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Ace: "Gotcha. Speaking of time in the infirmary, I don't really get hurt enough to go there. Well, aside from the usage of Tumultuous Arrangement."

*scene change*

"Done and done~! It's been a while since I used a paralysis hex, but it seemed to work okay." Nathaniel walked out of the infirmary back towards the library.

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"So how do you propose getting her opinion on it? She can distract you with her feminine wiles, and she could very easily knock me out and (hopefully) place me somewhere comfortable."

"... I have no idea..." He thinks for a few moments, but nothing comes to mind. "Have you dealt with situations like this before? If so, do you remember how this problem was handled?"

(so we're not even trying to be subtle with the PolyxAlicia ship now)

Poly went into the infirmary, for once not because he was hurt, but because he wanted to see someone... he just wasn't particular as to who he wanted to see. Noticing Dusk being treated to by Yuffie, he walked over to the pair and grabbed a chair beside them. "So... what got you in Kat's doghouse this time, Dusk?"

(I'm not sorry)

I'm in Kat's room ya dickward

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Alicia just kept on walking, there had to be somewhere quiet to turn this armload of fabric into bandages. Given the amount of fabric she was carrying, Alicia didn't notice the room she was passing by.

*scene change*
"Done and done~! It's been a while since I used a paralysis hex, but it seemed to work okay." Nathaniel walked out of the infirmary back towards the library.

Ace just watched Nathaniel walk out of the infirmary. (I wonder how Alicia's doing? She didn't say much at breakfast. I wonder what happened last night on the sniper tower to make her so silent about it? Well, this place needs more bandages.)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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(No one responded to my thing...time to finish it!)

Suddenly, Anon stopped in the middle of the street. Of all the people in the underground, there was one who was mostly likely to help him, the same who was most likely of all to have avoided the march of the Annas. Looking about, he began to whistle a little tune, the only thing he knew how to whistle.

After the first part, he ceased and listened for a sound.

None. So he continued.

After the second part, there was a short rustle in the dust. A young face appeared from around the corner, grim and fearful. Upon seeing Anon, the individual let out a sigh of relief, and whistled a tune of there own. At this coded invitation, Anon smiled and walked forward on his own, there was no need for someone to lead him. He followed the youth through a passage that normally would have been hidden behind scrap wood, but was now covered by a cobbled ruble of grey stones

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Poly pointed at Dusk's left arm, noting the various wounds riddling it. "Sorry, mate, but there's no other way to explain how your arm got this badly damaged. I don't even think the Annas could've done something like that to you." he then laughed, making sure not to look at Dusk at that point so he didn't think he was laughing at him. "God, you must've really pissed her off. What, did you make out with someone behind her back and she found out, or...?"

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(No one responded to my thing...time to finish it!)

Suddenly, Anon stopped in the middle of the street. Of all the people in the underground, there was one who was mostly likely to help him, the same who was most likely of all to have avoided the march of the Annas. Looking about, he began to whistle a little tune, the only thing he knew how to whistle.

After the first part, he ceased and listened for a sound.

None. So he continued.

After the second part, there was a short rustle in the dust. A young face appeared from around the corner, grim and fearful. Upon seeing Anon, the individual let out a sigh of relief, and whistled a tune of there own. At this coded invitation, Anon smiled and walked forward on his own, there was no need for someone to lead him. He followed the youth through a passage that normally would have been hidden behind scrap wood, but was now covered by a cobbled ruble of grey stones

(Except not all the way!)

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(so we're not even trying to be subtle with the PolyxAlicia ship now)

Poly went into the infirmary, for once not because he was hurt, but because he wanted to see someone... he just wasn't particular as to who he wanted to see. Noticing Dusk being treated to by Yuffie, he walked over to the pair and grabbed a chair beside them. "So... what got you in Kat's doghouse this time, Dusk?"

(I'm not sorry)

"He was a bad boy, and needed to be punished. Side note - stay away from Kat's room without her permission. Samson was tied up by her door."

"... I have no idea..." He thinks for a few moments, but nothing comes to mind. "Have you dealt with situations like this before? If so, do you remember how this problem was handled?"

"We'd talk to their superiors and immediate family. We never had a case where someone involved was capable of warding all of us off simultaneously."

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Poly looked towards the door, noticing that Carter had come by to see what was going on. "Uh..." he began, not quite sure where to begin. "You're... not dead?" All Poly could do was blink rapidly, since he swore that Carter had vanished or something to that extent prior to their reaching the Border Sands.

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Poly pointed at Dusk's left arm, noting the various wounds riddling it. "Sorry, mate, but there's no other way to explain how your arm got this badly damaged. I don't even think the Annas could've done something like that to you." he then laughed, making sure not to look at Dusk at that point so he didn't think he was laughing at him. "God, you must've really pissed her off. What, did you make out with someone behind her back and she found out, or...?"

"... Right... My left arm was wounded weeks ago, against an Anna wielding a killer lance. My right shoulder got messed up because Breezy went psychotic and shot an arrow at me. I've done nothing to soil Kat and I's relationship Khan, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make such comments"

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"We'd talk to their superiors and immediate family. We never had a case where someone involved was capable of warding all of us off simultaneously."

"Oh my. Well, I'll just have to speak to her on my own then. Somewhere she can't run from me, perhaps"

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(No one responded to my thing...time to finish it!)

Suddenly, Anon stopped in the middle of the street. Of all the people in the underground, there was one who was mostly likely to help him, the same who was most likely of all to have avoided the march of the Annas. Looking about, he began to whistle a little tune, the only thing he knew how to whistle.

After the first part, he ceased and listened for a sound.

None. So he continued.

After the second part, there was a short rustle in the dust. A young face appeared from around the corner, grim and fearful. Upon seeing Anon, the individual let out a sigh of relief, and whistled a tune of there own. At this coded invitation, Anon smiled and walked forward on his own, there was no need for someone to lead him. He followed the youth through a passage that normally would have been hidden behind scrap wood, but was now covered by a cobbled ruble of grey stones

(I read the first part. Liked reading both parts so far.)

Carter heard some distant laughing and rushed into Kat's room immediately to find some fun. "I'm here! What's going on?"

Alicia heard Carter coming and peered out from the armload of fabric, "Do use caution Carter, Kat's room has traps set at the entrance."

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Poly turned back to Dusk, paying great attention to the middle part. He vaguely remembered Dusk being impaled in the arm by one of the Annas, but Breezy going nuts on him? That part was new. "So... wait. Breezy's not the sane man of the group, and Carter's up and about now. I... don't know how to feel about all this." Slumping back into the chair he was in, Poly looked over towards Yuffie. "I may need some healing after myself... my head's apparently really messed up."

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"My arm got stabbed by an Anna, and my shoulder got shot by a fellow Dreamer, Carter. Do pay attention when your elders are speaking" He turns to face Poly. "I know right? Breezy just snapped and went ballistic. I have no idea what's happened to him"

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