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"that's a risky move you're going for there Ace. T'would be better if we combine our strengths together, than risk you dying in the process"

(On my phone now, so no more font changes for me)

"Uh that doesn't look safe Ace, what are you doing?" he eyes Ace, sweat dropping from his head to his gloves, making his grip with his bow uneasy

"N-no! Don't come near! Ace is planning something. I have no idea what it is but it looks big, it might hurt you!"

"Dusk, hurry stay really close to me. I'm nearly done gathering power. It's true, this fire was started since the world was turning. But in all my battles, I was always left standing even during odds that said I should have died. There is stuff about my powers I have yet to understand myself. But...I've done this once before, and I walked away just fine. Just promise me, you'll stay real close. The timing has to be just right if we are to walk away alive."

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"Aw, and you care? How sweet. But I'm afraid that even if I wanted it to, that spell wouldn't cause anything permanent. So, hold still, Dusk. I'll make it quick."

"Wait, what?" Dusk seemed confused when Kat said he cared. He couldn't remember what he said beforehand, the heat from Ace's spell was making him light headed

"You're insane you know that? You couldn't touch me even if you tried!" He'd never seen Kat in a fight before... he had no idea what he was up against

"Oh-okay Ace!" Dusk runs towards her... he wasn't sure if he was scared of death or Kat

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Poly blinked. Ace seriously wasn't planning to use Valflame on those Risen while they were that close? He decided that he needed to do something to buy them a bit more time, and thus drew the Thaniblade and fired off a few rays of light to force the Risen away from the pair. 'If Dusk really wants to finish this himself, the least I can do is buy him some time to pull off this crazy-ass plan of his...'

"Crizix, be ready to heal those guys if this plan of theirs fails. I feel like this will end badly..."

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"Wait, what?" Dusk seemed confused when Kat said he cared. He couldn't remember what he said beforehand, the heat from Ace's spell was making him light headed

"You're insane you know that? You couldn't touch me even if you tried!" He'd never seen Kat in a fight before... he had no idea what he was up against

"Oh-okay Ace!" Dusk runs towards her... he wasn't sure if he was scared of death or of Kat

"Eh, it wouldn't be hard. No pain makes it easy to take someone down. Ace, dear? I'm coming up behind you and will likely be attacking Dusk. I'll keep it quiet, I promise."

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"Dusk, hurry stay really close to me. I'm nearly done gathering power. It's true, this fire was started since the world was turning. But in all my battles, I was always left standing even during odds that said I should have died. There is stuff about my powers I have yet to understand myself. But...I've done this once before, and I walked away just fine. Just promise me, you'll stay real close. The timing has to be just right if we are to walk away alive."

"Very well, I trust you know what you're doing. Just make sure that you don't overdo it. *standsby towards Ace*
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Poly blinked. Ace seriously wasn't planning to use Valflame on those Risen while they were that close? He decided that he needed to do something to buy them a bit more time, and thus drew the Thaniblade and fired off a few rays of light to force the Risen away from the pair. 'If Dusk really wants to finish this himself, the least I can do is buy him some time to pull off this crazy-ass plan of his...'

"Crizix, be ready to heal those guys if this plan of theirs fails. I feel like this will end badly..."

Crizix was having trouble just hearing things at this point, but still understood the gist of the order. She clutched her Physic Staff and nodded.

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Poly blinked. Ace seriously wasn't planning to use Valflame on those Risen while they were that close? He decided that he needed to do something to buy them a bit more time, and thus drew the Thaniblade and fired off a few rays of light to force the Risen away from the pair. 'If Dusk really wants to finish this himself, the least I can do is buy him some time to pull off this crazy-ass plan of his...'

"Crizix, be ready to heal those guys if this plan of theirs fails. I feel like this will end badly..."

"Poly if you're ever going to listen to me listen to me now... don't come here! This... is unbearable... if she ignites her spell now with you in this radius you'd surely die!"

"Eh, it wouldn't be hard. No pain makes it easy to take someone down. Ace, dear? I'm coming up behind you and will likely be attacking Dusk. I'll keep it quiet, I promise."

"Qu-QUICKLY ACE" He yelled, nearly paralysed with... fear? He'd never felt that emotion since that day...

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"Poly if you're ever going to listen to me listen to me now... don't come here! This... is unbearable... if she ignites her spell now with you in this radius you'd surely die!"

"Qu-QUICKLY ACE" He yelled, nearly paralysed with... fear? He'd never felt that emotion since that day...

"You know... a dead guy wouldn't worry about anything. A tool wouldn't care about anything but its use. You might want to make your actions match your words."

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Pitch Perfect was actually a good movie.

... As a guy, I feel wrong for saying that.

