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Zephyr started to back off from Ace...

Something was happening to Breezy....

Ace:"Ugh, what now?"

Poly turned his head back towards Alicia, a tear rolling down his face. "You don't have to try and make me feel better. It's alright... I know my place now." he replied as he solemnly walked off into the horizon.

Alicia dashed after the Khan and seized him by the collar. "I will be the---" It happened again. Alicia was being shown another memory.
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Poly made his way to a river nearby, casually bending down to pick up a stone laying down by his foot. Examining the stone, he gazed out at the river and then to the stone, repeating the process several times. "You know, I'm just like this rock. I'm dense, and unfit to be beneath her boot... god, I'm such a damn fool, for thinking I deserved a woman like that." A tear rolling down in his face, Poly tossed the stone across the river, watching it make a few splashes before sinking.

"Oh well... soon, I'll be like that stone... surrounded by an endless ocean... only mine will be one of darkness." he said, pulling out his Brave Sword and palming it, feeling the weight of the blade for the first time in his life. "Sumia... wait for me..." he said to himself as he placed the sword on his throat, taking a single breath. "I'll see you soon."

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Poly made his way to a river nearby, casually bending down to pick up a stone laying down by his foot. Examining the stone, he gazed out at the river and then to the stone, repeating the process several times. "You know, I'm just like this rock. I'm dense, and unfit to be beneath her boot... god, I'm such a damn fool, for thinking I deserved a woman like that." A tear rolling down in his face, Poly tossed the stone across the river, watching it make a few splashes before sinking.

"Oh well... soon, I'll be like that stone... surrounded by an endless ocean... only mine will be one of darkness." he said, pulling out his Brave Sword and palming it, feeling the weight of the blade for the first time in his life. "Sumia... wait for me..." he said to himself as he placed the sword on his throat, taking a single breath. "I'll see you soon."

I'm crying over here. Don't commit it man.

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Poly made his way to a river nearby, casually bending down to pick up a stone laying down by his foot. Examining the stone, he gazed out at the river and then to the stone, repeating the process several times. "You know, I'm just like this rock. I'm dense, and unfit to be beneath her boot... god, I'm such a damn fool, for thinking I deserved a woman like that." A tear rolling down in his face, Poly tossed the stone across the river, watching it make a few splashes before sinking.

"Oh well... soon, I'll be like that stone... surrounded by an endless ocean... only mine will be one of darkness." he said, pulling out his Brave Sword and palming it, feeling the weight of the blade for the first time in his life. "Sumia... wait for me..." he said to himself as he placed the sword on his throat, taking a single breath. "I'll see you soon."

(Thats...dark. I mean, you know what, I'm going to go do my thing now)

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Poly made his way to a river nearby, casually bending down to pick up a stone laying down by his foot. Examining the stone, he gazed out at the river and then to the stone, repeating the process several times. "You know, I'm just like this rock. I'm dense, and unfit to be beneath her boot... god, I'm such a damn fool, for thinking I deserved a woman like that." A tear rolling down in his face, Poly tossed the stone across the river, watching it make a few splashes before sinking.

"Oh well... soon, I'll be like that stone... surrounded by an endless ocean... only mine will be one of darkness." he said, pulling out his Brave Sword and palming it, feeling the weight of the blade for the first time in his life. "Sumia... wait for me..." he said to himself as he placed the sword on his throat, taking a single breath. "I'll see you soon."

(Oh, shit. I know Alicia's going to intervene, or someone else will, but still. That's the second time. WHAT ABOUT CYNTHIA?!)

Breezy's eyes turned a dark shadow of green, almost black.

"If you aren't letting me be with her.... Then I'll kill you....."

(..Thought I'd ruled out changes in appearance…)

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(Oh, shit. I know Alicia's going to intervene, or someone else will, but still. That's the second time. WHAT ABOUT CYNTHIA?!)

(..Thought I'd ruled out changes in appearance…)

(I need a way to denote him going insane mode geez....

I get it...).

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Poly made his way to a river nearby, casually bending down to pick up a stone laying down by his foot. Examining the stone, he gazed out at the river and then to the stone, repeating the process several times. "You know, I'm just like this rock. I'm dense, and unfit to be beneath her boot... god, I'm such a damn fool, for thinking I deserved a woman like that." A tear rolling down in his face, Poly tossed the stone across the river, watching it make a few splashes before sinking.

"Oh well... soon, I'll be like that stone... surrounded by an endless ocean... only mine will be one of darkness." he said, pulling out his Brave Sword and palming it, feeling the weight of the blade for the first time in his life. "Sumia... wait for me..." he said to himself as he placed the sword on his throat, taking a single breath. "I'll see you soon."

Alicia jerked the sword out of Poly's hand and tossed it behind her. '

"Sigh, I'm the dense one. I can't bring myself to just say simple words that would mean so much."

Breezy's eyes turned a dark shadow of green, almost black.

"If you aren't letting me be with her.... Then I'll kill you....."

Ace faceplanted Breezy headdown into the ground, "nice try, I feel that Chaotic energy you'll putting out. And I'm going to remove it from Breezy now!"
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Alicia jerked the sword out of Poly's hand and tossed it behind her. '

"Sigh, I'm the dense one. I can't bring myself to just say simple words that would mean so much." Ace faceplanted Breezy headdown into the ground, "nice try, I feel that Chaotic energy you'll putting out. And I'm going to remove it from Breezy now!"

