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Penultimate part:

Onorare: Well Anonymous, it's easy to tell your not here for small talk, especially with this fiasco.

Anon: Right. In fact, that's why I'm here. I need-

Onorare: information I presume.

Anon: Right, that's often what I ask of you. There's no better place to pick up knowledge than in your line of work

Onorare: Heheh, your right. I'm honestly surprised you didn't come by sooner.

Anon: *smiles* Well, I intended to, but as you know, a good mercenary is rarely idle, and I've had a rather...personal job lately.

Onorare: Ah, I see. So, what do you need to know?

Anon: Oh, the obvious. Anything you can tell me about the Annas that I'd be interested to hear.

Onorare: Well, I'd say that cuts back quite a bit on what I can tell you. Haha!

Anon: *smirks* Well then, I guess I should go now. *gets up* A pleasure as-

Onorare: Not quite Anon, I jest-

Anon: As always. For someone who likes to get down to business, you don't take it very seriously

Onorare: Well, I could say the exact same to you. But that's not we're here to focus on, is?

Anon: *breathes* No, it's not. What can you tell me?

Onorare: Heh. Anon, I like to stay informed, and you and I, one might call our relationship friendly. So, knowing you and knowing myself, I got an early start.

Anon: On what, might I ask?

Onorare: This. *slides a red book across the table. the binding is gold and the cover is blank* I immediately had my boys snoop around about these red-haired merchants. I got some pretty weird stuff, so you might want to skip a few pages. However, everything I found out I double checked and had compiled into here. Almost everything you'll ever need to know about Annas.

Anon: Ah, an Anna encyclopedia. *laughs* It's got a certain...alliterary ring to it.

Onorare: Indeed it does. I figured this would be something you'd enjoy.

Anon: And you were right *gets up and picks up book* It was nice to see you again sir. I must go though, I have a long walk to return to my current allies. One might call them, 'desert people,'

Onorare: Actually, one more thing Anonymous.

Anon: *startled* What, sir?

(I feel like everyone ignores these)

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"Quite. Although I'm pretty sure I slipped at least one in there"

"Uh-huh. Sure." *pouts*

(I feel like everyone ignores these)

(It didn't look finished. I was waiting until then to comment.)

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"Cedric you ass."

"Cedric?" Silvia recoiled a bit at the name, remembering the dark, cold shadows and the fates bestowe onto her companians. And the book she'd left in the manor... Which STILL bothered her immensely.

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(Okay, that's good! I'm just wondering what I should I should have him ask for...I had an idea, but it will need Admin approval)

Set up the PM 'en

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"Cedric?" Silvia recoiled a bit at the name, remembering the dark, cold shadows and the fates bestowe onto her companians. And the book she'd left in the manor... Which STILL bothered her immensely.

"I know what happened....

Where the hell is he I need to kill him"

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He means Kat and I

... Welp

(Man, misunderstood again ;_;)


"I don't think anything can ruin this moment, Alicia..." Poly softly whispered as he kissed Alicia, wanting the moment he was in right now to never end.

(and then Ace shows up and kills him)

Alicia wrapped her arms around Poly and kissed him back, her glasses being pushed aside.

(Nope it's not death. I'm saving the part with the cactus needles for the Ace/Poly B support)


Ace screamed as each needle was pulled out, setting them all down on the table in a small pile, "Huff, that's the last one," Ace said as she looked at the pile of cactus needles in front of her. "You know, these will still serve the purpose I had in mind. "I don't believe in turning against my friends, but I'm not above giving a piece of my mind."

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"Much better." *giggles*

"I'm glad" He pushes his fingers through her hair, remembering how much she liked it. "... You know, despite everything I said to your brother, I almost thought I lost you for a second... Please, don't make me feel like that again..." He brings her in for an embrace. "... Lets make this night a night we won't ever forget..."

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"I'm glad" He pushes his fingers through her hair, remembering how much she liked it. "... You know, despite everything I said to your brother, I almost thought I lost you for a second... Please, don't make me feel like that again..." He brings her in for an embrace. "... Lets make this night a night we won't ever forget..."

​"Well… I'm not really sure a roof is exactly a good spot. I mean; aren't we above some people's rooms?"

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Alicia wrapped her arms around Poly and kissed him back, her glasses being pushed aside.

Poly could feel his carnal lust taking over his every thought and action, as he slowly began shedding his coat and bringing Alicia into his bedroom. Whatever may have been lying in wait to pounce on the Dreamers, it could wait until the next day as far as he was concerned.

"I'm glad" He pushes his fingers through her hair, remembering how much she liked it. "... You know, despite everything I said to your brother, I almost thought I lost you for a second... Please, don't make me feel like that again..." He brings her in for an embrace. "... Lets make this night a night we won't ever forget..."

So does this mean I have to start thinking about mine & Alicia's future child?

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"I'm glad" He pushes his fingers through her hair, remembering how much she liked it. "... You know, despite everything I said to your brother, I almost thought I lost you for a second... Please, don't make me feel like that again..." He brings her in for an embrace. "... Lets make this night a night we won't ever forget..."


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Poly could feel his carnal lust taking over his every thought and action, as he slowly began shedding his coat and bringing Alicia into his bedroom. Whatever may have been lying in wait to pounce on the Dreamers, it could wait until the next day as far as he was concerned.

So does this mean I have to start thinking about mine & Alicia's future child?

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(Oh my on multiple parts. We might need a skirmish in place of cold showers. Poly, I still expect B-S supports)

He pulled a smirk. "... And? They shouldn't listen. That's rude"

​"Or… we could go someplace quieter? That no one can enter without a trap?"

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