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(why do I look like everybody's ancestors or first crushes?)

Poly eventually stopped and drew his Light Brand, firing light spell after light spell at the trees to topple them and attempt to bar Alicia's path. "Sumia... I'm sorry I took so long." he said solemnly, looking up to the sky, allowing his tears to glisten in the light of the setting sun. "Perhaps... now... I can stay with you." He put the Light Brand to his throat, deciding on a different approach: overload his body with light magic until it burst.

(That was to give Kat a selfish reason to help Tabitha, since she's seen many children die horribly and hasn't stepped in. Not sure on Alicia, though. XD Also, holy crap, Poly. You have a daughter, remember!)

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"I figured Mount Prism again. I know there's still fertile land there. I'll ask Mila where she wants me to watch from, and return to my duty as her priest and warrior."

"...So you are leaving? ...Just like that? Nothing, gone without a trace."

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"...So you are leaving? ...Just like that? Nothing, gone without a trace."

​"I… shouldn't have even joined, really. That… was against my duties. It's not like I've been helpful recently, anyway."

Edited by Kat
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​"I… shouldn't have even joined, really. That… was against my duties. It's not like I've been helpful recently, anyway."

''You looked for me didn't you? I find that helpful.'' Dan appeared behind Sorin. ''...You gave me life, again. I don't want to lose another person who has cared about me.''

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''You looked for me didn't you? I find that helpful.'' Dan appeared behind Sorin. ''...You gave me life, again. I don't want to lose another person who has cared about me.''

*shrugs* "I didn't FIND you this second time. I just ran around like an overly emotional idiot. I've not been here to Rally, or even just fight, with the main group. My advice, when I do actually try to give it, is ignored. I'm not doing anything no one else can do."

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​"I… shouldn't have even joined, really. That… was against my duties. It's not like I've been helpful recently, anyway."

... "But you did and it became an obligation. You would just leave? Throw away the bonds and trust we have formed? That isn't you. I have never seen Dusk smile sincerely before you got with him. Looking in your eyes though...You haven't said a word to him have you? Rating helpfulness is subjective Kat. It's a bad excuse. You told me our group is fragile, yet you still think it best to leave without a word? Forever?"

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"ugh.... And here I go unconcious....

Guess I lost....."

Ace:"Ugh! About time. Time to go back....oh no. I feel like someone is about to die...poor soul."

(why do I look like everybody's ancestors or first crushes?)

Poly eventually stopped and drew his Light Brand, firing light spell after light spell at the trees to topple them and attempt to bar Alicia's path. "Sumia... I'm sorry I took so long." he said solemnly, looking up to the sky, allowing his tears to glisten in the light of the setting sun. "Perhaps... now... I can stay with you." He put the Light Brand to his throat, deciding on a different approach: overload his body with light magic until it burst.

Alicia stood at the fallen trees in horror. "POLY, you blasted fool!" Taking a deep breath to compose herself and climbed over all the fallen trees, dashed over towards the apparent suicide scene before her, attempted to pull the Light Brand away, only for a bright blue glow to envelop them both. Alicia awoke afterwards to find herself and the Khan at the place where Alicia had judged a great many souls.
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*shrugs* "I didn't FIND you this second time. I just ran around like an overly emotional idiot. I've not been here to Rally, or even just fight, with the main group. My advice, when I do actually try to give it, is ignored. I'm not doing anything no one else can do."

''Kat...You are really the only thing keeping me in this army...If you leave, I'm going with you...''

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Alicia stood at the fallen trees in horror. "POLY, you blasted fool!" Taking a deep breath to compose herself and climbed over all the fallen trees, dashed over towards the apparent suicide scene before her, attempted to pull the Light Brand away, only for a bright blue glow to envelop them both. Alicia awoke afterwards to find herself and the Khan at the place where Alicia had judged a great many souls.

(I think someone went boom boom)

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"You're one of the armies main components and you're going to leave?"

... "But you did and it became an obligation. You would just leave? Throw away the bonds and trust we have formed? That isn't you. I have never seen Dusk smile sincerely before you got with him. Looking in your eyes though...You haven't said a word to him have you? Rating helpfulness is subjective Kat. It's a bad excuse. You told me our group is fragile, yet you still think it best to leave without a word? Forever?"

