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Ace then spoke from outside the door, "Don't worry, Poly. Those cacti needles have no poison in them. I should know since I pulled those out from my own hands. Did you really forget what I told Poly? What. The.Heck. do you think your doing?!"

Alicia: "Ace, don't you dare kill him! You're lucky those cacti needles are not poisonous!" Alicia said examining the needles Ace just threw. "Besides, I didn't see you at all today. So I thought you were off somewhere to let your rage out. And I prepared for any cases of poisoned cactus needles." Alicia said, having retrieved her Grandmaster coat and pulling out an antitoxin for cactus needles.

"That doesn't really explain why the fuck you threw cactus needles at me! God dammit Ace!" Poly swore, though his anger was moreso directed to the needles themselves as opposed to the one who threw them.

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"That doesn't really explain why the fuck you threw cactus needles at me! God dammit Ace!" Poly swore, though his anger was moreso directed to the needles themselves as opposed to the one who threw them.

Ace: "Did I tell you before that if you do ANYTHING to hurt my sister or make her cry, I would show you true pain and agony! I've been hunting for you all blasted day! Do you know what I hate most of all? IT'S WATCHING PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT KILL THEMSELVES IN FRONT OF ME!" Ace roared out, her voice nearly shaking the castle rafters and causing Alicia to cover her ears.

Alicia: "Ace...is this why you are so angry? Please calm down, it's over and done with there's no need for you to be so angry."

Ace just looked at Alicia, "Sister, look at yourself. What happened here? Why...are you....sitting on the floor? I just...want to protect you and help you find happiness..."

Alicia: "Then why did you throw those cactus needles? Why all this rage?! Why must you be so stubborn about letting bygones be bygones?" Alicia then got up and met Ace at the door, clearly not caring about her coat and chest armor being removed. "You want in here, you have to go through me! I'm not moving!"

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Hello pupil. Did you check back on your score?

Actually no. What is it sensei?

Lemme think:

Dusk, Ace and Sampson ran into Phoibus who along with Kat was surrounded by traps until Dusk triggered them from afar

Ace pummeled cacti out of frustration and didn't sleep at all and spent most of the day with the needles embedded in her hands

Wizard's backstory

and Anon's

More drama with Alicia/Poly shipping, a lot more drama

I think that's all, unless I missed something

Thank you very much. +20 brownie points

You missed Kat thinking through thoughts, Phoibus being an ass, Kat and Dusk having a make-out session on the roof that led to them going to Kat's room (and revelation about how the convoy is actually stored).

Oh, and Anon apparently gaining an "encyclopedia about Annas" [please run any 'knowledge by admins so that you don't contract what we have already planned] and bringing someone here to join us.

My main question is... Phoibus was ok with this? Cause I'm sure as hell not. *Enter brother mode*

Oh-oh-oh, Sorin~ Can I bring our special guest now~?

...You know what? Go for it. I'll try not to fall asleep on them like I did Kat.

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My main question is... Phoibus was ok with this? Cause I'm sure as hell not. *Enter brother mode*

(Phoibus cares about Kat being happy and Kat being mentally and physically healthy. So… yeah? He's actually pretty predictable so long as Kat's involved.)

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right now its


Thank Dusk for that

How? What did he do to make it jump like that? I thought it was based on public opinion of my leadership?

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How? What did he do to make it jump like that? I thought it was based on public opinion of my leadership?

(Dusk did some nice lines on Phoibus about being a leader.)

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