea) and can't fight.

1x Fairy Peaceminded individuals can enjoy sightseeing over Oceans and seas.


Isabelle now reads about how minerals in general/weapons gets stronger with every different material.

Iron-It is Iron.

Steel-Stronger than Iron as it is heavier than Iron.

Silver is stronger as it is lighter and weighs as much as Steel.

Killer-Because of it's razor sharp-like edges.

(Someone here REALLY likes their pokemon)

Anon: *looking over shoulder* So, whatcha reading? I can't see the cover.

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(Someone here REALLY likes their pokemon)

Anon: *looking over shoulder* So, whatcha reading? I can't see the cover.

Isabelle: Oh. *giggles* It is about minerals how they are stronger than others in weaponry.

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Isabelle: Oh. *giggles* It is about minerals how they are stronger than others in weaponry.


Anon: They aren't everything! Brave weapons have special designs so that they're more aerodynamic and can use the moment of the swing to attack in quick succession.

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