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Carter screamed as she stared at Yuffie just sitting there on the Pegasus. "GET OFF NOW!" She swung her lance at Yuffie and nearly cut off his head. "GET OFF!" Carter swung at Yuffie's lance and made a huge cut in his arm.

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Carter screamed as she stared at Yuffie just sitting there on the Pegasus. "GET OFF NOW!" She swung her lance at Yuffie and nearly cut off his head. "GET OFF!" Carter swung at Yuffie's lance and made a huge cut in his arm.


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He raised both of his eyebrows at this. "Wow. Sounds like you don't care"

"Ooooooooooooh, she's maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad at you." Poly joked, clearly amused that karma was apparently biting Dusk in the ass.

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He raised both of his eyebrows at this. "Wow. Sounds like you don't care"

"I care. But I've no intention of binding you, Dusk."

Carter screamed as she stared at Yuffie just sitting there on the Pegasus. "GET OFF NOW!" She swung her lance at Yuffie and nearly cut off his head. "GET OFF!" Carter swung at Yuffie's lance and made a huge cut in his arm.

(Uh… no. We've been getting on everyone else for it, and you're no exception.)

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"I care. But I've no intention of binding you, Dusk."

(Uh… no. We've been getting on everyone else for it, and you're no exception.)

(I was just thinking of a body part to cut. I realized it was the same with Dusk after I posted)

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(I was just thinking of a body part to cut. I realized it was the same with Dusk after I posted)

(I'm more scolding at harming an ally, Carter, especially seriously.)

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Carter screamed as she stared at Yuffie just sitting there on the Pegasus. "GET OFF NOW!" She swung her lance at Yuffie and nearly cut off his head. "GET OFF!" Carter swung at Yuffie's lance and made a huge cut in his arm.

I didn't actually sit on the pegasus you know.

Yuffie turned into a magical sparkly volcano, and began spewing Rainbows at everything that moved.

That's my response to my injuries.

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I didn't actually sit on the pegasus you know.

Yuffie turned into a magical sparkly volcano, and began spewing Rainbows at everything that moved.

That's my response to my injuries.


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"Ooooooooooooh, she's maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad at you." Poly joked, clearly amused that karma was apparently biting Dusk in the ass.

"Poly shut up or I swear to Naga you'll be shitting down your own throat!"

"I care. But I've no intention of binding you, Dusk."

"Hmm..." He thought about what he should do. [stay here and rest, or go out there and find Breezy and maybe Dan and potentially get killed?..] "Nah, I'll think I'll stay here. If we get ambushed, I'm dead weight"

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As Dan continued walking, he finally reached where he thought the base was. "Finally! I thought I'd never get back. Still, I'm surprised that there wasn't even a search party." Dan walked inside, moving towards a commotion. "Well, I'm sure they had a very good reason f-" Dan walked in, seeing everyone crowding around Carters Pegasus while Dusk, seemingly injured, was riding on it. "..." Dan slowly walked away.

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Carter's just protective of her pegasus.

(You can be protective WITHOUT seriously injuring with the lance, you know. Shoving works, remember.)

(That sounds cool, a lot more logical than FE4s crappy dismount system)

(Do you mean FE5? FE4 just had Seliph.)

"Hmm..." He thought about what he should do. [stay here and rest, or go out there and find Breezy and maybe Dan and potentially get killed?..] "Nah, I'll think I'll stay here. If we get ambushed, I'm dead weight"

"Do you want me to stay with you and help out with things? Sorin's still sitting with a headache, isn't he?"

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Poly laughed, and put his arm on Alicia's head as he did before. "Ah, Dusk, you know I'm just teasing you. But in all seriousness, are you sure you want to go with us in your condition?"

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As Dan continued walking, he finally reached where he thought the base was. "Finally! I thought I'd never get back. Still, I'm surprised that there wasn't even a search party." Dan walked inside, moving towards a commotion. "Well, I'm sure they had a very good reason f-" Dan walked in, seeing everyone crowding around Carters Pegasus while Dusk, seemingly injured, was riding on it. "..." Dan slowly walked away.

"Dan!" *immediately rushes over to hug him* "Oh, thank Mila! Are you okay? Injured? Hungry? Argh, I can't BELIEVE you were missing for so long!"

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Part 1:

Anon walked slowly down the grey streets of a ruined city. Ashes wished across the ground with every breeze and every step, and the air was very cold and dry. Empty buildings that had once been many shades of cream, blue and orange had been scorched grey by the fires of the Annas, and almost every window was broken with the glass melted either at the bottom of the windowsill or on the ground below. However, despite this, there were some signs of a hidden population. Brushed paths meant to hide footprints could be seen, but little else. The people hanging around were very cautious, Anon knew that from some previous dealings. Fine weapons weren't exactly cheap, and neither was finding an employer easy. As such, it helped to have connections. Scholars and criminals alike could profit plenty from underground dealings for this artifact or that information. With the webs of this hidden society so wide and planned, it was impossible to trace and unlikely to stump. As such, there was no better place to hunt for information not written, as Anon knew from experience, many times. Certainly, there would be some fact or rumor that could prove invaluable in his investigation. The faster he knew the root, the faster they could kill the weed.

Part 2:

Suddenly, Anon stopped in the middle of the street. Of all the people in the underground, there was one who was mostly likely to help him, the same who was most likely of all to have avoided the march of the Annas. Looking about, he began to whistle a little tune, the only thing he knew how to whistle.

After the first part, he ceased and listened for a sound.

None. So he continued.

After the second part, there was a short rustle in the dust. A young face appeared from around the corner, grim and fearful. Upon seeing Anon, the individual let out a sigh of relief, and whistled a tune of there own. At this coded invitation, Anon smiled and walked forward on his own, there was no need for someone to lead him. He followed the youth through a passage that normally would have been hidden behind scrap wood, but was now covered by a cobbled ruble of grey stones

Part 3 coming soon

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