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Poly simply shook his head. "Obviously you don't get it. Nothing I've done has been to anybody's benefit. I'm a liability, and all I've done lately is hurt the ones I care about. It'd be better if you all simply forgot I was ever one of you." he replied, continuing to walk off, trying to get to where he needed to be.

"So running is the next best Idea?"

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Poly simply shook his head. "Obviously you don't get it. Nothing I've done has been to anybody's benefit. I'm a liability, and all I've done lately is hurt the ones I care about. It'd be better if you all simply forgot I was ever one of you." he replied, continuing to walk off, trying to get to where he needed to be.

"AND YOU'RE DOING THE SAME FUCKING THING RIGHT NOW!" *punches Poly hard in the face* "Enough! You're just moping because you made a few mistakes! GROW THE FUCK UP! You're ABANDONING Alicia! You're ABANDONING your friends, your army! You're BETRAYING your daughter! Wake the fuck up, you son of a bitch! Running away like this? Pathetic! You're a damn Khan! Act like it! Or are you going to insult Basilio's memory by acting like a whining mewling bitch?"

(And Kat's mad.)

Edited by Kat
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"I'm sure it's more than just pointing and yelling," she laughs. She observes the way he practices the techniques, "Hmm, not bad, not bad... Now try attacking me with that sword."

"A-attack you?" Nathaniel stuttered, running the thought over in his mind. He had always had a slight fear of practicing attacking with his friends, as last time he attack someone he personally knew, it ended badly... "R-right..." Nathaniel swiped forward with the sword and hit Glaedyr on the shoulder, barely touching her.

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Poly simply shook his head. "Obviously you don't get it. Nothing I've done has been to anybody's benefit. I'm a liability, and all I've done lately is hurt the ones I care about. It'd be better if you all simply forgot I was ever one of you." he replied, continuing to walk off, trying to get to where he needed to be.

Dan appeared in front of Poly and immediately slapped him across the face. "You...are a fucking idiot. There have been plenty of people who have done nothing to anyone's benefit. Do you even remember the point of this army? It is to stop the Annas and free this place one and for all. Where do you think you will even go? No place is safe, with the Anna's everywhere. So what if you think you haven't been doing anything productive. You are still a part of this thing and by god I'm not letting you leave just because you feel inadequate? You want to be of more use? Then you fucking do something to be of more use, not run off like an idiot."

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Poly snarled. "Is literally fucking EVERYONE going to pester me about this?! My mind's made up. You're better off without me here. Now please, go and do what I couldn't... keep this world safe." He continued walking on, but his patience for all of the berating was at its end.

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Poly snarled. "Is literally fucking EVERYONE going to pester me about this?! My mind's made up. You're better off without me here. Now please, go and do what I couldn't... keep this world safe." He continued walking on, but his patience for all of the berating was at its end.

"Where would you go Khan? You obviously can't go back to ruling. So what after this?"

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Rosaline sauntered her way downstairs, languidly stretching her arms behind her. Phoiby had been right: they HAD cooraporated nicely with the plan, al that was left was the rally the troops and execute it. If only Aimee weren't so feverishly devote to Michel... she supposed she would have to convince them to get rid of her as well.

Then again, Aimee was an... odd girl. She had studied to be a Sage, yet taken to the darker magics more and apparently even knew something about... about necormancy. Aimee had always been a little off, but wickedly powerful, so no one dared to cross her for her ways. She was an amazing ally, and a formidable foe.

"Hmm. This could be a tiny problem here..."

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Poly snarled. "Is literally fucking EVERYONE going to pester me about this?! My mind's made up. You're better off without me here. Now please, go and do what I couldn't... keep this world safe." He continued walking on, but his patience for all of the berating was at its end.

Anon: *sees Poly* Well, enjoy your alone time. It'll do you good to think if you need to, so whatever calms your mind.

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Poly snarled. "Is literally fucking EVERYONE going to pester me about this?! My mind's made up. You're better off without me here. Now please, go and do what I couldn't... keep this world safe." He continued walking on, but his patience for all of the berating was at its end.

*keeps going after him* "Yes, I'm going to keep pestering you, because you're being a stupid, idiotic CHILD. Better off? You don't get to decide that, Khan. We do. And we're not letting you go. And you know why? Because you're an ASSET and fucking hell do we need all the help we can get. Now, you either start walking back or I'm taking out your kneecaps. Then you can have something real to complain about, at least."

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Rosaline sauntered her way downstairs, languidly stretching her arms behind her. Phoiby had been right: they HAD cooraporated nicely with the plan, al that was left was the rally the troops and execute it. If only Aimee weren't so feverishly devote to Michel... she supposed she would have to convince them to get rid of her as well.

Then again, Aimee was an... odd girl. She had studied to be a Sage, yet taken to the darker magics more and apparently even knew something about... about necormancy. Aimee had always been a little off, but wickedly powerful, so no one dared to cross her for her ways. She was an amazing ally, and a formidable foe.

"Hmm. This could be a tiny problem here..."

Anon: Uhoh. Experience has taught me tiny problems are normally very big.

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Rosaline sauntered her way downstairs, languidly stretching her arms behind her. Phoiby had been right: they HAD cooraporated nicely with the plan, al that was left was the rally the troops and execute it. If only Aimee weren't so feverishly devote to Michel... she supposed she would have to convince them to get rid of her as well.

Then again, Aimee was an... odd girl. She had studied to be a Sage, yet taken to the darker magics more and apparently even knew something about... about necormancy. Aimee had always been a little off, but wickedly powerful, so no one dared to cross her for her ways. She was an amazing ally, and a formidable foe.

"Hmm. This could be a tiny problem here..."

"Are you all right... Ms Anna?"

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"A-attack you?" Nathaniel stuttered, running the thought over in his mind. He had always had a slight fear of practicing attacking with his friends, as last time he attack someone he personally knew, it ended badly... "R-right..." Nathaniel swiped forward with the sword and hit Glaedyr on the shoulder, barely touching her.

She noticed Nathaniel's unease at attacking her. "Don't worry, this is why we're using practice swords rather than real ones!...And I'm sure you could have done better than THAT. Come on, try again."

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(ok for fucks sake every time im trying to fight someone im being ignored no ive fucking had it)

Dan intercepted Poly and kicked him in the stomach. "I'm not letting you leave unless I can see that you can fend for yourself."

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She noticed Nathaniel's unease at attacking her. "Don't worry, this is why we're using practice swords rather than real ones!...And I'm sure you could have done better than THAT. Come on, try again."

Nathaniel breathed in slowly and performed the attack again, a bit harder.

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Anon: Uhoh. Experience has taught me tiny problems are normally very big.

"Are you all right... Ms Anna?"

Rosaline brought a hand up and shook it, indicating that yes, it was a problem and yet no, it wasn't. That yes, she was fine, but at the same time, not. "Well... there's the matter of the two Valmese commanders. The one in Ferox is already tough enough, but the Valmese ones are... whew. They're something else. Of course, Aimee's a gullible girl - sway her enough and she'd fold like a house of cards but... uh, Serena isn't NEARLY as shakable."

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