​"…Duty above everything. That's what I swore to. It was Dusk who reminded me." *looking at the ground* "It is fragile, but there's nothing I can do to strengthen or weaken it, really."

''Kat...You are really the only thing keeping me in this army...If you leave, I'm going with you...''

​"If I return to my duties, it is to be neutral. No… anyone."

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Poly was forced to shut his eyes after the bright blue glow assaulted his vision, trying to plunge the blade into his throat instead for a direct approach. However, he opened his eyes to find that, instead of the forest where he was before, he was with Alicia in an unfamiliar land. "Wh-...what? Where... where are we?" he asked, reaching for his Brave Sword or Light Brand to simply put an end to it all now, but finding nothing.

"Dammit! Alicia... please... don't let me live this hell anymore..." Poly dropped to his knees and worked his way over to Alicia, desperately wanting to end his misery once and for all.

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​"…Duty above everything. That's what I swore to. It was Dusk who reminded me." *looking at the ground* "It is fragile, but there's nothing I can do to strengthen or weaken it, really."

​"If I return to my duties, it is to be neutral. No… anyone."

''I don't care. You gave me life, I am bound to you. Whether you like it or not.''

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​"…Duty above everything. That's what I swore to. It was Dusk who reminded me." *looking at the ground* "It is fragile, but there's nothing I can do to strengthen or weaken it, really."

​"If I return to my duties, it is to be neutral. No… anyone."

"Through all the hate put in him through the years, how would you think Shadowfrost would react? He had respected you in depths. And I think...he would respect your opinion on this as well."

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"Through all the hate put in him through the years, how would you think Shadowfrost would react? He had respected you in depths. And I think...he would respect your opinion on this as well."

"I think he'd laugh and be happy I was going back to being neutral so that he could scheme. Before, you know, I went back to my duty of killing him."

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"Through all the hate put in him through the years, how would you think Shadowfrost would react? He had respected you in depths. And I think...he would respect your opinion on this as well."

'''...So you're going to abandon him?''

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"I think he'd laugh and be happy I was going back to being neutral so that he could scheme. Before, you know, I went back to my duty of killing him."

"Please. You think I thought that? I am truly sad seeing my comrades going away and this is how they repay me? With them seeing one side of the box? I may be dead. I may have been a fool. But one thing I learned through death is that I have friends. You are one of them."

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​"…Duty above everything. That's what I swore to. It was Dusk who reminded me." *looking at the ground* "It is fragile, but there's nothing I can do to strengthen or weaken it, really."

​"If I return to my duties, it is to be neutral. No… anyone."

"And your 'duty' is to us now. You say Dusk reminded you? Do you think after finally finding happiness, he wouldn't just kill himself from knowing she left because of something he said? You believe that you can just leave and the Dreamers will be ok? We all have problems Kat. In fact I've never been around so many suicidal people. But you think the best course of action is to leave? ....If you want to leave, don't make a bullshit reason like duty above all because you know that you don't want to do this and the only person making you leave is yourself."

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Poly was forced to shut his eyes after the bright blue glow assaulted his vision, trying to plunge the blade into his throat instead for a direct approach. However, he opened his eyes to find that, instead of the forest where he was before, he was with Alicia in an unfamiliar land. "Wh-...what? Where... where are we?" he asked, reaching for his Brave Sword or Light Brand to simply put an end to it all now, but finding nothing.

"Dammit! Alicia... please... don't let me live this hell anymore..." Poly dropped to his knees and worked his way over to Alicia, desperately wanting to end his misery once and for all.

Alicia:"This place is where the deceased are placed upon the scales to detrimine to which of the two planes they will move on to. Heaven, a bright peaceful paradise. Or Hell, a place of eternal darkness, wait awaits you there is forever falling, wailing and grinding of teeth to dust." Alicia spoke with extreme calm and stocially. "However, in this place no secrets can be concealed. Those scales will reveal everything from your life, so I can detrimine where you shall move on to." Edited by Ace Tactician
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"And your 'duty' is to us now. You say Dusk reminded you? Do you think after finally finding happiness, he wouldn't just kill himself from knowing she left because of something he said? You believe that you can just leave and the Dreamers will be ok? We all have problems Kat. In fact I've never been around so many suicidal people. But you think the best course of action is to leave? ....If you want to leave, don't make a bullshit reason like duty above all because you know that you don't want to do this and the only person making you leave is yourself."


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