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How? What did he do to make it jump like that? I thought it was based on public opinion of my leadership?

(Dusk did some nice lines on Phoibus about being a leader.)

that, and you earned a bonus from your speaking with Kat yesterday. Dusk just provided a few more. Plus, he IS your second in command, yes?

Edited by Hero-King
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"...What's up with you. You seem tense."

Anon: Well, I'm uh, under side contract. It's something I have to be protective about. *slolwy opens door* E-everyone, this is the daughter of a close friend of mine, Elena. It's my duty I bing her somewhere safe, and given our lifestyle, she's probably only here temporarily. *grows very grim* Now, see, if you hurt her, I strike first and care about consequences later, understood?

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Anon: Well, I'm uh, under side contract. It's something I have to be protective about. *slolwy opens door* E-everyone, this is the daughter of a close friend of mine, Elena. It's my duty I bing her somewhere safe, and given our lifestyle, she's probably only here temporarily. *grows very grim* Now, see, if you hurt her, I strike first and care about consequences later, understood?

"I would never. On my word."

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"There it is..." Rosaline brushed her hair out of her eyes - grateful she had cut to her shoulders, but aggravated that the strands now fell in her vision - and smirked, tossing aside the binoculars she had been using into the dirt. "Well, P said this was the spot. Let's go make ourselves a sale." She paused for a moment, shaking her head and sending red locks flying about her head. "Damn. Gotta cut back on the merchant jargon. This is going to be HARD..." Rosaline gave a soft groan before snapping her head back up towards the door and tugging on the handle.

To her utter surprise, it opened.

"Ha! You all really need to lock your doors around here..." Rosaline said as a greeting, tossing her hair back and sauntering into the hallway, fingering the hilt of the dagger on her belt as she walked. "Hello? Anyone home...?"

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"There it is..." Rosaline brushed her hair out of her eyes - grateful she had cut to her shoulders, but aggravated that the strands now fell in her vision - and smirked, tossing aside the binoculars she had been using into the dirt. "Well, P said this was the spot. Let's go make ourselves a sale." She paused for a moment, shaking her head and sending red locks flying about her head. "Damn. Gotta cut back on the merchant jargon. This is going to be HARD..." Rosaline gave a soft groan before snapping her head back up towards the door and tugging on the handle.

To her utter surprise, it opened.

"Ha! You all really need to lock your doors around here..." Rosaline said as a greeting, tossing her hair back and sauntering into the hallway, fingering the hilt of the dagger on her belt as she walked. "Hello? Anyone home...?"

*happens to skip by and stops to stare* "What… are you doing here…?" No, never mind that. "Everyone! Up and at 'em! There's an Anna here!"

Edited by Kat
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"I would never. On my word."

Anon: *smirks* Good to know. Elena?

Elena: Yeah?

Anon: Why don't you go take that nap now, it's probably going to be a long night.

Elena: Gladly Anon, see you all in the morning. *stops and turns to Shadow* Oh, by the way, nice to meet you.

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"There it is..." Rosaline brushed her hair out of her eyes - grateful she had cut to her shoulders, but aggravated that the strands now fell in her vision - and smirked, tossing aside the binoculars she had been using into the dirt. "Well, P said this was the spot. Let's go make ourselves a sale." She paused for a moment, shaking her head and sending red locks flying about her head. "Damn. Gotta cut back on the merchant jargon. This is going to be HARD..." Rosaline gave a soft groan before snapping her head back up towards the door and tugging on the handle.

To her utter surprise, it opened.

"Ha! You all really need to lock your doors around here..." Rosaline said as a greeting, tossing her hair back and sauntering into the hallway, fingering the hilt of the dagger on her belt as she walked. "Hello? Anyone home...?"

(He brings her here right when things are about to get hectic. I JUST realized this. Uh oh.)

(I sense murder)

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*happens to skip by and stops to stare* "What… are you doing here…?" No, never mind that. "Everyone! Up and at 'em! There's an Anna here!"

"Son of a gun.."

Anon: *smirks* Good to know. Elena?

Elena: Yeah?

Anon: Why don't you go take that nap now, it's probably going to be a long night.

