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(Hmm… well, I've actually been hunting for some good Persona fics lately. MinakoxShinjiro (P3) and NarukamixRise (P4).)

(IS no one watching Breezy? Really?)

(Wait what Shinjiro/Minako.


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"I like that. You play naughty." Poly remarked with a wolfish grin on his face. "And I didn't bite that hard."

Alicia: "I can feel just how much you want me at this moment, and walking out isn't going to be easy. Yeah I know you didn't bite that hard...something in me just....I just went with the my first instinct."

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Final part!

Onorare: *sigh* Anon, have I ever talked to you about my daughter?

Anon: Well, there was the one time, I ran a holiday errand for you and you mentioned her. Elena, wasn't it?

Onorare: Yes. Now, you see, Anon, I need you to-

Anon: No sir, I will not m-



Onorare: Anon, I can't leave here. This is my home, it's were I was raised, were I was born. My men and I can only operate here. But it's not a place were I can guarantee her safety. Look, I know you're not parental and I know you work a rough business, but Speed, I trust you. And right now, I don't need a soldier, I need a friend.

Anon: I'm afraid I don't fully follow sir

Onorare: *sigh* Anonymous, I need, I absolutely NEED to know that Elena is safe, and there's no one I know is alive I trust more to bring her somewhere safe, keeping her safe, than you. I may not even trust anyone more for this. Please, as your friend, I beg you to do this for me!

Anon: ...I accept. Sir, I will bring her somewhere safe. You have my word I won't let her get hurt.

Onorare: *wipes a tear* t-thank you.

Anon: Your welcome sir. I will meet her outside if that's okay with you. I need to do so soon, as I said, I have a long walk.

Onorare: Of course! I can never repay you enough for this!

Anon: *smirks* Oh, you know me, there's no need to.


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(Hmm… well, I've actually been hunting for some good Persona fics lately. MinakoxShinjiro (P3) and NarukamixRise (P4).)

(Go on FF.net and look up Superhero with a Dope Disguise. It's just starting, but it's well-written. Don't remember any good MinakoxShinji fics, but fuck it, read Sciamachy. It's a MinakoxAkihiko AU involving a boxing club, and it kicks ass.)

Alicia: "I can feel just how much you want me at this moment, and walking out isn't going to be easy. Yeah I know you didn't bite that hard...something in me just....I just went with the my first instinct."

"I'm not complaining... I like a girl who's willing to get a bit... er, rough." Poly had a sly grin on his face, before sitting up and looking right at Alicia.

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Final part!

Onorare: *sigh* Anon, have I ever talked to you about my daughter?

Anon: Well, there was the one time, I ran a holiday errand for you and you mentioned her. Elena, wasn't it?

Onorare: Yes. Now, you see, Anon, I need you to-

Anon: No sir, I will not m-



Onorare: Anon, I can't leave here. This is my home, it's were I was raised, were I was born. My men and I can only operate here. But it's not a place were I can guarantee her safety. Look, I know you're not parental and I know you work a rough business, but Speed, I trust you. And right now, I don't need a soldier, I need a friend.

Anon: I'm afraid I don't fully follow sir

Onorare: *sigh* Anonymous, I need, I absolutely NEED to know that Elena is safe, and there's no one I know is alive I trust more to bring her somewhere safe, keeping her safe, than you. I may not even trust anyone more for this. Please, as your friend, I beg you to do this for me!

Anon: ...I accept. Sir, I will bring her somewhere safe. You have my word I won't let her get hurt.

Onorare: *wipes a tear* t-thank you.

Anon: Your welcome sir. I will meet her outside if that's okay with you. I need to do so soon, as I said, I have a long walk.

Onorare: Of course! I can never repay you enough for this!

Anon: *smirks* Oh, you know me, there's no need to.



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Final part!

Onorare: *sigh* Anon, have I ever talked to you about my daughter?

Anon: Well, there was the one time, I ran a holiday errand for you and you mentioned her. Elena, wasn't it?

Onorare: Yes. Now, you see, Anon, I need you to-

Anon: No sir, I will not m-



Onorare: Anon, I can't leave here. This is my home, it's were I was raised, were I was born. My men and I can only operate here. But it's not a place were I can guarantee her safety. Look, I know you're not parental and I know you work a rough business, but Speed, I trust you. And right now, I don't need a soldier, I need a friend.

Anon: I'm afraid I don't fully follow sir

Onorare: *sigh* Anonymous, I need, I absolutely NEED to know that Elena is safe, and there's no one I know is alive I trust more to bring her somewhere safe, keeping her safe, than you. I may not even trust anyone more for this. Please, as your friend, I beg you to do this for me!

Anon: ...I accept. Sir, I will bring her somewhere safe. You have my word I won't let her get hurt.

Onorare: *wipes a tear* t-thank you.

Anon: Your welcome sir. I will meet her outside if that's okay with you. I need to do so soon, as I said, I have a long walk.

Onorare: Of course! I can never repay you enough for this!

Anon: *smirks* Oh, you know me, there's no need to.



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"Jxemas Zenbiniar. But that's what you need to know. And you're not going anywhere without my permission. You have to answer my questions first.*Pulls out Shadowblade* Am I clear?"

(…sure, let's threaten the crazy dude. because THAT'S such a good idea.)

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(Methinks Poly needs an ice shower.)

(Would you like Ace to give him an ice shower?)

(Go on FF.net and look up Superhero with a Dope Disguise. It's just starting, but it's well-written. Don't remember any good MinakoxShinji fics, but fuck it, read Sciamachy. It's a MinakoxAkihiko AU involving a boxing club, and it kicks ass.)

"I'm not complaining... I like a girl who's willing to get a bit... er, rough." Poly had a sly grin on his face, before sitting up and looking right at Alicia.

Alicia just looked at Poly sitting up, wondering how to proceed. She didn't want him to go hurt himself again should things go wrong, for she had the feeling he was the type to inflict harm on himself.

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"Jxemas Zenbiniar. But that's what you need to know. And you're not going anywhere without my permission. You have to answer my questions first.*Pulls out Shadowblade* Am I clear?"

"Bring a sword on an unarmed person...

And since when is this allowed...?"

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(Would you like Ace to give him an ice shower?)


(I'm pretty sure Jxemas is mildly insane. And pretty stiffed at the moment because he has his memories back.)

(I'm just very nervy when he starts pointing swords at allies.)

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"Bring a sword on an unarmed person...

And since when is this allowed...?"

"If it makes you feel better my brother is outside. If you leave two things could happen. A) Your head would come clean off. B) You would be eaten alive. Now lets talk about yesterday shall we? Who are you Breezy?"

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"If it makes you feel better my brother is outside. If you leave two things could happen. A) Your head would come clean off. B) You would be eaten alive. Now lets talk about yesterday shall we? Who are you Breezy?"

"And this concerns you why.....?

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