"Poly if you're ever going to listen to me listen to me now... don't come here! This... is unbearable... if she ignites her spell now with you in this radius you'd surely die!"

"Why do you think I'm firing off ranged shots instead of using Armads, you dimwit?" Poly growled as he cast another Thani spell with his blade. "All I'm doing is keeping these things off you so you can finish this plan of yours! Now don't fuck it up!"

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"Wait, what?" Dusk seemed confused when Kat said he cared. He couldn't remember what he said beforehand, the heat from Ace's spell was making him light headed

"You're insane you know that? You couldn't touch me even if you tried!" He'd never seen Kat in a fight before... he had no idea what he was up against

"Oh-okay Ace!" Dusk runs towards her... he wasn't sure if he was scared of death or Kat

"Eh, it wouldn't be hard. No pain makes it easy to take someone down. Ace, dear? I'm coming up behind you and will likely be attacking Dusk. I'll keep it quiet, I promise."

With Dusk by my side, we walked into the Risen horde with me chanting these words when I was far enough away from the group. "You will curse the day you did not do. All that the Phantom asked of...." I took a deep breath, making sure everyone else was out of range, and screamed out "YOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!" At that word, a massive Valflame explosion engulfed the horde of Risen. A large cloud of smoke rising into the skies. "Sticky Fingers...I still can't remember your name. This is what you believed I could do with my gift right? Please don't let me see you, I can't just yet."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"You know... a dead guy wouldn't worry about anything. A tool wouldn't care about anything but its use. You might want to make your actions match your words."

With Dusk by my side, we walked into the Risen horde with me chanting these words when I was far enough away from the group. "You will regret the day you didn't do all that the Phantom asked of...." I took a deep breath, making sure everyone else was out of range, and screamed out "YOOOOOOOOOU!" At that word, a massive Valflame explosion engulfed the horde of Risen. A large cloud of smoke rising into the skies. "Sticky Fingers...I still can't remember your name. This is what you believed I could do with my gift right? Please don't let me see you, I can't just yet."

"..." He didn't say anything. He knew she was right, but she'd never hear him say it

"... I..." He was forced to stop his words because of the huge explosion Ace had made

"... Maybe... I'll see them again now... finally"

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With Dusk by my side, we walked into the Risen horde with me chanting these words when I was far enough away from the group. "You will regret the day you didn't do all that the Phantom asked of...." I took a deep breath, making sure everyone else was out of range, and screamed out "YOOOOOOOOOU!" At that word, a massive Valflame explosion engulfed the horde of Risen. A large cloud of smoke rising into the skies. "Sticky Fingers...I still can't remember your name. This is what you believed I could do with my gift right? Please don't let me see you, I can't just yet."

"Well, that's an explosion. Rather pretty. How you feeling dear?" *grips Dusk by the arm* "And don't think you're off the hook."

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Poly simply stared at the scene in front of him, dumbfounded. Flames licked the sky above them, as only the smell of burning flesh - whether it was Ace & Dusk, or the Risen, or both was unclear - permeated the air.

"I told you... you ass... Dusk, you better not be dead, or I swear, I'll kill you twice over."

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"Well, that's an explosion. Rather pretty. How you feeling dear?" *grips Dusk by the arm* "And don't think you're off the hook."

"..." Dusk didn't respond. The blast didn't kill him. He just fainted... again

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As Poly continued on towards the company's stronghold, the din from Carter's device was becoming abnormally louder. Poly frowned; just what the hell was that woman doing?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a jingling, almost as if it were coins. Poly then realized that this path was dangerous... too much so for the others to traverse safely, despite their skill and strength. "Anon, go ahead of me and double back around... warn any others that try taking this path that it's not safe right now." Poly ordered as the two headed back towards the field. It was just a gut feeling without any proof behind it, but it was not one that he was willing to ignore right now.

'What the hell happened? I went to check the path and heard some huge explosion, greater than even the Valflame-hey, what with the smoking ruins?'

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I coughed through the smoke, it was so thick. Where was Dusk? He shouldn't have gotten caught, I made sure of that. "Ugh, I can't sleep here. It's too...*cough* smelly."

I slowly walked out of the smoke along side Ace. "Quite the technique there. Are you all right? Unleashing that much power at onxe must take a huge toll on your body"
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*minor burns on her arms* "Need a hand, dear? I've Dusk right here. He's just fine."

I slowly walked out of the smoke along side Ace. "Quite the technique there. Are you all right? Unleashing that much power at onxe must take a huge toll on your body"

Thanks to the help of Marth and Kat, I found my way out of the smoke. "Yeah...I'm just...sleepy. I'm going to...take a nap for now." And seeing that Dusk was okay, I was able to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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