"You say that like I am a different person though.....

I'm the same person.... Same, useless, person"

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(Huh. I better get Kat out of the bath. …Hmm…)

"It's probably for the best." *gets out of the bath, goes to her room to pack up the convoy, and starts heading out of the castle* "Right, totally for the best…"

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(Huh. I better get Kat out of the bath. …Hmm…)

"It's probably for the best." *gets out of the bath, goes to her room to pack up the convoy, and starts heading out of the castle* "Right, totally for the best…"

o.o don't tell me Kat's leaving

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Warning: Long post incoming. Gonna go lament my lost dreams afterwards...

(Okay, now you're REALLY making me feel bad.)

You should feel bad. This is just the beginning.

Make it 100.


(Don't be mean.)


No no, keep doing what your doing. This is for his own good, as my pupil. This shall amuse me greatly

Keep in mind Sorin, that the ones that have a high ranking among the dreamers (Kat, Dusk, and Carter being the highest) will have a greater affect on the score than others. Watch yourself Commander.

I was actually thinking of that at first, but no. Might have taken 80, since thats the HP limit


"We can't go alone! Hop onto my pegasus! She's the best, since there's no other Falcon / Pegasus Knights or Dark Fliers in our group. The only other flier is Duck." Carter made a spot for Dusk.

(And if Duck is a Hero when not on his Wyvern... then I'm a War Cleric when not on my Pegasus, but I can only use Bolt Axes, since my magic is so high).

(It actually kinda does, although Sage would be better.)

(Yes, it would fit a lot better even though we have 50 of them, but the thing is that on a Wyvern and as a hero, Duck can use axes {maybe swords, depending on what he wants to represent}, while axes and staves are different weapons than tomes and lances. It's an illogical jump in ability)

(GBA games)

It just means I'm talented. Maybe you can't do more than 2 things.

(Fine, how about I just become "Sage" on foot, except I just use Lances and Tomes [like the normal Dark Flier]?)

Carter screamed as she stared at Yuffie just sitting there on the Pegasus. "GET OFF NOW!" She swung her lance at Yuffie and nearly cut off his head. "GET OFF!" Carter swung at Yuffie's lance and made a huge cut in his arm.

Exactly Duck's reasoning actually. Thank you Anon. Won't comment on this^ yet.

I didn't actually sit on the pegasus you know.

Yuffie turned into a magical sparkly volcano, and began spewing Rainbows at everything that moved.

That's my response to my injuries.

No unicorns? What's wrong with you?

Carter's just protective of her pegasus.

You would injure an ally, a healer, in a War where our numbers are already small? Then again you did say Shadow!Kanji reminds you of...what ever his name is.

"Poly shut up or I swear to Naga you'll be shitting down your own throat!"

"Hmm..." He thought about what he should do. [stay here and rest, or go out there and find Breezy and maybe Dan and potentially get killed?..] "Nah, I'll think I'll stay here. If we get ambushed, I'm dead weight"

That video influenced this didn't it?

(So much chaos within the dreamers today. Where's the leader when you need him?)

School and Practice.

(You can be protective WITHOUT seriously injuring with the lance, you know. Shoving works, remember.)

(Do you mean FE5? FE4 just had Seliph.)

"Do you want me to stay with you and help out with things? Sorin's still sitting with a headache, isn't he?"


(Talking to a dragon perhaps. Something like that.)


(If this comes out to be true, remind me to take away 2 points)


(It is.)

I hate you. I hate you with all my hate.

(Your best bet actually is to keep Kat distracted with taking care of Dan and Dusk because she's very mad and, at best, she'll leave the army to be neutral again.)

Is it that crucial?

(Much less is she going to GIVE Dan a bath… she's just going to draw one for him. In the Men's bathing area.)

(Also, Shadow, she's basically pissed off at everyone who didn't go on the Paralogue trip.)


"Yes, they are." *tugging him along. Her hands are shaking* "Come on. Dan needs someone to remind him he's a valued member of the team, since no one bothered to even look for him for a week. Sorin's still out, so you're the best bet. I'm certainly not going to share a bath with him."

That is two....You are hurting my feeling now...

​"…You can make it up to me later. I'm drawing a bath for you both and then taking one myself to try and calm down. Nothing's seemed to go right ever since… well, ever since a certain leader of ours discovered his dragon and has secluded himself to slowly break his body to pieces with overwork." *pauses* "Well, one thing has."

You are just killing him Kat




(Uh, HK? It's the same thing she's been complaining about. She's not saying anything new.)

Still though. It's lowering public opinion.

Hmm..... fair enough


Thank you...

(Awkward positions in 3… 2… 1…)

(Also, HK, I thought you switched it to 55.)

It was until I added Dusk into the mix. And no, Dusk doesn't have his own total, but he has the strongest influence among everyone

Why don't I have my own scale?

Only Sorin does. This is for something we have planned that won't go underway, until I, as his mentor, think he's ready

This is why.

fuck you mean bitches I quit

I feel the same...

(Hey, Sorin's online.)


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