Elena: Gladly Anon, see you all in the morning. *stops and turns to Shadow* Oh, by the way, nice to meet you.

"Very nice to meet you as well."

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(He brings her here right when things are about to get hectic. I JUST realized this. Uh oh.)

(You mean with the stand off between Ace and Alicia?)

Ace: "Sis, there's an intruder in here. Are you coming or not?"

Alicia: "........I'm......right behind you." *gets dressed and both siblings dash to intercept the intruder.*

Edited by Ace Tactician
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(You mean with the stand off between Ace and Alicia?)

(No, I mean the ANNA SHOWING UP AT THE DOORSTEP! XD [i love being an Admin. I get to know things ahead of time.])

Edited by Kat
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*happens to skip by and stops to stare* "What… are you doing here…?" No, never mind that. "Everyone! Up and at 'em! There's an Anna here!"

Rosaline laughed at the girl, folding her arms across her chest. "Calm your tits, dear. I'd like you slice me to ribbons like you did my sisters, and if you do, you won't get what I came here to give your leader." Rosaline dropped her arms and circled around the woman in front of her, unsheathing her dagger and flipping it through her fingers. "Where is said leader by the way? If it's you, I may need to make a better first impression."

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Rosaline laughed at the girl, folding her arms across her chest. "Calm your tits, dear. I'd like you slice me to ribbons like you did my sisters, and if you do, you won't get what I came here to give your leader." Rosaline dropped her arms and circled around the woman in front of her, unsheathing her dagger and flipping it through her fingers. "Where is said leader by the way? If it's you, I may need to make a better first impression."

*Ace and Alicia arrive on scene*

Ace: "Is that why you are here? To deliver something?"

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Rosaline laughed at the girl, folding her arms across her chest. "Calm your tits, dear. I'd like you slice me to ribbons like you did my sisters, and if you do, you won't get what I came here to give your leader." Rosaline dropped her arms and circled around the woman in front of her, unsheathing her dagger and flipping it through her fingers. "Where is said leader by the way? If it's you, I may need to make a better first impression."

(I like this.)

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Rosaline laughed at the girl, folding her arms across her chest. "Calm your tits, dear. I'd like you slice me to ribbons like you did my sisters, and if you do, you won't get what I came here to give your leader." Rosaline dropped her arms and circled around the woman in front of her, unsheathing her dagger and flipping it through her fingers. "Where is said leader by the way? If it's you, I may need to make a better first impression."

*absolutely calm* "I'm uncertain where he is, but until you prove your good intentions, I will not allow you any deeper inside this castle."

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*Ace and Alicia arrive on scene*

Ace: "Is that why you are here? To deliver something?"

*absolutely calm* "I'm uncertain where he is, but until you prove your good intentions, I will not allow you any deeper inside this castle."

Rosaline took note of the two girls who arrived and nodded when one of them asked her if she was delivering something. "You could say that. It's not a package, but trust me, shipping was a hassle."

She spun back around to face the woman, frowning as she used a finger to tip the girl's chin up a bit. "You look so much like him, it's kind of scary." She mused it over for a moment - well, he HAD mentioned he had a sister - before squaring her shoulders and flipping the blade one last time. "I have a proposition for you. A way to TRULY gain the upper hand on the Annas. It'll eliminate a massive roadblock for you, provide you ships in case you want to head to Valm or Chon'sin... and it'll make my life SO much easier."

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Rosaline took note of the two girls who arrived and nodded when one of them asked her if she was delivering something. "You could say that. It's not a package, but trust me, shipping was a hassle."

She spun back around to face the woman, frowning as she used a finger to tip the girl's chin up a bit. "You look so much like him, it's kind of scary." She mused it over for a moment - well, he HAD mentioned he had a sister - before squaring her shoulders and flipping the blade one last time. "I have a proposition for you. A way to TRULY gain the upper hand on the Annas. It'll eliminate a massive roadblock for you, provide you ships in case you want to head to Valm or Chon'sin... and it'll make my life SO much easier."

*still very calm, despite Anna touching her* "Ah, I see. Phoibus told you of this place. Name your proposition."

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